*This isn't meant to be a religious post, just a dumb musing*
Today I vaguely remembered a quote from a source I don't remember, but it went something along the lines of "Hell is exactly like Earth, but with no nice people" or something to that effect. I thought on it for a bit, and my imagination took off on what the ramifications a system like that would entail.
Presuming that Hell is like Earth but with none of the nice people, then Heaven is like Earth but with none of the bad. Presuming that morality is an objective thing that can be quantified, then a further division of good/bad people is obviously possible. The natural conclusion being that the dynamic between Heaven and Hell isn't that they're two separate states and places, but rather an infinitely growing number of multiverses infinitely sorting souls into progressively better or worse worlds to reincarnate in.
Assuming that the Earth we live in right now is the "First" Earth in this system, then all the good people will reincarnate into an equivalent "Heaven" Earth and all the bad will reincarnate into an equivalent "Hell" Earth. From there, residents of both of those Earths could die and reincarnate into one of three different Earths. The Goodest and Best from the "Heaven Earth" would reincarnate into another equivalent Heaven Earth#2, the worst and most terrible from the Hell Earth would reincarnate into an equivalent Hell Earth#2, and from there any morally "Good" people that proved themselves in the Hell Earth#1 AND any morally "Bad" people from Heaven Earth#1 would then reincarnate together into a Middling Earth between the two. Effectively, the people in the original Hell Earth went 'up' one rank, while the ones in the original Heaven Earth went 'down' one rank.
This process repeats itself ad infinitum, adding an additional Middling Earth to further subcategorize the morality of the souls, and the extremes between the Mostest Hell and Mostest Heaven Earths grow larger and larger, until I'd imagine it'd be nothing but Mr. Rogers-alikes in the Heaven Earth and nothing but Jeffrey Dahmers-alikes in the Hell Earth.
This musing doesn't have any point, but I thought it was entertaining for a moment to imagine that the idea of Heaven and Hell was infact one of a growing tournament-style Morality-off.