I'm on the left, but I think that claiming that violent rants are left or right wing isn't actually substantiated. both sides like to believe that the other side exclusively owns the bad behavior. It never works out like that.
Hell there are left wing women who will go on and on about cutting your dick off. How is that much different?
Although, there is plenty of psychology research that suggests that the whole "trigger warning" thing is only really harmful to the people you're trying to protect with the warnings. Such warnings for things that aren't really harmful in fact create a hyper-sensitive state, where you're more easily set off by any little thing.
It's like if someone had a spider phobia and you "nanny" them by making sure they're never exposed to any spiders, and warning them "don't go in that room, there may be a spider in it", and have them come to rely on you to make sure their existence is spider-free. Trigger warnings and "micro-aggression" sensitivity have one predictable outcome, and it's not to make people feel "safe" it's actually a heightened awareness of potential triggers in all situations. That's why laws students now demand that the word "violate" as in "that violates the laws" be banned, because "violate" could bring up images of sexual violation. But constantly harping on the association is in fact what makes it bring up those associations in the first place.
A related and relevant thing is the idea of "dirty jokes" and the odd idea for a feminist that they shouldn't be used around women. If you want women to be treated as equals, then tip-toeing around the reality of real-world subjects and cushioning all the language that's used around women is just about the worst possible way that you could try and go about that. By making a big list of "things you can't say" when "ladies" are present, you're in fact reinforcing this divide and making women less able to cope with the small things. Women aren't actually any more "delicate" than men. People are going to say rude or offensive things, and robust adults just have to learn how to cope with that. It would be better for women and feminists if they actually dialed back on the language policing. Language policing isn't empowerment, it's cotton-wool to avoid difficult subjects. Coating everything women come in contact with in cotton wool is about the most ass-backwards idea of feminism, ever.