Well, yeah? Dude gets seriously messed up when he was younger, but he still, upon finding out he has a child, wants to spend time with the kid. He then sacrifices himself to save his son. He's a pretty cool guy.
he force-chokes underperforming Imperial officers and doesn't afraid of anything.
But what about Emperor Palpatine? He was just trying to make the galaxy safe and peaceful for humans. Do you really want your children having to take orders from a Hutt? Or some other thing that looks like it should be on a dinner plate instead of waving a blaster in your face and demanding money?
Ok, but Palpatine knew what he was doing and that he was a jackass. Nobody manipulated him; he manipulated everyone.... Worse? He could've totally manipulated Vader without causing half as much damage as he did, both in general and to Vader himself. I mean really, Vader would've been much more useful to Palpatine without the battle damage if nothing else. Nevermind all the other shit he could've made better like having Vader save his mom by having him arrive a lil sooner. That doesn't even count starting a massive war with how much in casualties, property damage and messing up the life of pretty much every being in the galaxy.
The Hutts? Dude, Star wars has an shortage of women and an abundance of bounty hunters. There's gotta be an easier, cheaper, better way of killing Jabba. Hell, he probably eats
like a horse, like a particularly fat elephant. Poison, undercooked food (salt?), man, Leia manages to kill him herself while chained up.... Sluggo McSluggerson over there was never palpatine's goal or if he was, then why did he never get around to it?
He also wasn't making the galaxy safe for anyone. he was actively building things to blow up entire planets, at least twice that we know about.
Also he used that crap to blow up an entire planet of humans.