Born in 346, human Cerdoriaeth Passmerge was a talented private speaker and likely courtesean.
She was
- competent with a sword *waggle*
- A legendary milker *Waggle*
- A skilled Pacifier *waggle*
- A proficient persuader
- A skilled consoler
- A talented judge of intent
- An adequate public speaker
- A skilled comedian
The woman knew her way around the social forums.
She was a mid-ranking noble for The League of Chestnuts.
At the age of 40, she began leading several attacks and sieges on a nearby fort. Lasting over 50 years, she fought several battle at the site. She spent her free time gambling and entertaining false friends. She eventually got married to a man named Dewis at the age of 46.
One summer night in 431, after a particularly drunken night out, she stumbled into and profaned the temple of The Branded Shrine. In response, she was cursed to seek out the blood of her comrades.
Divorcing her spouse, she moved in with a new one, whom she promptly drained of blood. Arousing suspicion, she fled her home and wandered around, building various relationships and a general network of informants.
She remarried in 466, to one of her informants Ia Spoonferry. A week later she drained Spoonferry and made him a spawn. She divorced him in 474 to continue her work. She went back to her original home, a two month journey. and found her old husband, living out his last few years as a miller. She corrupted him into a spawn as well.
She spent the next 20 years roaming around, corrupting a few more men, before settling down as a soldier. In 483 she settled in Peakhome, and became a prophet. She lead an attack on the elven treehouse of Swarmtraps. She bribed law enforcement to ignore her odd behavior, and apparently good thing, because she finally met a person she couldnt corrupt with her wiles. Fleeing from him, she settled in Kingdomblaze, just south of the westernmost mountain ranges of the dwarves. She have lived there for for the last 10 or so years, though the suspect she is a night creature.
This vampire has lived fir 150 years, corrupted the vast majority of her spouses, and has a skillset that makes it all flow together so nicely. She has a total of 24 murders in her new home, and 330 across the human kingdom she hails from.
The kicker? Ia Spoonferry became king of said dwarves in 481! Looks like her intrigues bore some fruit! The year is 500, and I had already selected this civ as my parent civ for a fort, so I was reading up on them.
Ia and Cerdoriaeth have remained close over the years, fighting together in Swarmtraps. They have the same war friends, and it says they still trust and love each other.