HA, my country is worse than all of yours. Combined. BY FAR.
Lebanon is worse, because, hmm, I'm gona need a list for this:
-Its a tiny 3rd world country
-In the middle east
-North of Israel (who kicks our ass every 2 days)
-There has been and still is political turmoil here since the Ottoman Empire invaded it, like, very very very long ago.
-We dont have a goverment. No really. And I dont just mean that the guys calling themselves the government are corrupt clowns (which they are), I mean that no one in the whole country can agree on who should be the government and who shouldnt, thus rendering the current government and any who replaces it worthless and powerless since no one cares about what they say/do/order. The goverment people are just there to screw the people out of their tax money.
-We have electrical shortages every day. And not accidental ones. Its SUPPOSED to be that way, since the government doesnt have enough money to keep the powerplant giving electricity for the whole country 24/7, so they cut off electricity to random parts of the country whenever they damn feel like it. (good thing my region has private power generators. Most arent that lucky)
-Oh, did I mention we also have religious conflicts? Well yes we do! Between muslims and christians, and between the subsets of these two religions.
-Rules? Laws? Fuck them all. There's no government enforcement to speak of, so the only 'law' is that the guy with the most money/contacts is the guy that is right and can fuck you over and out of your land/belongings/right/life without giving a second thought.
-Pollution. We dont have any industrial processes to speak of in the whole country, but somehow there is no non-polluted river and no piece of land not filled with garbage.
-No potable running water to houses. There is the underlying infrastructure for it, they CHARGE us for it in the bills, yet IT IS NEVER AVAILABLE (unless you happen to be the rich government/military official owning that 5000m2 estate and 30 villas).
-All main roads are chockfull of static traffic between 8AM and 8PM.
-All non-main roads are the rough equivalent to what you westerners call 'cross-country'
-Internet stinks here. I believe I have one of the best internet services in the country: Top speed 60kb/s, normally around 20kb/s, and monthly limit of 4GB download. Mind you, that's one of the BEST in the country. And is only available near the capital ofcourse.
-Job opportunities: Nil. You want a job, screw you, go get a job in some other country (the Arab Emirates is a good and popular choice). Oh but, I forgot to mention: there are only maybe, like, 3 universities in the country who's degrees are recognized outside of the country (and even those arent really recognized in all western countries). If you happen to be too poor to pay the thousands of dollars of tuition for those, well, screw you even more. (Average income per capita: ~5000$. Average tuition of any worthwhile uni: ~10000$)
I could go on and on, but this is depressing for me. I'm just lucky I'm so well off compared to most of the others in the country.