Last night I finally got some of the better municipal workers raises approved by the local legislature (town council). This includes the chief of police finally making $41K and the fiscal clerk who dug them out of state audits finally getting a pathetically low raise at least.
The bitching was legendary. Nobody wanted to pay these poor people shit. Keep in mind, I've fought against the police before and I'M on their side here..... Yeah. Entire the Right Wing whiners who don't want the head of the police department making even 40K.... I just drank up the bitching knowing there was fuck all the stupid cheap shits could do about it. The dude has been serving for 17 years, fuck it give him a raise to even below the median wage already?
They all blame me, and this time I earned it smiling my ass off and hating all of them far far more than the rest of them could have ever hated me. O yes, I'm raising your income taxes and fuck you ever so much because you're paying your patrol officers $10 an hour with a college degrees and tons of certificates to be cops.... You wonder why she has been going not so good in that sphere lately?
What's that? You're complaining that the fiscal officer clerk we have has the municipality by the balls cause nobody else knows how to do her job and if she leaves we're all fucked? Why yes that's true and it's all your fault.... First of all , I ushered her into this position when you had the State breathing down your neck from the last moron you had trying to do this job with no ability or qualifications... She took all the risk and actually delivered for an embarrassingly low amount of pay then and now you have to pony the fuck up.
"You don't have to pay more taxes!" cry the morons.
"Forgetting that I DO have to pay more taxes too, I don't have to look at your ugly face every day in the mirror either ,that doesn't make you any less ugly, does it."
I don't care.
. I don't care one bit:D I 'm not an elected person, but I just so happen to be right and able to show we have no other choice due to the stupid shit we were put in before I got here and fixed it
You hate me? Group hug! Group hug! Come're. O, come on now that's right group hug? No? [suddenly more normal voiced] Then make less noise. MMMMMMMMMM drink in that hate for doing things right instead of half assing it cause you don't wanna pay anything. Have another beer with the money instead. O yes pretty please?
TL:DR-- They pay the police so little that even the defense attorneys feel sorry for them here. Cheap skates employing standard cheap skate crap don't wanna pay a full time police officer more than $10 an hour. I'm being a total asshole calling them on it and I don't care anymore and am being a magnificent bastard. Actually accomplishing things.