This man. This man is my hero. Navy EOD dancing before striking an epic pose and detonating explosives.
I... I have seen the light
That bit right at the end, where he's holding a pair of assault rifle's as it's exploding, that should be the picture they use for EOD recruiting poster.
With the caption: "EOD: We pay you to blow shit up."
My brother did EOD in Iraq (even though it's totally not in his job description -- on paper, he's a Humvee mechanic), and ATF has a number of EOD techs that I've gotten to know. You have to be slightly crazy to say, "Okay, I'll put on this armored suit and go walk over to that stash of high explosives that could go off at any moment, and plant *another* explosive in just the right place."
Give me a few moments and I could even make a printable version of it if possible. Has good enough proportions to adjust for a horizontal poster.
Actually, getting a high-res pic of it would work even better. Thank you KeepTube.
Dang it, they only had up to 480p. Looks like I'll have to do it the hard way.
Okay, so a printable poster may be a bit big and time consuming to process, but I have the next best thing. How's a wallpaper sound? As it stands, it's 3000x2000 in scale (1.35mb optimized). Expanded from 72dpi to 300dpi +333p horizontally to fill in the rest of the space (3:2), and content-aware filled the sides and touched them up. I also touched up the color balance to get rid of those blue streaks in the image and make a flat-black tie-up. Text effects were added to give it more impact.
I can spend a little more time to clean up the image more. Sharpen it maybe. Remove the little speck of flame on the image.