I don't really know where to put this, so I'll put it here.
I've become an atheist. God may exist, but I don't want to worship him. I don't want to believe that assholes who are part of your religion will get to Heaven, while genuinely nice people will burn in eternal damnation just because they don't participate in your own religion. If God was really like that, he would be a complete douchebag and I would rather be with Satan. Furthermore, I have come to somewhat accept the fact of the end of existence at the point of death. It's hard to comprehend due to knowing nothing but existence, but I'm finally OK with there being no afterlife, and knowing that death means the end of everything.
I take comfort in logic, and evidence. When I hear my mother and relatives talk about religion, I realize they say contradictory things. When they talked about the death of a recent relative, they were solaced in the fact that his suffering was over, saying it was God's plan for him. Oh really? It was merciful, loving god's plan for him to suffer through 45 years of life, constantly battling addiction, and finally succumbing to alcoholism? That "serves" god's plan?
No. I'm not going to believe in that shit. I'll do what's right. Treat everyone how I want to be treated. And I'll live on. Through the memories of the people I meet, and the energy I transfer to the organisms that consume my flesh after I die, that's how I live on. Not some bullshit afterlife.
I just needed to say something. I've become sickened with religion. I have no problem with people who are nice about it, just the assholes who use religion as a tool of discrimination and hatred. And I can't believe in god anymore.