I watched three gripping, high quality movies yesterday.
The Skydivers
People skydive. Apparently some people are cheating on their husbands/wives? I'm not sure, they all look the same. One guy jumps at 1000 feet (derp) and dies. Some meandering occurs. Two people (I don't know who they are) pour acid in the chute of the protagonist (I guess?). He dies. One of the other people smells the chute, knows it was done with acid, and the killers are gunned down without a trial for having been seen in the vicinity. One guy likes coffee. Number 5 in IMDB's bottom 100. A classic movie.
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
A Canadian movie based on some short story. Stuff actually happened in this one, which I can't say for the first movie, and for its effort this one isn't in the bottom 100 although it's still only like a 2/10 on IMDB. Half-assed dystopia, the main character is watching Casablanca on the company computers (Even though only the chairman has access to old movies and no one else has even heard of them, oooh blah the evil dystopia is suppressing art). He gets sent to get his Dopple Doppled, which means they put his brain in a baboon. While he's in the baboon a kid switches an ID on his body so they lose it. Wow, that's not contrived at all. They have to upload his brain onto the mainframe computer that controls everything and is secured by a 5-digit alphanumeric code. While the guy's in the computer he wanders around in a dream, has sex with the girl he likes for a few days straight, turns the world into Casablanca, and then hacks the mainframe and messes up the climate control system, killing millions of people. Then he gives everyone a 50 credit bonus and the girl who's supposed to monitor him so he doesn't get deleted thinks he's really zany. There's a fat guy. I dunno.
Prince of Space
A Japanese action(?) movie from the 50s. 40 on IMDB's bottom 100, making it only slightly better than most Japanese visual entertainment. Lord Phantom of Krankor attacks Earth to steal the plans for a new form of fuel even though he's apparently capable of interstellar flight (Although he mentions Earth being half a million miles away from Krankor, which is only like twice as far as the moon, so maybe not). He lands and attacks, but a guy named Prince of Space shows up. Prince of Space is immune to everything, and repeatedly says so. The bad guys don't listen. The English dub is awful. Prince of Space turns out to be the humble bootblack (I guess?). Phantom dies at the end. All the bad guys have big pointy noses.