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Author Topic: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]  (Read 5812 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2009, 02:16:11 pm »

Nah, no need. I looked for it last night around 1 AM so I wasn't exactly the most observant. I found it, sort of forgot that everything is forbidden on embark and therefore, there wasn't a "road" to the depot anywhere because technically there wasn't one.

Now I've run into an interesting problem though.

My kobolds aren't moving food where they should. I made a temporary food stockpile inside, but they didn't bother moving any of the barrels outside there. I had to order the things dumped and then reclaim then to get the food where I wanted.

There isn't an order about kobolds being forbidden to use food, and there isn't an order about going outside either. So anyone have a guess what gives?

I also noticed that the farms don't have any plants listed able to be planted. At any season. When I embarked though, the kobolds were more than happy to plant rope reeds there.

Experimenting shows that they seem to have something against food that was "brought" there. Fishermen are more than happy to move their raw turtles to the stockpile though. Let's see if I can cook these things into biscuits or something.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 02:29:52 pm by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2009, 02:27:53 pm »

Nah, no need. I looked for it last night around 1 AM so I wasn't exactly the most observant. I found it, sort of forgot that everything is forbidden on embark and therefore, there wasn't a "road" to the depot anywhere because technically there wasn't one.

Now I've run into an interesting problem though.

My kobolds aren't moving food where they should. I made a temporary food stockpile inside, but they didn't bother moving any of the barrels outside there. I had to order the things dumped and then reclaim then to get the food where I wanted.

There isn't an order about kobolds being forbidden to use food, and there isn't an order about going outside either. So anyone have a guess what gives?

I also noticed that the farms don't have any plants listed able to be planted. At any season. When I embarked though, the kobolds were more than happy to plant rope reeds there.

Are they forbidden? Also, I set up the farms to grow rope reeds because I wanted to clothe my kobolds. Half of them were running around naked for no reason I could discern.

There are GOING to be errors; after all, this is a very tenuous mod.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2009, 02:34:04 pm »

Nope, nothing is forbidden. I am trying to solve that rope reed planting problem somehow. As soon as I figure what I should do about it, that is. Going to try making farms all over.

Also, I think the food problem came from starting the game with the Kobold Camp exe. For fun, I made another copy of the game and used the normal DF exe, and with that, the kobolds moved food to the designated stockpile more than happily.

The farms on it were just as "no can do boss" though.

I think I can get around the rope reed problem though. I figure there's some growing naturally around here, if the kobolds have some issue about food and seeds that are here already, I might be able to get around the problem by gathering some of the plants around the place and hope one of them is a rope reed. Then brew that, and TADAH. We should have some proper seeds again.

Oh right. We have mechanisms. I tried to make a well. Game says that we need to have mechanisms. Damn bugs.

Hmm. I'm afraid I need to restart the game. I've only gotten to Summer at the moment so not much is lost, all that I did anyway was a lot of stockpile work.

The farm problem I can fix, but I would rather not give following players the problem that kobolds don't move food automatically where they should. That's sort of a mood-breaker if every food item bought had to be dumped manually.

And I have good news. I started the new game with the dwarfort.exe. Now the farms are working again. Right. Time for me to kill those goblins.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 02:49:10 pm by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2009, 05:20:50 pm »

Oh god this post became much longer than I hoped it'd be. The storyman took over, sorry about that. I'll post a short summary to the end of this post for everyone who can't be bothered to read the following rubbish. I played to the start of Autumn today, and will finish my year tomorrow. On Sunday. This is worth to note because at the time I'm writing this, it's 1 AM. Oh god I need sleep.

My name is Flililishlaldin. The band leader sent by Sliplongin, the clan leader. Our force of 21 was told to move to a camp known as Chlilithaymis, to retake it. Contact there had been lost quite some time ago, and from what the leader told me, was probably caused by elves. Or worse, goblins.

It was an unnatural thing in my opinion, to send warriors of the clan to take back a lost camp. Traditionally, such cases where a site was lost to us, it was deemed unlivable, dangerous, for the enemy knew of it's location and would surely return to kill anyone daring to return and live there.

We kobolds live in secrecy, in the dark places. Lost camps are left behind, and survivors of attack relocate. But this was not the case. The leader told me it was because Chlilithaymis was... special. I tried to ask for more information about just what made it so special from the cave we currently resided in, but he just told me that I would have to learn it myself. And with that, I could do no more but to obey the orders given to me.

We were given a little supplies to live on until we arrived, and a little more to survive until the clan could send more supplies to us once the mission was accomplished.

It seemed crazy, but orders are orders. I will not question them, and told all those now working under my command to do the same.

We arrived during the night, and moved with silence through the dark woods towards our destination. We were guided by light, and noise that was not of our kin. I sent a few men to scout ahead, and they soon returned, and brought us closer to the now dead camp.

It was as I feared. Goblins. The scouts said they had spotted taller figures among them as well, most likely elves.

They were having the time of their lives. Campfires had been lit, and around them, the goblins dance and sang their horrible songs. Guttural, vicious songs praising their dark lords and the slaughter they had committed in their name.

There was a smell in the air, that every soldier picked up easily. It was the smell of roasting flesh. A corpse had been set atop on one of the fires, skewered like an animal.

It was one of our kin. It sickened us, but most importantly, enraged all of us. These... things, had been feasting on our dead.

The men asked for us to attack already and give the goblins a taste of their own savagery, but I told them to hold still for now. I had fought a goblin before, and knew that their equipment was strong. A simple assault now would only cause unneeded casualties on our forces.

We had to move in the shadows like we had to this point.

Our moment to strike came when one of the goblins excused himself of the rest, and wandered towards the dark woods to relieve himself. Silent, I motioned for the men to follow, and so they did.

The goblin found no relief but our swords and spears, it was not a fight, it was a simple kill. It fell dead with little noise, which was drowned out by the celebration of the others.

We moved in closer, and while I would have preferred to pick off the enemy one by one, it wouldn't be long until some of them would notice the one missing, and come to the obvious conclusion that someone else had arrived.

From the dark, we attacked. The enemy was taken by surprise, and sent scrambling for their weapons. Some managed, others did not. All around me I heard shouts, screams and curses. Weapons clashing against one another, a shout from one of my men, injured by a goblin who had been able to get a weapon on his hands and fight back, but unable to fend off the rest who went to aide the now wounded soldier. The goblin died with a scream, and the rest of them were thrown in a panicked retreat.

It was reasonable, we came from the dark, they had no idea how many of us there were, and it must have seemed a better idea to run for it than stand and fight. We gave chase, and the whole incident was soon over. How many did we kill, four, five of them? I could not count.

Sounds of our wounded crying out to us in the night were now more important. I sent a few of the men to scout the area, make sure there were no enemies to threaten us, while the rest, I ordered to stand down for the moment, and tend to the wounded.

It took some time to find the entrance to this place, and the rooms where the wounded could be placed, but already I had begun to grasp at the reason why our leader had wanted this place retaken. But it was not until later that I understood it completely.

The scouts returned soon, and told that save for a few snailmen, there were no more enemies in the area. It was a small relief, I fear the day they come back to see if we are still here. But we will be here, and we will fight them just like we did tonight.

The men were exhausted of our journey, and the battle, so for the night, I gave them the permission to have a good rest, but not without setting up a guard duty of two men in two-hour shifts. We could rest, but I would not sleep like a fool with no worry.

The following morning, I woke up refreshed. The bed in the room I had chosen at random helped me sleep well. Those of us who suffered injury had not received any serious injury save for one of our miners, who had his leg smashed by a goblin maceman. He did admit that it hurt, but told me not to worry too much, he would get better in a while.

I finally headed up with the men able to walk, puzzled how they froze as soon as they were above ground, but I soon found out why.

The leader had been right. I understood now why exactly this place was so important.

The strange forms of rock that we had used for cover during our entry here were not rocks. They had been built there by our people here before us. They had been building a tower. It was unfinished, but rose much higher than I ever had thought possible. It was as if it aimed to reach the sky above. Similar buildings were all around us, and much more constructions.

It was... beautiful. Only after I found the message left by the previous leader of this place, did I understand why exactly had they begun such constructions. They had had a vision of a better life for our kind. A life where we would dare take on the challenges of the world, standing proud and tall. They had been cut down in their attempt, but the more I read, the more determined I grew.

Of all those who passed away here, I promised on their memory, that we would not let them down. Here would begin a new story of us kobolds, and we would most certainly succeed.

It has been a week now. We have delved deeper into this place, and all of us have been simply amazed of it all. Tunnels beneath the rock like the dwarves, buildings aboveground like the humans, it was as if the people here had been inspired of all the things they had seen in the world, and brought together them all to this place and build from it.

All we could do for them now, was proper burial. It was not easy. Most of them were badly decomposed, and we moved many to their final resting place underground in the tunnels they had dug. No one could keep themselves from being brought to tears as we moved the adults, elders, and even the children to the coffins of stone. No one called each other out on it. It was hard on us all to bury so many. But we did it regardless, to honor the dead who had created such a marvelous place and paid such a horrible price for it.

*OOC NOTE: I sort of forgot about the fact that you can't bury the dead upon reclaim. So don't think too much about the piles of bones in the catacomb area. least I THINK those are catacombs.*

It is the middle of Spring now. I have begun to take pause from our work of burial for our kin, in order to understand this place more. The work has become more slow as my men work to locate the remains scattered around the interiors, and the area surrounding this place, nothing but bones and skulls are left now.

In my breaks, I have walked the empty hallways, the soft ground paths, but with a word this place is massive. I have trouble grasping it all, it is just that amazing. It will take months for me to walk this place freely and without fear of losing my way. Along that, I have begun to take count of our supplies. For the few of us here, they will be enough for quite some time, but of course, I will feel easy once we receive our first round of supplies.

For one, to get more supplies for us, and for second, to let our leader know that we did not fail in our mission.

The men told me that they are done with the burial order. At least, they were unable to find anyone else without a proper resting place.

With Spring nearly at the end, I have given the order to move our food supplies inside. Now I just would have to think of a good place to place them.

*OOC NOTE: Seriously, this place has now so many empty rooms that I have no idea what was meant for what stockpiles. Anyone is free to correct my decisions at any point of the game, but for now, the room below the first floor dining hall is where I put all the food our expedition had with them when they embarked.*

Summer is here, and so are the suppliers sent by our home. They approach carefully, but seeing us come greet them, they reply with cheer. We discussed our situation, the victory over the goblins, the discovery that all previous inhabitants had perished, our ceaseless work to bring some order to the chaos that was all around us, but most importantly, to let people back home know that we are alive and well.

We gave them spoils of our victory to take back home. The blood-soaked clothes of those goblins who had attacked this place. It will be the proof required for our leader that we succeeded.

With the pleasantries of chatter now aside, it was time to focus on what was now in front of us. The need for storage. There was a lot of clutter all around, things laid outside under the sun and with no proper place for them that we knew of.

For the time being, I have given orders to the tunneling of new storage rooms, we will start with the logs and furniture that is all around us.

On one of my walks through this place, I came upon something... odd, odd and unsettling.

In a room, in the middle between the butcher's shop and the tanning room, there is a body. A naked goblin corpse. With a copper chopper smashed deep into it's face. Now, if it was that simple, I would not mention it here.

What is unsettling, is that the body has not decomposed at all. Gagombis was there with me, and upon inspecting the body, had to agree. The goblin was as if it had been killed a minute ago. The blood was still flowing from the wound on it's head, forming into a puddle on the clay floor.

I felt that there was something horribly wrong with the place. This particular room, something had happened here, something that had frozen this single corpse in time. I and Gagombis both carefully retreated from the room, and locked the door, careful not to anger whatever spirit of vengeance had taken home there.

*OOC NOTE: Seriously, that corpse hasn't rot a bit in all the time I've been in the fort. I'm sure it's a bug, but because these are kobolds, it seemed the obvious reaction to this sort of situation. Call it the combined vengeance of all the kobolds who died here took it upon this one goblin. Also, the goblin is completely without clothing. There's only an iron shield with it, and the chopper all in the same tile. Also, it's sort of awesome how it's just there, with no reasonable explanation.

Not soon after the supplier from the homes left, I received a most surreal report. A slugman had made it's way inside the tunnels, and attacked! But it seemed it's attack was with little threat. Jidiliblolis descended upon it, having dealt with goblins a few months ago, he beat it to death with his bare fists. I have no clue how it made it's way inside, I need to learn this place more to find this possible entryway from outside and think of a way to deal with it.

For the time being, I've ordered everyone to carry a weapon, be it shovel or axe. We certainly have enough of both here.

I need to think of a place to store the corpse as well before it rots and stenches up the place.

Upon searching for such a place, I came across something most extraordinary. Truly this place has many secrets and surprises for us all for months to come.

It was a simple room, full of bars of metal.

And not just any metal. As I inspected the bars most numerous in the room, I had no option but to admit that they were not the ordinary metals that I had seen. The room was full of iron and steel. Had the people here stolen the secrets of steel from the dwarves? I must try and locate the details of the creation of this metal. Hopefully the instructions to it's creation is hidden somewhere in the fort. It would be most appreciated by our home and leader, I'm sure of it.

I received word that a large group of people have been spotted walking towards this place over the hills. Migrants. So soon? Well, I'm sure we have more than enough space to accommodate them, and certainly could use every extra pair of hands with carrying all the things laying outside into their appropriate places.

*OOC Note: No mechanics, sorry. Just a siege engineer. Oh well. Maybe next wave.*

To give our miners some work to do, I finally decided the best course of option instead of looking for a room created by the people who lived here, to store corpses, I designated a room to be made close to the craftshop. At least anyone wanting to work with bones and skulls won't have to walk too far for it. As I heard the room previously made by us to store all the furniture was getting full, I ordered some more of the room to be carved out.

That's it for now. Will finish my year tomorrow and upload the save. Here's the summary I promised because I'm sure everyone gets tired of reading the above by line 2.

- 21 kobolds were given to reclaim with. I made 'em all stabbers, slicers and choppers. Earlier attempt with shooters didn't go so well. Need better than Novice soldiers for that skill to do real damage.

- Killed 5 of the goblins that were in the area. There were, what, 20 or 25 of them? At least a few of the goblins had names and titles.

- We only had a few injuries, no one died. Hooray!

- Moved all food indoors.

- Turned the expedition leader into the clerk, so the player after me won't have to deal with the hassle of unknown stockpile amounts.

- Farms are offline for the moment until I get some sort of order here, and most of the things scattered all over indoors. It's gonna take a while.

- The migrant wave wasn't anything spectacular. A milker, peasant, animal caretaker, furnace operator, siege engineer, and a kid or two, and a glassmaker. I'm going to give him some skill at glassmaking so we could have some snazzy glass artifact in case he moods.

- We have a load of fish despite the constant eating. But even then, we have a load of bones indoors. A lot, lot of bones. I don't think starvation is an issue for a while.

- My plans for finishing the year are obviously to get a lot of the cluttered items outside indoors so you other players won't have to deal with it(or at the very least, as little as possible given the 2 seasons I have left).

- I think the civ I embarked from doesn't have a liaison. At least one didn't arrive with the merchants. A problem, from minor to major depending on how you look at it.

I think that's about it. If I forgot something of value to note, I'll probably remember and tell about it tomorrow.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 05:33:51 pm by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2009, 06:45:58 pm »

No, no. I really do appreciate your attention to detail.

If you want the gobbo gone, then all you need to do is dig a channel underneath him. He'll fall into it, and then the game will go "oh yeah, this guy isn't supposed to be here" and let him rot.

Yes, the rooms off the main catacombs are more burial areas. They're what the Kobolds decided to do after Shorer died in an invasion.

The big rooms are for Dungeon Masters and other nobles-even a Kobold King if there is such a thing-and the smaller ones around them are for notable kobolds of varying varieties. Champion or Elite/Lord? You and your consort get one. Make an artifact? You get one. Get a kill? You get one of the little sarcophagi. Get ten kills? You get a tomb.

Shorer knew how to smelt the metal, but not how to reshape it; that'll have to be something those who follow do.

I don't know what the symbol for Chlilithaymis was in-game, but out-of-game it was a gear with a spear through it-as shown by this -engraving- of Brithimbis, Stabchampion.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2009, 09:38:39 am »

Ah, I figured those rooms were important somehow. I haven't placed anyone to live down there yet, but at least the other people after me can focus on the fancier living areas later on. Like after we get a real military going on.

Also, about the nobles, as far as I know, the only nobles that kobolds get with the current entity tags, with item_thief and so on, is the dungeon master. The rest would require the removal of item_thief, because we don't get any export because the merchants "steal" everything they are traded when they leave. I think that sort of keeps the civ leader from showing up because we'd need all the other nobles first. Well, there is one way we could get him/her to show up, and that's by hitting some HFS.

We can just appoint some bad-ass kobold later on as our place's King or Queen and act all mighty about it.

Also, nice pic there. Now I feel all responsible about making sure we don't get a goblin ambush in the first year or elves messing up our stuff.

Okay, time to finish my year.

Autumn has arrived, and so have the supplies from home. Now that we are a proper camp, they are more interested in trading what we have than plain out handing it over. I can't blame them, they dare trek through the land just to get to us.

We exchange a few of the large pieces of cloth there is here for some food.

The stockpile rooms for both wood and furniture have become full again. Finally after I have begun to understand some of the architecture of this place, I gave the order to expand them even more, but with a bit more finesse than the plain long corridor we previously made. And it turned out quite nicely, even if I say so myself.

It is the middle of autumn. I again heard news of migrants arriving here. Good, we are still working on moving things around and from the looks of it, that will be all we will be doing for a while.

*OOC Note: We got an engineer(woot). butcher, blacksmith, 2 peasants, another animal caretaker and a brewer. Decent batch overall, especially the engineer. Although I noticed that one of the embark kobolds apparently has skill at mechanic. Must be a default-setting on reclaim even with kobolds and the limited job possibility.*

With the help of the new people, we were finally able to move all the furniture to the room made for them. I've looked around and designated a few places meant for the various goods around here, I have seen so many pieces of art sculpted from rock that it would be a crime against all that is proper if we would just leave them laying where they are.

It is Winter now. The weather outside has turned only mildly colder, and the waters run free. A good sign, should the river freeze, we would be cut from a watersupply. Although upon my many treks through this place, as I still try to understand it all, it is the "well" which puzzles me the most. A simple construction of rock with a rope on a bucket, but where the bucket falls, there is water. Curious, I searched more of that place, and found the damp tunnels below it.

It seemed that there had been made a tunnel for water to flow in the tunnels and filling it up, which is something I should look into at some point. One of the migrants was certain that this place used the same sort of devices that dwarves did with their machinery, and somewhere is a "lever" that would raise the waterlevel below the "well" to full again. But that is for another day, the waterlevel has dropped, but there is still much of it left.

It is the middle of winter. I located what I assumed was the "lever" the migrant spoke of, and gave it a pull. And wouldn't you know it, I soon heard water rushing into the well's tunnel and filling it up. I was so happy I almost forgot to pull on the lever again to close the path for the water.

The year has come to an end, and with it I bring an end to my position as the leader. I have thought about it for quite some time now, and found a suitable person to replace me in charge. I should probably go tell them that they are the new leader now.

And that's it.
Summary ahoy.

- All the logs and furniture are inside now.

- The goods stockpiling has taken much longer than I hoped, and it's STILL going on. If you want to stop your kobolds from piling up the stuff, I would recommend on removing the stockpiles that I designated. Most of the piles are a level above the depot, and near the catacombs is a stockpile of rock goods that I found mysteriously laying there.

- There's an armor stockpile or two, along weapons, one above the depot, and another on the lower-right corner's barrack area. At least I think they're barracks.

- No moods. Might be because I haven't produced much, save for a few rock blocks and a mechanism or two along a raw glass gem and block.

- We still have a load of food, and bones.

- 38 kobolds at the end of my year, 17 of which are migrants.

- Everything is super-green.

And here's the link for the save.

But really. This fort is so well-designed that it felt like a crime against the symmetry when I started mining those extra rooms for stockpiles.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 11:08:31 am by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2009, 11:52:29 am »

I PMed TauQuebb, and haven't gotten a reply yet.

Should I send him an email or something?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2009, 11:56:25 am »

I'd give him a day or two.
Not everyone has as carefree schedule as I do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2009, 09:10:31 pm »

I'd give him a day or two.
Not everyone has as carefree schedule as I do.

It's been "a day or two." IIRC.

And it took you around four to get to my PM.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2009, 01:57:49 am »

Well that's because I thought there'd be a pop-up about a PM like in the forums I generally hang around at. There wasn't. And I didn't really check that part of my account where PM's appear too much.

But yeah. Well I guess you could either email him, or for the time being just switch the third player and him.


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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2009, 03:58:55 am »

Hello, back now, sorry, have been quite ill for a few days there, but well enough to use a computer again.

I will start the fortress tonight, as well enough to use a computer is well enough to go back to work.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 04:01:27 am by TauQuebb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2009, 09:47:29 pm »

Among the piles of metal...

Ah, so you've found it, then. This, young Kobold, is our possible hope-a way to make armor and weapons that do not bend if handled roughly, that hold an edge like the black rock, with strength like stone and a shine like the sun.

Regretfully, we lack the most important thing in this plan-an anvil. I have asked our kin many times-"have we stolen an anvil?"-and every time, the answer is no-if I am lucky. If I am not, I get a blank look-or worse, called a sorcerer.

Nevertheless, we have all the makings for the dark metal and the bright metal alike here. Rock-that-burns; wood-that we know burns, aha; and the second kind of yellow rock. On my orders, our Masons have built "furnaces," as the Goblins and Dwarves call them, and within you may both burn wood to charcoal, and smelt certain stones to dark metal. Adding some of the everpresent rock-that-marks will turn it to bright metal-and I mourn our lack of an anvil.

If only we could engage in trade with the Human kingdoms nearby...


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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2009, 09:59:09 am »

I've been having a crack at this, very difficult to make heads or tales of this fort, so may want to just skip me and have done with it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2009, 05:43:48 pm »

I've been having a crack at this, very difficult to make heads or tales of this fort, so may want to just skip me and have done with it.

If you don't want to finish out the year, then that's all very well and good.

Just PM the next person on the list.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Return to Chlilithaymis [Kobold Camp Succession Game]
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2009, 12:43:52 pm »

So, all the other players jumped boat eh? So it's just you and me now bro. All against the hordes of elves.

Since I was told to have another go, this is gonna be the second year in a row for me. To expect: Lots and lots of stockpiling. Possibly elves.


Spring has made it's way to us once again, and it turns out none of the kobolds I had in mind to lead this place in my stead weren't enthusiastic about it. Oh well. I'm sure I can manage another year without anything too horrible happening. There's nothing to worry but the stockpiles anyway.

It is the middle of Spring now. Most of the things that are scattered around have been placed to a proper place. I think it is time to get started on some other work. We have the manpower, some skill, and a lot of time.

It is the end of Spring. Eighteen migrants arrived, and seeing a need for it, I conscripted fifteen of them into the military. A stabber who arrived offered to take command of one squad of five, while Gagombis wanted a squad of his own. He said he'd whip them into such shape that even the dwarves would shake in their steel boots.

We'll see.

At the end of Spring, the miners told that they found several tunnels that led to the ponds spread around the camp. Along that, notes that seemed to imply that the ponds were supposed to be used to make a lake near the camp for fishing, and leisure purposes.

So, after inspecting the tunnels myself, and the floodgates that kept the water at bay, I gave the order to find the lever which makes them work. Well, they did find it, and they did pull the lever, and the water did start flowing.

However, there was one thing that we hadn't anticipated.

There isn't nearly enough water to fill the site properly.

I've given the order to close the floodgates again for the time being, and thinking of a good way to get through this sudden problem. But before that, we will have to wait for the water to replenish in the ponds.

It's the 21st of Hematite now, as the dwarves would say. Today, Chrogleerus called me over during my walks and presented me what he said was "an idea". It was an oak amulet, and it looked rather nice. I liked the tube agate decorations and the spikes of rainbow trout bone and oak.

Apparently he now has a really good grasp of how to work with wood, which is good, I guess. We could always do with some excellent wooden arrows.

The camp also had it's first childbirth on the same day the amulet was finished. Our glassmaker gave birth to four children, and is having a handful carrying them all.

After trading some of the crafts we had managed to make during the past few months, I suddenly noticed that everyone was running around carrying things other than the meat I had traded for.

Apparently there was now a lot of goods that suddenly had to be placed somewhere. Where they suddenly found the room, I don't know, neither do I know why they had to wait for this day instead of doing it before the traders arrived.

Maybe they just wanted to look busy.

Meanwhile, our fledgling military is getting somewhere. Everyone of them now has skill at wielding their given weapon and have been given names accordingly.

It's now nearly the end of Summer, and once more, migrants have arrived. Eleven of them, to be precise. That's ridiculous. That's not even funny. What am I going to do with them all, oh gods where should they work?

Aha, we could do a bow-men squad! Immediately, five of them found new duties in the camp. I should give the order of making some arrows to practice with. And trees to cut to make with all the used logs. And bins for the ammo and oh look suddenly there's a lot of things that need to be done! Praise be the gods for helping me with this situation!

It is the start of Autumn. As I am writing this, I am still drying my clothing on top of my bed. It all started when I spotted few of the new shooters walking back to the camp from the direction of the river. It seemed odd, so I asked had they spotted an enemy scout and came back after running it off, but it turns out, they went to have a drink because the well was crowded.

It seemed odd, but as I went to inspect, I was barely able to squeeze myself inside the well room. It really had a lot of use, so much that the thirstier of us decided it'd be faster to walk all the way outside and have a drink straight from the river.

Of course, something had to be done. I had managed to find a lever which empties the water storage, so it was drained until all the necessary levels could be dug up to make space for new wells. Two of them to be precise.

It didn't take long, and before you knew it, the mason's had set up our new watersources, and I gave the order to open the river-side floodgates again, and then close them after I listened to the incoming roar of water.

As I was taking a drink however, I stared at disbelief when water jetted out from the stairway and wells, and flushed me out of the room. I slammed the door shut, and forbade anyone opening it until I find the cause of this "incident".

Turns out, whoever was going to close the floodgates, wasn't doing it exactly fast. I will find out who this someone was, and at the very least give them a stern talking to about the dangers of flashfloods.

Now I have found out two things. First, there was a lot of water clogged up in the tunnels. Second, at the excess tunnel, there is now a make-shift pond at the bottom that won't be disappearing on it's own.

I have no idea what I should do about it.

Oh look, more migrants. I guess five of them could be thrown into the military. We always are ready to welcome extra pair of hands, as long as they can hold a weapon and shield properly.

Autumn is coming to it's end. The mason's tell that after finding a few tables without the seats placed around them like when we found the first ones, placed by the people before us, they made a few new ones to put in place. How thoughtful of them.

Now, there are a lot of stones outside, probably left for building's that never came to be, which have made me consider building something out of them. Something of our own, a monument to the renewed camp, and to honor those who perished here. The mason's suggested an obelisk, and who am I to say no to such an idea. If they want to make an obelisk, let them.

Winter is here, and suddenly, we have three caged goblin thieves. Looks like they know we are here.

Well it looks like my spark of genius, to rid of the goblins, did not work out as well as I had hoped it would. I thought, "why not combine getting rid of them, and the pool underground"? So we dressed them naked, and tossed them down.

Turns out that despite goblins inability to swim that well, it was more than enough for them to get back on dry land, and attempt to flee.

Unfortunately for them, the route to escape goes right past the barracks. They did mug a peasant on their way out, though.

Unfortunately for our soldiers however, the goblin's were rather quick of their feet, as they ran naked. They got all the way to the exit, only to find new cage traps that fell on them.

I think we will just open their cages in the middle of the barracks next.

When it comes to dealing with the goblins, I suddenly had an even better idea.

We found a pit in the lower levels, and seeing that there was currently no other use for it, it might as well serve as live target-practice area for our shooters. It should teach them well about the best parts to shoot at when it comes to goblins.

While our shooters are waiting for their new lessons in the art of killing, a mason has sprung forth from surprise in the workshop he had placed himself.

Apparently he had gotten a good idea just like our carver earlier, and had made the best millstone I have ever seen, out of  bituminous coal. He even decided to add a little history lesson on it, where an alligator is killing an elf. He said it's one of his favorite stories, even if it's over a hundred years old.

The farmer's told that while everyone else was building obelisks, chairs, making crafts and what-not, they decided to amuse themselves with planting crops. Apparently the seeds we had the most were rope reed seeds, so guess what they planted?

Apparently, they also had great success with their sudden strike of inspiration, and we have a number of rope reeds now. They tell me that they're great for both brewing, and making clothes, and hint that a lot of us reclaimers have less than tidy clothes as it is.

Well, fine then. They want to get some new clothes, plant those rope reeds. I need to ask around the people if anyone knows how to actually make clothes out of things other than leather.

Spring is here again, and this time, I'm finding someone to run this place instead of me. I will order it if I have to. I've had more than enough issues with flashfloods, insufficient floods and streaking goblins inside the camp.

And that's it again. No ambushes, elf sieges or anything of the sort, even when now there's 82 kobolds in the camp. About 10 babies, I recall. Got some food and so on, but when it comes to the mention of trained wolves, the only animals I've seen are slug- and snailmen. Maybe I will trap those for the laughs later on and start a disgusting breeding program.


Stuff that I did:
- Started on a real militia. 20 kobolds now. Look at 'em go!
- Finished the stockpiling for real.
- Made 2 new wells, the single one wasn't able to meet up to the demand.
- An obelisk. Aww yeah, along it in the pic are two earlier buildings. A pyramid and a statue. At least I think it's a statue.
- 2 moods that produced, these things. The second one got cut out ingame. Odd. Oh well. Amulet was worth 6k, millstone 8400. Whoop de doop.

Anyway. There seems to be a load of food still, so all is well on that part, although kobolds eat like heck since they're carnivores. Which reminds me, I don't think I told the fishermen to actually fish. Dammit.

Save upload below. It's up to you now, Fist. Show us all how this place really works because I'm just running back and forth and hoping I remember what was what.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 12:49:34 pm by Ieb »
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