ontological quibble:
Atheism (of the strong kind) is very much a belief, as it is not founded on data, nor on proper deduction. (absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and all that kettle of fish. Please spare me the boring ramble about Russel's Teapot. I am not interested in navel gazing.) It is instead founded on the core faith-based assertion that "they do not exist." (They do tend to get all riled up by having this pointed out to them, and spend hours navel gazing about how they have a LACK of belief and not a belief; No, they believe that something does not exist, which is a belief. It is an assertion, much like the one I am making here-- AND, just like it, it can be either true or false, based on actual evidence and data. Just like I am making this argument about them and their position, they too are making just as uninformed an argument-- I have not personally met every single strong atheist, and so do not have perfect knowledge to make such an assertion; Likewise, they have not demonstrated, positively, that there are no gods. As such, just like it is fallacious of me to assert that all strong atheists hold to this kind of thinking, it is also just as fallacious of the strong atheist to assert that there are definitively no gods.)
This is very different from an agnostic, who says "I have no knowledge of them; I have never encountered one, and so cannot tell you."
I personally hold this latter view, with a caveat-- If such a being exists, it must operate in one of two ways. 1) In a perfectly consistent manner, that is indistinguishable from random chance, or predictable natural forces OR--2) It must not interact with the universe in any meaningful way, as no evidence of interaction appears to be present. In either case, worship of this hypothetical being is a non-sequitur, The being either does not deviate from its prescribed means of action (and thus wont make any special exceptions for you, no matter how much you beg it to do so), or it does not care about you at all, and will never intercede. I deduce that any such being would be of these two categories, because if there were beings that were not of those categories, there would be evidence of their action on the universe. That evidence has not been detected, despite very, VERY extensive searching. It is possible we (as a species) have missed something, but the more likely outcome is that if such a being exists, it is of one of those bents. In either case, I can agree with the Atheist that you should not waste your time trying to worship it, regardless of if it exists or not.