One of the bands I manage is starting to actually listen to me a bit and lo and behold they're making money. Seeing as I get paid 10%, this means I actually make some small bit too:
"Listen guys, I don't care.... I don't care that showing up early to set up is a pain, do it. It makes you sound better. [Name] get off your dead ass before 5PM. I know you're playing at night. 8 to 10 hours sleep should be enough.... O really.... That's original. Yes, I have a middle finger too, it's right here and it loves you.... Screw you all, keep receipts of everything and the next time the jackasses screw up your amps, document everything and I'll sue 'em. Yes, that means you have to keep equipment logs so I have something to work with, don't care you think you're too fucking cool to do it, somebody do it and I'm lookin' at you.... Document everything so I can use it as leverage for pay negotiations next time. They don't do something they're supposed to do when you play? You can either bitch about it and get nothing for it, or you can take pictures, write it down and I can bitch about it and get something for it. Fuck you all, listen to me, listen to me, you check IDs before you do shit at all and I don't give a damn how cute you think she is. The cuter she is the more you check her ID and I have shown you how to spot the fakes. [Name], [name], look into my eyes, I will kick you square in the nuts. I will, again.... It will hurt worse this time. It will."
Money.... They don't like me and they think I'm an asshole but they're making it in this shit economy.