I was inspired by WH40k and started thinking about how you could make an army scale combat RTD without doing too much math. I'm really optimistic about starting an RTD even though I'm lazy and infamous for not finishing what I start. My idea was basically every unit has 1~2 HP, but different armor, armor penetration, dodge and accuracy stats. Maybe even different armor and armor penetration value types for light/heavy infantry/vehicles. That way there could also be realistic mechanics, like rifles never damaging tanks. Hard counters strategy game : the RTD?
Every player could pick a different class that has a different commander character and different unique units. There could be ~4 players which lead a small force with units of their choice, but every player and their units would be part of an army.
Anyway, I'm excited about thinking up effective and versatile RTD mechanics. Would anyone be interested in such kind of RTD?
So you want to play a pen&papaer (as it were) tabletop WH40k fight with about 1500 point lists; Not impossible since half the fight you're rolling dice anyway, but how do you manage crossfires, leadership failure or cover?
No. I want to do an RTD that has rules simple enough to support army scale combat. Many of the rules are simplified WH40k changed into RTD form, tho. Basicly, I want to minimalize number tracking by minimalizing HP, simplifying units and maximalizing casualties.
I was just inspired by WH40k, because it has large scale warfare and lots of casualties (also because, you know...WH40k is just plain awesome). I just want a RTD that has large armies but minimal number tracking.