Muahaha! The dang waterplates weren't broken, I was just using the wrong code.
I took the old broken waterplate code by accident, and that led to many problems.
But now we have a much more functional code, and it is as it was. That means everything is froggy,
so I can move on.
There is one major issue on the world maps right now though:
The subvines are not coping with the new random numbers correctly, and are becoming too deviant.
This leads to parts of them splitting off from the rest, and floating in space.
I'll come back to this later. Now it's time for local maps.
EDIT: Local maps were going well, until I got this weird bug where the maps were drawing bizarrely.
I tinkered with it all evening, until late, before deciding I would just rewrite the section in the morning.
So tack another day on before this thing is up do date.
Soo close.
I can't wait to have the freedom to change code, or add new features!
It will be so easy with this new class based system in place.
EDIT: I've located the crazy bug, and it seems it was doing some sort of witchcraft before.
Here is my current dilemma:
I have tile basictile declared in my Earth world class, and I have minitile declared in my local class.
Here is a function of local attempting to write information from basictile into minitile.
int transfer = basictile[currentx][currenty][currentz].gettile();
I have no idea how to do it.
I know doing Earth.basictile[... doesn't work, but I'm not sure how else to do it.
EDIT: So I've learned that leaving edits don't work, so here goes: