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Author Topic: [MILK] There were 12 eggs here what did you do with them? (Happy thread?!)  (Read 16848419 times)


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118290 on: December 20, 2013, 12:37:41 pm »

Greetings from a bus somewhere in Kentucky! Bus WiFi is a thing. Travel is fun.
They actually have that back in Wisconsin for Megabus. Though I don't really know if it's just an interstate thing or if they actually serve Madison properly (I know they have a stop at Dutch Mill Road and one at the UW Student Union; it's quite possible they do have more or maybe another company handles most of the city's bus transportation).

The thing I found with Megabus's WiFi is it was okay in the cities but barely even worth dealing with during interstate travel (or just once you left one of the depot cities).
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118291 on: December 20, 2013, 01:10:42 pm »

Maybe it's the whole 'Little things' thing, but for some reason, after having a pleasant conversation with someone in the FiMFiction comments about where to get DF, I feel that fuzzy feeling inside of me.

It's one of those things that has made me happy today, despite the rage :P


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118292 on: December 20, 2013, 01:41:06 pm »

Also, today I got my leather bound edition of HP Lovecraft - The Complete Fiction. And I got it for just over 30 bucks.


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118293 on: December 20, 2013, 03:34:06 pm »

So jelly right now dude :C

As for happy stuff?

Walking/tumbling robotic cube of awesome!!
"my batteries are low and it's getting dark"


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118294 on: December 20, 2013, 03:35:29 pm »

What did I do today?
Just played some Caravan with a friend before gallivanting home from school to be on vacation for a week and a half.


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118295 on: December 20, 2013, 04:20:53 pm »

So jelly right now dude :C

As for happy stuff?

Walking/tumbling robotic cube of awesome!!
The power of regulators has now created an inverted pendulum in cube form!
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.
Future supplanter of humanity.


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118296 on: December 20, 2013, 04:24:25 pm »


I am not sure what to make of this "essay." It's very anti-postmodernist. The title sounds more profound than it actually is. Good stuff.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 04:34:04 pm by freeformschooler »


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118297 on: December 20, 2013, 04:44:04 pm »

Got my Pre-SAT test scores back. As it turns out, I critically read better than 97% of juniors (That take the test anyways), I am more mathematically inclined than 78% of my peers, and I write better than 74%. This strikes me as odd, possibly because I am failing both math and english.

EDIT: And this gets me thinking that if I pull my head out of my ass I might be able to get some kind of scholarship, somewhere maybe. Which is gonna end up being the only way I will be able to get into college.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 04:51:25 pm by joemoben »
Something about this game makes me wonder why God lets it exist.
Say, if you give birth on a ranch and then murder your baby will a corpse drop be guaranteed?


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118298 on: December 20, 2013, 04:45:16 pm »

Haha, your scores are almost identical to what mine were.


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118299 on: December 20, 2013, 04:48:31 pm »

I finished the Google doodle crossword. It took half an hour, but I did it.

Also, thanks, Google, for wasting a half hour of my life >_>
I assume it was about cod tendies and an austerity-caused crunch in the supply of good boy points.

t. fortsorter

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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118300 on: December 20, 2013, 04:51:59 pm »

Percentiles are a wonderful thing! Most of us only get to know it when major exams come up, I remember when I first had the concept explained to me in middle school, when writing our... alternative for the SATs, actually!
Wasn't in a class, even! A person from the exam committee, I believe an English teacher as it is customary to write maths first, had to go ahead and tell us "You'll be graded via points and percentile!" and then explained what a percentile was to a hall of over a hundred confused students, haha~
I landed outrageously high, and could tell you the exacts had you wished for me to do so as I'm fairly sure I might have the results tucked away in a box somewhere. It wasn't an issue of me doing well, no - until maybe the second year of high school I had been coasting on talent alone, it's just that people managed to do even worse than I have and gave me quite the boost~
Please don't get overconfident, though~ Speaking from where I am now, spending at least half an hour to brush up on the basics of the subjects included within the exam is necessary if you want to not be terribly confused by what you are expected to do. It's only going to take longer from here, haha~


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118301 on: December 20, 2013, 04:59:35 pm »

I landed in the 99th percentile (really) on the ACT, something like the 97th on the PSAT, and the SAT report is due any day now.

People always ask out of innocent curiosity, and I feel bad telling them because at that level of scores its comes across as bragging even if they start the exchange.

Granted, it's always less impressive if you just say the raw scores, because most people don't get that standardized test scores are (approximately) normally distributed, so a 35 on the ACT only sounds "pretty good" to someone who thinks it's a flat distribution when, of course, less than 1% of students taking the test actually get that high.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 05:02:22 pm by SealyStar »
I assume it was about cod tendies and an austerity-caused crunch in the supply of good boy points.


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118302 on: December 20, 2013, 05:04:15 pm »

Got my Pre-SAT test scores back. As it turns out, I critically read better than 97% of juniors (That take the test anyways), I am more mathematically inclined than 78% of my peers, and I write better than 74%. This strikes me as odd, possibly because I am failing both math and english.

EDIT: And this gets me thinking that if I pull my head out of my ass I might be able to get some kind of scholarship, somewhere maybe. Which is gonna end up being the only way I will be able to get into college.
I don't get mine back till January. However, my scores on the practice test my school gave sophomores last year were, positive. I did better on reading then 99%, did better on writing then 97%, and math score was something like 91% (and I've failed English entirely before, had to go to summer school; math would be worse then even that if not for my natural test-taking skills). Given I did better on the PSAT this year, I darest hope to get a letter of commendation.

I am just really good at tests though. They are the reason my average will be low-mid 80s rather then low 70s or worse. I am just so incredibly test oriented it's almost funny, and most good academic things that have happened to me are because of them.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118303 on: December 20, 2013, 05:04:45 pm »

I landed in the 99th percentile (really) on the ACT, something like the 97th on the PSAT, and the SAT report is due any day now.

People always ask out of innocent curiosity, and I feel bad telling them because at that level of scores its comes across as bragging even if they start the exchange.

Granted, it's always less impressive if you just say the raw scores, because most people don't get that standardized test scores are (approximately) normally distributed, so a 35 on the ACT only sounds "pretty good" to someone who thinks it's a flat distribution when, of course, less than 1% of students taking the test actually get that high.

I was 99.3rd percentile on the SAT.

Everyone at school knew because my math teacher asked me how well I did and he started doing things like calling my brother "2120's brother" when I told him :P

But yeah, it does make you feel bad. A lot of my friends worked really hard in school while I just kinda didn't. One such friend asked me how I did and she sounded... downtrodden at my results.


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Re: [⑨] Get back to starbound guize. Cirno kickstarting burritos. (Happy thread)
« Reply #118304 on: December 20, 2013, 07:20:10 pm »

Walking Dead Season Two
100 minutes on only what has been released so far. This is pretty good, if not lacking in adventure elements during the introduction.
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