Doing my Bi-annual run of the forum.
Last time I left it was on a pretty good note.
And then after I left it became a pretty bad note.
And then that kind of faded away into the recesses of most of my forgotten regrets.
Anyway, been reading a lot of the stuff from some old friends and old acquaintances. And it's gotten me into one of those slow, contented moods.
It's hard to think that I'm an 08', along with Toony, Jackrabbit, WD and others. Some are still here, still making our lives that little bit more interesting, chill, or insane - whereas some have left, either through good or bad, epiphanies or banhammering.
So here's tribute to all the old friends, all the new friends, all the missing friends, all the present friends.
Here's to my few Frenemies - For the times we get along fine, and the times we get along fine again.
Here's to the people who know me far better than I know them, and here's to the people who I idolize, or idolized, who barely know or knew me.
Here's to the fun people who said the wrong things. IWM and Neruz, I still remember some funny posts.
Here's to Aqizzar, arguably the most popular member of the forums and
still wearing my glasses. Catwalk designers must feel this pride.
Here's to Janet, who I only manage to infuriate every... Third Conversation? As long as that heart is still beating strong, I'm happy.
And by extension, the man who hasn't been heard from in a year. Only a few years on me and still was a role model.
Here's to 'Sharkpuncher' MZero, who's nickname I will never let go of, nor remember where it came from.
Here's to Vester, who still hasn't drawn me a darn profile picture. That request has been there for years!
Here's to Vector. Maths.
Here's to Duke, whose hat is now slightly smaller and less golden. I remember the amazing moment when we made you
Here's to ToonyMan, who has gotten me into more Anime than Japan ever could on it's own; AND who is responsible for my addiction to MSPA. So many thanks. All of the thanks.
Here's to Armok, the lovable forum black sheep. You scare me sometimes.
Here's to Jackrabbit, who led me to General Discussion in the First place. My Beshtest Bud.
If I were to drink a toast to every single one of those people, I could quite possibly die, and I'm already pretty Buzzed.
So, here's to all the people I haven't mentioned by name, but definitely remember: Soli, Itnet, NME, Aki, Aky, MSH, Strife, all of you.
And the people I've yet to get to know, most of whom I probably won't get to know.
But if I know my own personality, I'll be here at some point by next year, and the year after that.
So who says you can't make friends over the internet?