Some good ol' Marx Brothers is on TCM right now. "Duck Soup" is the movie.
Just as well, I just found and purchased a rather nice computer for my mother as a Christmas present. It's essentially a slightly nerfed (though slightly more advanced OS-wise (Win 7), 64-bit instead of 32-bit; and an integrated graphics card that's a half as powerful) version of my current machine, and all this for a fraction of the total price of my machine while at it (approx. 1/3rd). Gotta love Black Friday when it strikes early.
Hopefully my siblings will answer the call I made and help chip in for it, though I can afford it myself. Actually, I came up with a chip-in system which I pay for it (which I already did), and everyone donates their chip-in before the end of the year. I intend to toss in a newer, more reliable, printer while at it; since her office printer has also been a nasty brick on the shelf for longer than it should be.
Both the laptop and the printer has been a cause of many bad days around the house. I figure an computer office upgrade will definitely be welcomed, since she's been trying to do all her office work on a rather crappy laptop and a not-so-good printer brand (like all things, it started off good, then started failing when it was most needed). So yeah.
@Translation: I use NicelyTranslate Add-On for Firefox for short amounts of text that need a bit of translation.
And despite how nice a find I made, I just got word from one of my brothers that this could possibly be a bad (or more accurately, unnecessary) idea. I just did the work to cancel my order ASAP. Hopefully the site isn't too inconvenienced by that.