I was raised weird, I'll admit; the priorities weren't quite there. Witnessing violence is fine, but nudity isn't.
That's actually quite normal for (American) parenting priorities. >_>
How about being a middle child of a large family (8 siblings), and everyone else wasn't as strictly watched over with such content when they were my age at those times (they cursed almost all the time, and made me feel ashamed of all that stuff, when I reached the same age as them when they got the privilege, for as long as I can remember. Mind you, my younger siblings didn't get the same treatment as me either. What the hell?))? I felt like I was a 'special needs' kid that must be preserved at all costs. My low tolerance to that kind of stuff (along with being religiously strong-willed at the time as well) did not help my social life one single bit. I was such a prude/puritan, it negatively affected how I handled anything, to the point it was another point of attack for bullying. On the plus side, at least, sex was not a priority, even to today; companionship was (I'd prefer to be with someone who respects me as a person, at minimum (long shot in the dark while blindfolded on that one)). However, the rest of society would not-so-humbly disagree (IE- Rejection was a common theme due to my prudeness and "good will". I was a socially-engineered nice guy, with the expected negative results. Not to mention, things don't improve over time.). Being good sucks, but I fucking endured.
Sorry for the non-happy (and whiny complaint). But those levels of censorship don't work nearly as well as advertised.
After I exposed myself to some shocking material (like Goatse; though I paced myself in those factors), after all the time being restricted; I actually laugh at "what's the big deal?" about it all, and retain the memory of those images as psychic protection measures. I can come up with nightmares far worse than anyone can cook up these days, while at it. I had a brief stint of insanity where in a sense, I had waking dreams of those nightmares, and I actually handled it all quite well. I actually want to meet a psychic to test-fire these countermeasures on. Provided, of course, they're the "see images of your memories" types and the like. My favorite countermeasure is a
ROM CHECK FAIL countermeasure. Trick the psychic that they had a stroke while reading. I can also do the video buffering fail trick to some memories and mix in other more nonsequiter memories while at it to freak them out.