I'd say good luck with that. I tried that with my IGYNPADCA rtd and and it fell apart before it even got started (although that was probably caused by that fact that I didn't really have any character creation rules and was trying to make them up based off of character classes and races made up by the players.) Unless you're really good at making up rules on the fly, I'd recommend having at least a some basic rules in place before you get started, and you should probably have them even if you are.
In related news, recently I've been planning on taking a second crack at the whole running an rtd again. I've been trying to come up with a system where every attribute is useful for every type of character, though I won't worry too much if I can't get that right. I also plan to implement rules to encourage dramatic play and some pvp (or, at least, players not being obligated to all group up together). So if I get around to actually doing it, it should be rather fun.
EDIT: Oh, fuck, I went into a new tab while my post was being posted and now it seems I've been ninja'd 20 times.
My Gladiator RTD has stats that are all useful for everyone. Every stat you have is absolutely vital for combat, regardless of class. Which is why the couple perma-negatives some of the classes have are a really big deal. Sure, it's only -1 to speed, for a bonus of +8 to defense, but when you're facing someone with a +3 to speed... Well. I hope your ONE attack hits. >.>
Yes I am as a matter of fact.
That's awesome. Complete or partial? Side note: I just really think eye colors are neat as hell, hence the line of questioning.
Partial, one is solid blue the other is about 3/4 brown 1/4 blue on the top.
Eye color has always fascinated me. I've got 'hazel' eyes, which is doctor code for 'I can't decide if this is blue, green, brown, or other so it's frikkin' hazel', and every person I've asked about my eye color gives a different answer.