Personally, I tend to make myself redundant with my postings, either when I talk about something, or end up repeating filler words. Especially if I'm explaining something. You tend to notice this more when I describe something in depth, like a fort layout (or Minecraft mine) or some sort of mechanism or purpose-built thing I'm making/using in a game.
What makes it worse is that I try to proofread before I post, but it seems a few things just creep past my mental grammar checkers. I think I tend to post how I speak more often.
Make things more oddball, I speak in a similar manner. I think what to say, proofread it, then speak in a matter of milliseconds. I've gotten better in the speaking department with my thought-to-speech speeds, it's more nano-seconds now to the point of almost not noticing my self-correcting.
And in plenty of cases, I tend to speak in the most grey/general/indiscriminate manner as possible if I'm talking about a general topic. I'm too lazy to go into detail with tons of things, so I just roll it up into a ball and summarize it as best as I can. Not the best thing to do in debates, especially sensitive ones (which in most cases, makes me look either like a bitter or insensitive person, as a person and not online persona). I've learned my lesson to stay away from those if I know I'm bound to do such a thing, and especially if I know it would possibly piss off a ton of people; unless I intend to troll, of course.
I also noticed I have the tendency to abuse parentheses (You know, these things (that look like semi- (half) circles), that add detail to what I talk about). Funny enough, I have some mental/inner monologue speech patterns that actually follow a similar format. It's like I can read and speak my thoughts simultaneously (mental teleprompter). Speaking like that to another person, you can easily lose them if they're not following (also a decent way to make sure you still have their attention or interest). No need to rely on my BS-meter if I pull that off to see if someone really is interested, or just wanted to hear another voice.