So let's see, I accidentally stayed up until 1 in the morning looking at DnD cleric spells (did you know there's one that prevents you from getting addicted to drugs?), which was a mistake since I had to get up at 8:30, and that's really not enough sleepy time. So it's a good hour or so before I go to sleep, then at six in the morning my cat decides she wants feeding... now. She's very insistent and no matter how much I try to ignore her she keeps meowing at me and jumping on me, and purring. So eventually I get up, put some food down... she sniffs the food a bit, looks at me as if to say "what the heck is this? I ask for pastrami and you give me this?" Then walks off... The dogs then start eating it...
I'm too tired to deal with this so I just shrug, go back to bed... I'm just starting to get back to sleep when the cat comes back and it's the same deal all over again. After a while I try this again, put down some food, this time despite it being the exact same food as last time, the cat apparently decides she likes it. I go back to bed.
Then the alarm clock goes off, I just lost two and a half hours of sleep.
So I go through my day, pick up a friend on the way to school because she needed to run an errand at the school, then go on to my calc class. I spent fifteen minutes driving around until I found a spot, the car parks were kind of crowded. The spot was also on the other side of the campus from where my classes were.
Calculus was really dull because the teacher is a pretty bad orator, and the stuff he's going over is just revision stuff that I really don't have much interest in because I've done it all before. I should really do some revision because I know that I need to get myself back into mathematical mode and know what I'm doing with all this stuff, but I'm just having a hard time getting into it with how tired I am. So I just mostly wrote down a few notes and worked on drawing a dragon curve, it would have been much easier if I had graph paper with me.
Then I had my sandwich, waited around a bit, and got on to composition, which was taking place in a computer lab... The teacher spent 50 minutes of the class time explaining how to set up a specific template, he did it very slowly going step by step, I thought it he was just being ridiculous, until I realised half the class was horrifically computer illiterate, and even with these very careful instructions they still had trouble doing it. It was frustrating because I could have put the template together in less than five minutes if I'd just had the list of requirements.
Then I went home, and drove the friend that was running the errand, another acquaintance of mine that I've known a long while home. Along the way something that really surprised me happened, I managed to make her laugh... she usually just smiles at jokes and things, and I've kind of made it my personal mission to make every person who I know that doesn't laugh very much laugh at least once. I'd sort of begun to give up on this one though (at least for now), the fact that she did this out of the blue really surprised me.
(for reference, she was laughing when I explained that when I did the template the teacher told us to make sure we typed a paragraph, literally any paragraph, to make sure that it held our paragraph formatting, I just typed "Chicken chicken chicken chicken" over and over, and said that after a while it stopped looking like a word, and Word seemed to agree with me because it started underlining every "chicken" red)
Then finally on my way out I ran into someone I met in my drawing course, who had invited me to something I actually wound up blowing off (which is something I regretted), she invited me out again this weekend, which is awesome.
I feel like those two things made the whole day worth it, even in spite of then having to drive home through heavy traffic in extremely hot weather. I was so hot when I got home I took off my shirt to ventilate myself, which is something I almost never do.