,_2009So, yeah. Today, in Germany, the people will vote who gets to ru(i)n the country for the next four years. As I'm German, this is kind of a big deal for me. But, it should be something to consider for pretty much everyone in the world. Germany's still kind of a big player. Currently, the government consists of CDU and SPD, e.g. a great coalition, which is somewhat unstable, as it is to be expected.
Five major political parties are likely to enter the Bundestag once again. These are:
The CDU, which is the major conservative party and likely to gain the most seats, as their opposition either was too small to begin with or maneuvred themselves out of the race. The current federal chancellor, Angela Merkel, is also a member of this party and is their candidate for federal chancellor, who tried a strategy of smooth sailing.
The SPD, which is/was the major socialistic party, but lost a good deal of their popularity after unsuccessfully trying to form a government in a state by breaking a MAJOR promise, which in the end wasn't supported by its own members. They have little chance to win, and their best chance is a repeat of the current coalition, which would break apart in approx. two years according to sciencists. Their candidate for federal chancellor is Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the current vice-chancellor and foreign minister.
And now for the minor parties:
The Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, an ecological/social party which scores well with the upper middle class and ecologically concerned voters. They are likely to form a coalition with the SPD if it succeeded in gaining the majority, but that doesn't seem to be likely. Thanks to their unwieldy members they probably won't form a coalition with the CDU.
The FPD, the liberal party and the party of the economy. For an allegedly banker-oriented party they are predicted to score surprisingly well, and they are the likely partners of the CDU. Their chef, the (formerly) notorious Guido Westerwelle, denied a coalition with the SPD.
The Linkspartei, a far left-wing party that nobody really wants to form a coalition with. They really won't be able to fulfill most of their utopic promises, since that would crash the economy, but anything will be done for votes~ Also, the only way for the SPD to rule the country would be this party (and the greens), which jost won't happen. Ruled by Oskar Lafontaine with an iron fist.
There aren't really that much differences between the parties, which Angela Merkel is to blame for (probably), what with her grey-grey politics and nonexistant opinion. But we will see what happens.
Discuss. What candidate would you support, how do you view Germany and it's political situation?