Reinstallations and everything is complete with my old mac, and I am rather disappointed, and laughing my butt off simultaneously.
Disappointed because I can't really update it all the way to the more modern specs either hard or software-wise (so the server thing is looking like a longshot), but I'm also laughing my butt off at just how short of a time frame overall it took to get outmoded to Apple standards (IE- Cheaper to buy a new computer). I mean, the family computer took 10 years to reach the point that Microsoft no longer updated 98SE, it took 6 years for my mac to reach it's limits, and it was taking it's sweet time; normally it probably would've been 3 years (according to Adobe releases; CS1 is it's limit). Funny enough, I can't install Firefox because 4.0 is not compatible with 10.4.11, and I doubt 3.6 would be compatible either.
I seriously am running out of ideas for this paperweight now. At least it was a fun project reviving it to see if it was possible. But what a shame. If possible, I might be able to find a way to upgrade the OS to 10.5, but no further than that because from the latest version onward is Intel territory, and my PowerPC can't go any further than that. Once again, I must yell "CURSE YOU APPLE!!!". Thank God my PC can continually, and easily, keep up with the times. I am a PC, and I am damn proud of it.
Oh, and CURSE YOU NAXZA!!!! I'll take the top again, just you wait.
Okay, seems I can update Java to a high enough version to run Minecraft. Server for that is a possibility. Other games, not as sure. Have yet to test Steam compatibility (for whatever reasons).
Really nerfed the graphics settings, and waited until the latest Java update was installed. Seems to be running much smoother now. Probably good for making a server of it now.
I also found a workaround to get at least the latest compatible version of Flash and etc. installed now. No news on Steam yet. Steam is Intel only. So no matter the OS, it won't work. At least Minecraft and DF are still playable.I'm not seeing much other usage from this thing from the looks of it, outside of the old crap I had on it last I left it. Again, nothing but praise for the PC, and how much they rock.
Well, it's been fun, but I think my old Mac is none more than an interactive hard drive. It's basically only good for the old crap I last had on it, and the latest 10.4 (Tiger) compatible crap, and that's my limit, until I can either afford to replace it with a new Mac, or invest in better equipment for a newer better PC that can run the latest versions as virtual machines without a hiccup. Which by then, what's even the point?
That sucks, but the fact I revived a dead machine still makes me feel victorious. Although it's out-moded nowadays (by a year I estimate), it's still breathing and able to run the old stuff like new again; so at least there's that. I think I'll shut it down now and save power.