Well, downside, my birthday present order arrived yesterday with only one of the four items expected inside.
Upside, got the refund/reorder set up so with any luck I'll get the other three parts this weekend.
Downside, I was very specifically planning around having already installed my toggle clamps by now and having my new squares and card scraper to play with.
Upside, I figured out how to install the two toggles that I couldn't work out a good spot for (the other two will be diagonally inwards at the back of my workspace, on either side of a lane that lets me fit within the front vise working dimensions) and realized I can just mount them to either side on top of the front jaw on my vise so I can clamp stuff to it and snug it down with the vise torque against the clamping force of the back pair! Bonus being that the repurposed dish cabinet liner material I have on the front vise face will be right under where the toggles lock down, so that's convenenient enough it almost seems like I planned it, except I totally wasn't aware of doing so, but maybe my subconscious mind is plotting against me except backwards I think?
Downside, it's hard to even begin explaining this shit without the actual clamps, but it's always worthwhile to plan shit out and talk it through like this to make sure it's all ordered right in my head.
Upside, the 400 to 3000 grit sandpaper assortment I
did receive is great for buffing out a ridiculously silky satiny shiny finish which looks great even under the harshest picture conditions I can manage:
Not quite ready to start trying to cut out and size up a drawer for the little jewelry box I've got in progress though, still need those clamps dammit!