Had a nifty first day back at school. My composition teacher is a cool old guy with mutton chops, who it looks like won't bore me to death with his lectures for once.
Then I spoke with my favourite old lady for a while over smoothies about her guitar playing, and fantasy books amongst other things.
What exactly do you study? From your post I recall you're at a music school, but I'm really curious, as a complete self-taught guitar dilettante what can you learn there.
Community college actually. There's an art department where I've tended to hang out and talk to people a lot, and it's kind of full of people who are taking art classes for funsies, many of them retirement aged (this particular old lady happens to be a very cheerful old woman who apparently has been learning to play the guitar, and is so fantastically geeky without even knowing it).
When I said "composition", I meant college composition. As in "essay writing".
Though there is actually music on the curriculum, and I'm thinking of taking music theory next semester.
Oh, I may have confused you with someone else or something. Anyhow, RE: music theory,
HERE is a pretty nice page that really helped me start learning it, in particular pushing me to learn intervals, and from doing the intervals as tedious counting with +5 for each string change I went to understanding them as positions, that just flowed naturally into understanding scales in a way that saves a lot of effort learning, and now YAY, I CAN INTO IMPROVISATION (not that I'm very good at it, but I can do it).
After a huge amount of water poured down and some lightnings struck and some thunder rumbled, the temperature outside is finally fine: 20 C. It was ten degrees higher all the previous week. And now it just feels so gooood, maaaaaan...
Oh, my yesterday's night storm just arrived near you, I guess. We had that happen twice here, last night and today mid-afternoon. There was thunder, but I wouldn't call what we had 'rain'. There isn't just that fucking much water in a rain in such a short time. It was literally torrential. And felt so good~~
Wait, if the one you had last night arrived here this afternoon, maybe another one you had in afternoon should come here at night?
I should hide my laptop from the windowsill, by the way.
Don't be silly, KGB only does fog, according to the news here. Storms would obviously be Thor's job, or if you prefer to keep it regional, Perun.