Yeah, doubt anyone here that only knows trans folks online is alone. Don't know of any in my immediate area, either, but the flip side of that is that I'm pretty sure someone that was open even a little about being trans in the shithole I live in would be very literally murdered, so that's... not surprising.
Had offline friends or family friends end up pretty much everywhere
else on the lgbt-etc. spectrum (once they managed to gtfo, anyway), but if there were any that were trans, the hatred around here buried it deep as a survival mechanism
... I honestly can't remember there even being a point the concept bothered me, though, even with all the crap around where I live and when I was young. There was definitely some insensitive jokes and junk that got inherited for a while, but actual enmity was just... nah. Never really made sense to hate folks for being trans (or... basically any other gender permutation or sexual-preference-that-doesn't-involve-non-con, for that matter), and no one in my life ever managed to even make a coherent argument for doing so, nevermind a
convincing one. Encountered plenty of certainty there was
something wrong about it, but if they had reasons at all they were pretty obviously horseshit, either on the face of it or with trivial amounts of research. Probably helped that no one I particularly trusted tried, but eh...
Any case, I've definitely found trans-friendly-ish places online are just... generally much nicer places to hang around, as a rule. There's probably exceptions, but everywhere I've found myself spending much time around has had that as a characteristic.