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Author Topic: Apexwhips - Convicts at large  (Read 23993 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2009, 03:45:01 am »

Good story so far, almost inspiring eniugh to make me start a community fort.

Maybe later.
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2009, 09:07:06 pm »

To the Rescue!

Mandy and Loki crept towards the spot the noble had been spotted when suddenly they were surprised by the sight of said dwarf charging through the woods yelling “Help!” The noble was followed by a pair of slugmen, who were in turn followed by several dwarves, with pack mules and a few armed guards. “Oh thank Moldath.” said Mandy with a look of relief on her face. “It is just a lost caravan.” Mandy turned to Loki. “Go say hi to those traders while I rescue this silly Noble from her slugman lovers.”

Loki giggled and nodded, relief also plain on her face and scampered off towards the trade caravan. Mand hoisted her axe, let out a cry and charged after the pair of slugmen. The first one she simply decapitated at a run, the second managed to lean out of her way and got a bad gash across it's upper arm. It's suffering was short lived though as Mandy's backswing parted it's upper body from it's lower. Mandy leaned on the axe as she waited for the frightened Noble to come up to her.

(Mandy makes Slugman Sushi while Athel makes a small yellow puddle.)

Athel cautiously approached the axe wielding maid who had just bisected two slugmen. “Er, thank you for the rescue Miss. Athel Cattenolil outpoast liaison at your service.”

Mandy grinned, “Welcome to Axewhips Athel. What can we do for you?”

Athel looked around and at the shabby wooden structure that she could see through the trees. “Um, the usual stuff? Trade and all that. I'm kind of surprised to find you out here. There was no word of a new outpost being made in this area. Axewhips you say?”

Mandy just shrugged. “I'm afraid we are somewhat lacking in trade facilities at the moment, but I think I can have something suitable tossed together fairly quickly.”

“Oh, well, I'm sure that will work. We are somewhat lacking in trade goods ourselves having just come back from another outpost. The wagons that were with us took a different route so as to avoid this forest. If we had known you were here... “ said Athel.

Mandy shrugged again. “Probably some cleric mixed something up someplace. Since you are here though, lets see what you have to trade. I know there are a few things that the idiot who packed our cart forgot to include. Like a pick.”

Athel was mildly relieved. She had been wondering about all the wooden structures. She had heard the occasional rumor of a group of insane dwarves that lived like elves out in the woods but this was just some unfortunate lot that got sent out without any picks. Their cart was probably packed by the same idiot who didn't think to notify the trade caravans of the new outpost. “Sure, and while everyone is working on the trade Depot and whatnot perhaps we could discuss what you would like us to bring with a real caravan next year?”

“Sounds lovely.” said Mandy. “Now if you will excuse me for a bit I need to make some preparations for the construction and trading.
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2009, 02:59:02 pm »

A Gamble

Mandy hurried back to the camp running into the others just outside it. “So do we chop em up?” asked Vulk.

Mandy shook her head, “No it is just part of a trade caravan taking a shortcut. They were as surprised to find us here as we are to be found. I want someone, I don't care who, to put up a trade depot and we can see how well they like Art's cooking.”

“Those poor bastards.” said Skuz, earning a sharp look from Art.

“On second thought, Skuz, you get to put up the Depot.” ordered Mandy.

Skuz muttered a response under his beard.

“What's that you said? You also want to go fishing?” inqured Mandy with an evil grin.

“Er, no Chief. One trade Depot coming right up Chief.” replied Skuz.

“Don't you think this is a bit risky?” asked Gear. “What happens when they get back and tell folks about us?”

Mandy shrugged. “The way I look at it, we should be more than ready to get out of here by the time spring comes back around. The caravan shouldn't make it back to real civilization until just before the start of winter. As long as we don't tell them anything, it should take them at least till the start of spring to figure out that we are not some settlement sent out by some loopy Noble with bad book keeping. By the time anyone is the wiser we should be well on our way to our new lives. Besides, they might have something we really need.”

“What is that?” asked Gear.

“A pick.” stated Mandy.

(The traders unload their meager goods. Do they have a pick? Tune in next time to find out.)
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2009, 01:07:27 pm »

Holy carp it's a cliffhanger!

Also, [praise].


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2009, 09:56:38 pm »

You can Pick your Friends and you can Pick your Nose but..

You can't mine without a pick. Mandy cursed as she looked over the list of goods that this Solon had handed her noting the distinct lack of digging implements. To make things worse, while at prison Mandy had met several dwarves who were legitimately there for swindling and conning. This Solon gal could have taught them all a few tricks. Not only did Solon speak with that insufferable accent, but the list she had handed Mandy was conviently lacking in any pricing leaving Mandy to guess at their value. After a few tries where Solon indicated that she would be taking a loss and one where solon gripped that “Tha beasts wuld be kilt ba all thar that.” Mandy finally just threw up her arms in disgust. “Look just take the whole pile of roasts and give us the meat.”

“Dawn!” said Solon with a grin.

Mandy grumbled to herself. She had hoped to get the box of cloth and the box of leather too but apparently Solon had the same high opinion of Art's cooking as the rest of them. Mandy briefly considered making the rest of the goods 'get stolen by slugmen' but a look at the well equipped guards made her decide against it. With a sigh she went off to talk to the liaison about what they would like the caravan to bring next year. Not that they were planning on being here next year, but no reason to tell these traders that.

“So, what goods would you like us to bring you next year Miss... what did you say your name was?” asked Athel.

“I didn't.” replied Mandy. “Sorry about that, the name is Mandy.”

“That's a strange name.” said Athel.

Mandy scowled. “I had strange parents. Now I believe you were asking what we needed for next year.”

“Right, here is the list of all that we can provide. Just mark next to them what goods you would like us to bring and how much you are willing to pay for them on a scale from one to four. Obviously we will be much more inclined to bring more of those goods you will pay well for. So if you really need something, I suggest being generous.” Athel explained passing a thick stack of papers over to Mandy.

Scowling at the greed of the traders, Mandy flipped through the papers. “Lets see... we really REALLY need a pick, so that's going to be a four. We could also use some seeds, lets say two on all those. Anvil might be nice, make that a one. Oh and I wouldn't mind some nice Turtle, so lets put one there too.” Mandy briefly considered requesting a pile of ore, bars, and blocks just to make the Armok blessed traders haul it through the woods to an empty camp but she decided against it. The more normal her request looked, the less likely it was to draw attention.

Athel took the papers back and looked over them, “Looks good. Now let's discuss what goods we would like from you next year. Here is our list of desired goods ranked from one to four just like you did for us.”

Mandy took the offered sheet and looked it over.

(The Liaison asks for some pretty silly stuff.)

“I think the only things on this list we can even begin to manage are the cloth, drinks, and handwear.” said Mandy. “Seems a bit absurd of you to be asking us for anvils when we don't even have a mining pick.”

Athel shrugged, “We just give everyone that same list. Between the various forts that we trade with someone usually manages to have what was requested.”

“Figures, well if that is all, I have an outpost to run. See you next year.” Mandy said as she got up to leave.

“Er well, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. We would like to rest here a little before moving on. Besides, I saw you eying that box of cloth. I figure you might like some time to make a few more things to trade for it.” Athel replied.

Mandy resisted the urge to reach for her axe. She was really beginning to regret her decision to talk to these traders. Not only didn't they have the pick they sorely needed, they also were making every effort to milk them for goods. “Fine, make yourselves at home. Just remember if you want any booze or anything else, I had better be seeing some cloth in return.”

“Fair enough. I'll leave you to your leading.” Athel said as she watched Mandy leave the room. Once Mandy was gone, Athel chuckled to herself. This outpost would provide a nice little boost to her profit and since this outpost wasn't on the record book, no need to let the tax collector know anything. Too bad they didn't have much more to trade. Their leader had no real idea what anything was worth. Sure the little food they did had looked like something he wouldn't feed a cat, but they could probably sell it for a fair profit to that prison camp nearby. They seemed rather desperate for anything that wasn't plump helmet.

Athel packed her papers in their pouch and wandered outside. She saw the wagon sitting in the mud near one of the ponds and went over to have a look at it. It amused her how some forts seemed to form a sentimental attachment to their wagon while others ripped it apart for the wood almost the moment they arrived. One wheel was broken on this one, which could explain why she hadn't heard of a fort being established in this area, except that she hadn't heard of any new forts being founded this year. She wondered who had sent them out and where they were actually bound for when the wagon broke. It was then that she noticed a familiar looking shape on the ground near the back of the wagon. It was a scrap of wood with a mark of an axe against a grindstone burned into it. The mark of Axegrind. How interesting. Athel would definitely have to do a little investigating when she got back home.
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2009, 07:18:10 pm »


After a while, Athel departed, followed shortly by the traders. Unfortunately Mandy didn't manage to talk them out of their cloth, though in hind sight she probably should have just asked for a few pieces rather than the whole box. Oh well, they would just have to get their bags the hard way. Vulk had already managed to produce one bolt of cloth and was working on making the first of their bags. Of course as soon as he finishes it, Brick ran over and stuffed it full of seeds. Not food, seeds. “What are you doing Brick?” asked Mandy.

Brick looked up from her work, “Clearing room in my seed pile, why?”

“We were going to use those bags for hauling our food and supplies when we leave here. I don't particularly want to try and make it to a real fort with nothing but bags of seeds to eat.” Mandy said.

Brick looked at the bag in her hands half full of seeds. “oh.” She then looked back at her stock pile with each seed sitting in it's own little spot. “But if I don't have space for the seeds, how am I going to grow the food we need? If I leave the seeds just lying about they might get trampled.” she said after a moment of thought.

Mandy also looked at the stock pile. “You could just try putting more than one seed in a stack....”

Brick gave her a blank stare.

“Oh never mind, I suppose we can just dump out the seeds if we need more bags when it is time to go.” Mandy finally said deciding that it would be more trouble than it was worth to convince the apparently compulsive Brick to stack the seeds more efficiently in her stockpile.

Work on the new dining hall progressed nicely and it wasn't too long before they had a roof over it and the floor down. Loki then started hauling the furniture she had made into place. Mandy was looking forward to eating her first meal in a proper chair since they had left the prison. Hopefully better accommodations might make Art's cooking more palatable. Mandy was working on yet another barrel of prickle berry wine to supply Art's kitchen when there was a knock at the back door. Vulk who happened to be passing by at that moment looked over and Mandy. “Who in Armok's name is that? Think that screwy trader forgot something?”

Mandy looked back at him as she stood up, grabbing her axe. “I doubt it, he already took most everything we had with him anyway. So unless those slugmen have suddenly developed manners, I think we have another visitor. Go let the other's know something is up, while I go have a look. I am going to lock the inner door behind me, so if you hear me yelling, grab what you can and make a run for it.”

“You don't think the Guard would knock do you?” asked Vulk.

“Dunno, maybe they just want us to put our guard down. Better off safe than sorry though.” replied Mandy. Just then the knock came again along with a faint, “Hullo? Anyone home?”

Vulk shrugged, “Sure thing Chief.” and headed off to warn the others while Mand went to see who was knocking at the door. She entered the farm room to be greeted by a dwarf peering in the door. Mandy made a note to make sure that door was kept locked in the future as she eyed the dwarf. The dwarf looked Mandy up and down, paying particular attention to her axe. “Are you Mandy?” asked the mystery dwarf.

“And what if I am?” retorted Mandy glaring at the dwarf.

The dwarf appeared to consider for a bit before he stepped fully inside the door and, keeping near the exit and away from the angry looking gal with the axe, pulled out a folded and sealed letter. “If you are Mandy, then I am supposed to give you this letter.” he said holding the letter out as if it was a sort of talisman.

“Who is it from?” asked Mandy not moving any closer.

“The liaison Athel. She seemed to think you would be quite interested in what was in it.” the dwarf replied.

Mandy's frown deepened. Why in the world would Athel be sending her a letter? Feeling a sense of dread, Mandy lowered the axe, much to the relief of the other dwarf, and came forward to take the letter from him. She eyed the letter in her hand, she didn't recognize the seal but she supposed it must be Athel's. Looking at the dwarf who was standing there watching her she asked, “I don't suppose you know what is in this letter?”

“No Miss.” he replied, “Athel was quite firm that if she found out I had peeked at it, I would find myself wishing for the swift mercy of the hammerer.”

Mandy's feeling of dread deepened as she stared at the letter in her hand. Gritting her teeth, she broke the seal and started to read...

(Who in their right mind would WANT to live out here? No one, that's who. Say hi to our first, and only, crazy immigrant so far.)
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2009, 11:51:04 am »

Letter of DOOM

Quote from: Athel
Dear Mandy,

Or should I say Datan Momuzducim? I did a little poking about and found out the most fascinating thing. Apparently seven dwarves who's descriptions seemed awfully familiar to me died in an escape attempt from the prison fort of Axegrind in the spring of this year. According to the story I heard, they were shot down by the guards while they tried to ride off in a stolen wagon. Yet you all seemed to be in remarkable good health when I saw you.

To maintain that good health and prevent news of your little outpost getting distributed to every fort in the kingdom via the trade networks, I have a small proposal. Due to your unique nature of not being a listed fort, I am able to take some liberties when it comes to what I have to tell the tax collector. I think it might be in your best interest to take a much closer look at that list of requests I handed you. While I don't expect the impossible, the more you can do, the less likely I am to let something slip.

Your good friend, Athel Cattenolil

PS. If the fort is abandoned when I return, I will be most concerned and forced to send out detailed descriptions of all of you in an attempt to make sure that if misfortune has not yet befallen you, it soon will.

PPS. Please take care of my messenger. I promised him you would let him stay out there away from sight in return for delivering this letter. I would be rather distressed to find that anything had befallen him.

PPPS. I also took the liberty of renaming your fort to Apexwhips as there was already an Axewhips in my books. I do hope you don't mind.

Mandy lowered the letter with a shaking hand and looked at the dwarf standing in front of her. “May she sleep with Eleves!” she cursed. “The blessing of Armok is too good for her! I hope carp infest her privy!”

The messenger dwaf looked at her with worried eyes. “Er, Athel said you would have a place for me to stay.” he said hopefully, while eying the door as if debating running back to wherever he came from.

Mandy kicked the wall nearby, “I don't think I have much choice.”

“Oh. Well then, my name is-” he started.

“I don't care what your name is right now.” interrupted Mandy. “Just follow me, I'll show you where the beds are.” Mandy stalked off leaving the other dwarf to follow or not. When she went through the door into the food store she was greeted by the other dwarves.

“What happened?” Asked Loki.

“Yea, I'm pretty sure the whole forest could hear your cursing.” added Skuz.

“Who's he?” asked Gear noticing the other dwarf following Mandy.

Mandy just shoved the letter in Loki's hand in response. “There is your answer.” She nodded towards the messenger, “I don't suggest reading that out loud.” Mandy then gestured towards the Hovel. “The beds are in there Mr Messenger. I suggest you pick out one and then go see about making yourself useful. As for me...” Mandy scooped up a barrel of beer with one arm. “If anyone needs me for the next few hours, I suggest you think long and hard about just how much you want your beard shaved off with an axe.” She then kicked the door open to where the wagon was and stomped over to it with her barrel.
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2009, 11:58:56 am »

Can i claim the new guy?

Just name him after me if you want him for the story.
If not, axe-dwarf.
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2009, 12:30:48 pm »

Can i claim the new guy?

Just name him after me if you want him for the story.
If not, axe-dwarf.

New guy was already claimed by Jervous.  However I'll see about snagging a dwarf for you in my next immigrant wave. 
(Which will hopefully arrive today in-game after I am done dealing with the Elf caravan.)

Given that I am currently three chapters ahead of what is posted and that I'm posting one chapter a day, I'm expecting that wave to arrive in this thread Thursday or Friday.
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2009, 12:35:53 pm »

That's fine. Just axe-dwarf. all other military jobs are worthless in this fort.  ;)
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2009, 01:18:24 pm »

That's fine. Just axe-dwarf. all other military jobs are worthless in this fort.  ;)

By the  way, you need to give me a reason your dwarf wants to avoid normal dwarf society.  You can just post it here or PM me if you want it to be a secret.  I reserve the right to modify said reason to make it fit in the story though I will try to keep it as consistent with what you give me as I can.

As for other military being worthless, not really.  There is always the option of trading for another weapon and I do hope to eventually have some industry built up.  Besides, its not like the dwarf has to have that weapon available immediately to favor it in the story.  I could just stick them on wrestling training until the favored weapon shows up or is made. (With plenty of grumbling on their part about not having said weapon.) 
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2009, 01:34:38 pm »

Has been wondering the world after being exiled from a different dwarven civ for a lack of respect towards nobles. Met the migrant train on his travel and went along.

Must insult any noble to their face as often as possible.
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2009, 05:35:29 pm »

Slaughter and Butchery

After she had dunked her head in beer for a bit, Mandy felt a little better. It could have been worse she supposed. That Athel could have turned them in and instead of a lone dwarf they could be looking at an army of guards looking to make sure there was some truth to the story that they had hall been killed. She looked at the wooden walls and sighed. This was not how she had ever envisioned her life turning out. She should have been married with kids by now, not leading a group of escaped dwarves as they lived above ground like a bunch of humans. The worst bit was that they were all now probably stuck in this place until they died. That damned Athel had better make damn sure there was a pick in the next caravan or Mandy was going to make her eat those goods she had requested.

Speaking of which, Mandy had spend enough time brooding. If they were going to keep Athel happy, there was work to be done. That and she had to figure out what to do with that new dwarf. She got up off the cart and went back inside the fort where she was greeted by the others. “I take it by your foul expressions that you have all had the pleasure of reading Athel's little note?” she asked/

Skuz spat on the ground, “I say if we see her again we ship her back home in at least ten separate boxes if you know what I mean.”

“Lovely thought, but she strikes me as the sort who would leave instructions on what to do in the event of dismemberment.” said Loki.

“So what are we going to do now Chief?” asked Art.

Mandy shook her head. “We will have to do what that Elf loving, goblin kisser wants. I don't really see any other choice.”

There was a fair bit of grumbling at that.

“I don't like it any more than the rest of you. This is no place and no way for a dwarf to live, but since living is what I would like to continue doing we have to do as Athel says. For now anyway.” Mandy said. She looked over the group, “Where did that new dwarf go? Is he still picking out a room?” She asked.

“I saw him heading towards the dining room.” replied Gear.

“Ok, well I'm going to go have a talk with him, the rest of you just get back to work I suppose. Athel wanted some cloth so I still need you weaving Vulk, though make some gloves along with the bags. Athel wanted handware as well.” Mandy took a moment to see that everyone was heading back to their jobs before seeking out the messenger. She found him in the dining hall just as Gear had stated. She also found the Mule and Horse that had hauled the cart, as well as several mushy brown piles on the floor complements of the mule and horse.

Wiping her boot on the floor in disgust she approached the dwarf. “Ok, I'm finally ready to hear your name.” she told him.

“Jarvous” he replied, “I like working with bones.” he added.

Mandy glared at the Horse as it added yet another pile to the floor. “Well you are in luck Jarvous. I happen to know where you can find some bones. There is even some meat and hides that you can deal with while you are at it.” she said.

Jarvous gave Mandy an unsettlingly eager look, “Really?”

Mandy nodded and gestured at the two animals. “Right there. Put together a butchers shop and tannery and then make those two things into something actually useful.”

Jarvous looked a little disappointed.

“We need the hides first since that was one of the things Athel requested of us when she was here. After you are done with that, feel free to do what you want with the bones. You could make a miniature temple to Armok for all I care.” she explained.

Jarvious looked considerably cheered by that, “Yes Miss. Mandy.”

“Call me Chief.” she told him. For some reason this dwarf unsettled her and she wanted to remind him who was in charge.

He nodded, “Yes chief.” He then pushed open the double doors and left, presumably to go gather the wood he would need to make the workshops.

Mandy stood in the dining hall a little longer wondering just what sort of dwarf Athel had sent as her messenger. Jarvous was obviously not his real name, but then none of them here used their real names. She wondered what reason he had to want to live out in a place like this. She had the unsettling feeling that this wasn't just a failed production order like the rest of them. Of course that nagging little voice in her head reminded her that she was one to think such things. After all, she hadn't been sent to Axegrind just because of a failed order herself.

Pushing such thoughts to the back of her mind, Mandy went back to her still. If they were going to be able to get anything of worth out of the next caravan, both she and Art needed to improve in their skills since prepared foods were the only thing they could really make in any quantity at the moment.

Jarvious dispatched the two bothersome animals, strangling them with his bare hands. He had a grin on his face as he pulled out the bones and neatly stacked them next to the butchers shop. Mandy resolved to keep an eye on him. A few days later the leaves began to fall indicating that winter had arrived to their little fort.

(Winter of 215 arrives and the two animals are no longer making a mess of the dining hall.)
Tis far better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2009, 06:31:07 pm »

Muahahahah. My guy is so insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apexwhips - Convicts at large
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2009, 04:14:12 am »

Can I claim a dwarf if there are any free ones next migrant wave?

If you manage to get a pick by then I'll take a metal worker whos in trouble for killing numerouse other smiths so that his works were the best in the land.

If no pick has been found a military dwarf (marksdwarf if possible) whos in trouble for leading a failed resistance against a deranged govener who was a brother to the king.

great story so far, keep up the good work!
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