Spent a good amount of time visiting family in the last few weeks. It's been difficult, but nice.
Grandpa shared some stories of his youth, and his early days working in automotive factories. Most were just stories of city life after the end of WW2, but a few of the stories were particularly gruesome ones about workplace lethalities, from inadequate safety regulations and concern for the workers. Those aside, a lot of them were pretty sweet, like the one about him, his Mom, and his Dad all practicing different instrument in different parts of the house, while his little dog ran between the three howling and singing along. Other small stories like that, too. I'm deeply glad his health had held out well enough that I've gotten a chance to know him this way.
Spent some time with my Mom last week, bringing sandwiches and taking care of my other Grandpa and Grandma, too. It's still difficult being around them, and my Mom's Dad's health is going. This was his 4th stroke, he can't stand on his own or speak, and I realize he's dying. I had to help him on and off the toilet, and into and out of bed... I had a scare where likely would have dropped him if my uncle hadn't come in at the right moment to help. I'm doing what I can, though. We still don't know how to handle this situation; he needs 24 hour care, and my family are trying to provide that. It's a hard time for everyone, but I think it's brought us closer.
I cried with my Mom over the phone, and on the way to and from. She's not had it easy either, dealing with a disease that might not be treatable, and her own poor health. The last few years, and this whole process, have changed her a lot. I guess I've changed a lot too... she commented on how I was more present, and seemed a lot happier, and she asked me about my projects and work. She even supported my plan to live abroad for a while. I feel closer to her now than I really ever have. She didn't comment on my looks, or seem to notice that I wasn't wearing a binder under my flannel, and doesn't know about my transition yet... but we're making plans to take our dogs to a dog park and have lunch near my place this week, and I hope to have that conversation with her then. I think it's time.