Rhodan, I saw you just talked to me, but I'm not entirely sure how to talk back over long distances.
As it hasn't been answered, check out the
tell command.
In that instance "tell reply Hello!" would have worked (but if you're having multiple OOC conversations, that might
not go to the person you intended it to go to).
You can also "tell player1,player2,player3 Hello you three!" to have a group conversation and (say) player 1 can "tell reply What? Us three?" to avoid the need to type "tell player0,player2,player3 ..." back, etc.
There's also the Talker channels (but that's quite public, depending on which channel, and also requires a talker item in your inventory (not within a container, but it could be a worn or wielded item, as well as carried)) and if you're grouped the "group say ..." (often people will alias that down to "gs") gives you your own little mini-channel.
I can't remember if you need to complete the appropriate quest for "emote" (different depending on your starting city) before you can use "remote" as well, but that (and things like "group emote ..." would also be open to you, or various
soul" commands, for various 'flavoursome' not-technically-verbal forms of communication from grinning at a person to 'spocking' (raising an eyebrow... a useful soul to know for a certain nudge-nudge wink-wink character interaction) to "jedi otherplayer This isn't the <foo> you're looking for".
I would also point you at the
Essential Commands page, and places thereabouts. I know, you can't really learn (and understand) things from such a sterile 'manual', but it's there. As are the talker channels and the newbiehelpers (may be dependant on who's listening/willing to answer, but at least has the advantage of some degree or other of intellgience behind the answer