Eyyy that sounds great Cryxis, congratulations!
For a friday the 13th, this was an unusually nice day. Doom 4 was released, i bought it at nearly half the Steam price (actually as an early birbday present for my brother), and it has so far turned out to be surprisingly awesome. My two biggest complaints are the exclusively checkpoint-based saving system, and the fact that they decided to go with that stupid trend of just calling it DOOM instead of Doom 4, because
it bloody well IS Doom 4. I mean fuck, what if Final Fantasy jumped on to this trend? We'd have Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy. But anyways, it seems like Doom 4 has possibly taken some cues from either Brutal Doom or the Doom comic (or both, since the former takes cues from the latter), but hell, those aren't bad sources of inspiration at all, and it's actually a pretty damn fun game. The chainsaw in particular is like sawing open bloody ammo piñatas, and it's GLORIOUS. It makes absolutely no sense, but I DON'T CARE IT'S GREAT.
Besides that, i also had a pretty good day at my delivery route today. No problems occurred, and i met a nice elderly lady who i had apparently forgotten to deliver to last time (i was SMS'd about that and promptly solved that mishap). I'm pretty sure i remembered this time (i REALLY HOPE i did), and in the end, after wishing each other a good day, she gave me a coin, worth about $1.5. Such a nice gesture, it put a smile on my shade-clad face for sure. c:
And all this, JUST IN TIME FOR WEEKEND. Plus, if all goes well, i'll get keys for the locked doors on both of my routes next tuesday. I may not be doing much, but i am doing something, and it feels good to be able to laze around in good conscience.