It's a great show. HIlarious and actually pretty intriguing and emotionally gripping at times. The premise for Total Rick-all would make a really good horror movie if you played it straight.
Alien parasites. They mimic some zany character (a goofy uncle, a butler, a talking pencil, etc.) and fabricate memories of themselves in your brain. So you see him and even though this guy just showed up as far as you can tell you've known him your whole life. Then all your memories of him contain other characters and when you recall those memories the other characters become "real" as well, with their own sets of fabricated memories. This continues until there's so many the world becomes uninhabitable.
Imagine finding out the girl you met in Kindergarten and had a crush on all through school until you finally broke the silence and started dating and got married, turns out to be an alien parasite who's only existed for fifteen minutes, and everything you remember about her is made up. And you have to kill her or she'll reproduce and destroy the world. Harrowing shit.
Other good sci-fi, I"ve been watching Black Mirror to celebrate #snoutrage. The first episode's pretty god but holy shit, 15 Million Merits really hammers it in. I'm watching the scene where Abi auditions for Hot Shot and thinking "This is the most brutal ending ever" and then I look down and there's still 20 minutes left in the movie. And it just keeps going. The real ending is crushing. It manages to channel and critique Debord at the same time. Channel cause the world is the nightmarish endpoint of his conception of the spectacle, and critique because it's not capitalist anymore, if anything it's communist. There's no government to be found, no crime, social structure is rigid but nowhere near as lopsided as it is today. There's only three social classes and everyone very genuinely has the opportunity to achieve whichever class they really want to.
And yet the world is a fucking nightmare.
Onto actual happy stuff, finally got a chance to go to the gym today after getting the flu the day I was gonna start. Squats, bench, rows, and curls. Going easy on the weight since it's my first time and the racks don't have safeties so I didn't want to push it on my first day. Just lifted the bar on bench, way too easy but better than going too heavy and dropping the bar on my first session.