Hanging out with the girls yesterday. If I'm lucky I get to just dress up a bit, etc. It's feels lovely. Aaaanyhow. We're all hungry and things around close relatively early even and especially for a Saturday night, go figure. Food, we want, must go out to get, have on a summer dress... [major blush]. Against my better judgment, my girlfriends talk me into just going in the car with them. I'm terrified, because I've seen this movie and it doesn't end well for my character, not one bit. They don't want to let me sit in the car, nooooooo. They want me to come in and order food with them. If you are wondering what that sound is, that would be my heart not beating for a bit.
I don't wanna die, at least not until I get to eat.
They aren't going to let up with the increasingly less soft social pressure for me to get my butt out of the car and go in with them. [whimper].
So whatever, I'm terrified but I go in with my friends. Thank God I really don't have any Adam's Apple. I... I am terrified, ready to pee myself terrified, but at least I've got my best friends around me. I thought, they'd order for me, but noooooooo. They make me do it! So my voice is a little shaky but oddly enough, otherwise feminine with sort of a shy quality to it. I even get complimented by the woman at the register. She recognizes my friends but not me (she doesn't know me in any way):
Her: "Well isn't that nice. You know there aren't enough polite people in the world anymore young lady. That'll serve you well dear."
Me: "[blush] Yes ma'am, thank you ma'am."
All my friends are just smiling their heads off and giving me little hugs. Then I think I started breathing again.