I got around to watching the new star wars. I actually enjoyed it more than I was expecting, and indeed, more than the original trilogy. Of course, I'm not terribly enthusiastic about the series in general, but hey. That was good clean fun.
Also, the new red lightsaber thing looks all plasma-ey with jittery field lines, and I approve of this. Scientifically reasonable plasma swords, wooo.
I made another friend yesterday It's so good to sit around gossiping and drinking tea and eating snacks. She blurted out right away that she wanted to come regularly after work to relax with me, and said that she'd bring some cookies next time. Then she gave me a useful book recommendation. She's already looking out for me like a big sister! I got to send some cookies home for her and her fiancé, and the rest are going to my parents this evening.
And I'm hoping to go home and see more friends tonight. One of my really close ones who is back in Canada now wants to call on Sunday, and I'll see all my cousins on Easter... and a new paper letter came in the mail, a really nice note that said some things I so badly needed to hear. Being creatively supportive, stuff like that. I really, really needed friends like these who truly believe in me... I've never had them before
Yay! I'm just so happy to have lots of people in my life
Friends \o/
This was the first post I saw when I clicked this thread...and stuck it on a new tab ._. Got me happy all around, and further still got me thinking about hoooooooow many people in my life made it awesome (despite several issues still poking me). Hooray big sister for ya Vec!
Eeeee adorable tale of friendship Vector! Congratulations!
Yay! Go Vector of friends!
Seriously can relate on
that bit ever since I hit college. People are awesome. ._____.
Also as an aside, busy enjoying this week because of extended family visiting. Hooray 2 younger bros! [That I fully opened up to and eeee ♥ acceptance \o/]. Also tried cooking breakfast for them when they arrived and they enjoyed it! They said it was
remarkably edible scrumptious and very good.
I can cook...
* RedKing huggles Tiruin (and TheBiggerFish) for being points of light.
I can't actually be a point of light if not for all those other awesome lights around me shining with me ;3 Y'all are awesome folk too. Don't forget it. And thanks for that, Dwayne!
(In all seriousness, that was an adorable story there. Reminds me of...all the times I mistook my friends' names and
they played along until the big reveal ;_;)
* Tiruin has worst name short-term memory