While my life in general is very screwed up, I am grateful for a good friend I have now. We met through another friend and she's ever so accepting of my being secretly transgender. More amazing, her husband is wonderful about the entire thing and I'm actually not afraid of him (Note: I have had terrible experiences with straight men when hanging out with women, and he knows this). He's nice to me. I am glad our schedules line up nicely as well.
They both seem to accept me and my various issues, emotional, privacy/secrecy (especially about being trans and liking men). He has no problem with the platonic cuddling / movie watching we do. He's also aware and doesn't seem to have a problem with me wearing dresses / skirts in his living room with her. I'm still (partially because of hectic life) not wearing them around him (because I'm still anxious / have had bad things happen before). She also had me at her nice, small, tame bachelorette party, which was actually quite lovely.
It really helps with the emotional problems, the PTSD, the depression, and the anxiety, and we both emotionally benefit. More astonishingly, her husband seems to be happy she's feeling better since I started hanging around. He's actively trying to be my friend, which is so flabbergasting to me that I don't know how to handle it. I'm still in a not good place and won't be coming out for quite some time, because doing so isn't safe. That sucks, but is what I have to work with.
It's far from perfect. Also, her lovely and regular availability won't last forever, so hanging out will become less often. For a little while, it is nice.