Happy birthday Cthulhu.
Well, Lord of the Rings was a welcome watch for the weekend. Just as well, my room is finally cleaned up and breathable again (along with my desk actually being a workspace again), and I've been cleaning up and optimizing my computer in preparation for next week, and future jobs. My goodness, a proper full defrag on my machine takes freaking ages. Which should explain my lack of activity BTW.
As for the rest of today, I have no idea, but I had a sudden urge to feel happy for no reason. I'm not sure what exactly hit me. As far as I can consider, no longer having my job (as seems to be a trend I've been noticing on the forums), I am not bothered by it. Then again, within the next 2 weeks, I should have everything (design-wise) for my sisters done and get a decent commission off it once everything takes off there; after spending the weekend with my brothers next week, and visiting my dad while I'm out of town (finally being able to keep a promise for once), I should be able to have nothing in my way (after I commit my 2 weeks notice, seeing as I can't stand my job anymore, and I actually managed to cash in my vacation pay, I get it in my next paycheck) to start planning to look for some more long-term freelance jobs that would guarantee a rather decent payoff. And thanks to the business my dad works in, and the fact I would have a hell of alot more free time, I can always ask if he can hook me up with some PA (production-assistant) jobs anytime he has work. A little something on the side, and some quality time to spend as well.
Oddly enough, the calm I feel from knowing all this beforehand, it feels familiar, like an old friend I haven't seen for ages. I missed being this happy. For once it feels genuine, and I don't have to be cautiously optimistic or even remotely paranoid about it; I feel
I finally earned it, and
it'll stay this time. Bizarrely enough, I felt like a kid without a care in the world again. Last I felt that way was 2 decades ago.