Let's post Steam conversations with Aqizzar!~
Monday, August 23, 2010
12:16 PM - Kamina: Hell yeah man, new Scooby Doo episode tonight. Something to do with Phantoms.
12:23 PM - Aqizzar: yeah yeah I know
12:23 PM - Aqizzar: trying to log into steam store but I can't remember my password
12:23 PM - Aqizzar: gah this is fucking ridiculous
12:24 PM - Kamina: how can you forget your password, they should be high priority in the mind set
12:25 PM - Aqizzar: I just did it
12:25 PM - Aqizzar: reset the password that is
12:25 PM - Aqizzar: I can't imagine what it was before, since what I changed it to is what I use for everything
12:28 PM - Aqizzar: lo and behold, buying the stalker bundle is a waste
12:28 PM - Aqizzar: it's not going to give me an extra "copy" of Shadow of Chernobyl
12:28 PM - Kamina: bullshit
12:28 PM - Aqizzar: that's what it says
12:28 PM - Kamina: you should be able to gift SoC now
12:28 PM - Kamina: I was able to do that with HL2
12:28 PM - Aqizzar: You already own the following items in "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weekend Deal Bundle (ends 8/23)". You will not receive extra copies of these items when you complete this purchase:
* S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
12:29 PM - Kamina: that means you will be getting CoP for 50% off then
12:29 PM - Kamina: good deal
12:29 PM - Aqizzar: yeah, CERTAIN games you get extra gift copies of
12:29 PM - Aqizzar: namely, Valve games
12:30 PM - Kamina: buy the pack as a gift version, then gift CoP to yourself and use the SoC how ever you want
12:30 PM - Aqizzar: how the hell do I do that
12:30 PM - Aqizzar: the guy I want to buy it for doesn't have a steam account right now
12:30 PM - Kamina: thats their vault then until they do it
12:31 PM - Aqizzar: still means I'm out a couple bucks
12:31 PM - Aqizzar: ah fuck it
12:31 PM - Kamina: dont buy it then
12:31 PM - Kamina: boo hoo