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Author Topic: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)  (Read 5073 times)

Plank of Wood

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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2009, 05:01:40 pm »

24th Obsidian, 200

Second day of our voyage to the future site of "Ucatonol". I already have plans of what I shall attempt to accomplish there; for starters I shall form the Fortress Tavern. Well, some would like to call it a "meeting hall", but to be fair, it's an establishment constructed for the purpose of getting drunk. Naturally I shall have my room built close by to the Tavern, after all I must arrive there before the filthy commoners do - in these times one must not let ones alcohol be left unguarded.

I am not sure who will be "in charge" of this operation, Greyhammer seems capable enough, however I doubt he has my knowledge of the economics of alcohol. I also hope we have variety in our booze, I've had enough of the cheap peasant's fungus that they dare to turn into glorious alcohol; it has been a long time since I've had a barrel of Beer or Ale or even Rum to my lips.
The science of burning innocent children could be perfected into clockwork.
They're like little bearded corals.


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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2009, 08:42:47 pm »

Further Excerpts from the Journal of Darzh Greyhammer, Dwarf Foreman:

First of Granite, Year 201: At the turn of the year, we've arrived at what may as well be "Ucatonol". The wagon finally broke down, and this patch of swamp looks like every other patch of swamp, so it's a good a place as any. I told Elaine to start clear-cutting the area (she has the only remaining axe, and the woodcutting know-how), and Grubbles to start pulling up the shrubs in the area and put them in a circle I drew with my boot in the sand (which is now our food stockpile. Also, sand in a forest? Seems odd to me, but sand means glass, so I'm not complaining).

At this point, Astus decided to inform me that in the absence of Urist, he is now the Expedition Leader, and, therefore, the one who gives orders. I told him that I don't give a damn what he calls himself, and that I'm foreman in charge of the construction of the fortress as declared by Urist, and therefore, by extension, the King. That shut him up.

Also today, I've been building a carpenter's workshop, while Plank's putting up a still; the anxiety to start brewing is almost palpable.

Eighth of Granite, Year 201: The workshop and still went up quick, so I've been spending the past few days making barrels. Elaine doesn't seem thrilled about this, but she's our only woodcutter, and we're going to need a hell of a lot of wood, so she'll have to bear it. Of course, I was expecting people to actually start using the barrels to brew us something to drink, but some idiot keeps stuffing them all full of the plants Grubbles is gathering. I may have to clarify that while the plants can sit on the ground, the booze can't.

Tenth of Granite, Year 201: Good news and bad news. The good news is that we have alcohol. The bad news is that it's all bloody prickle berry wine, because I apparently didn't tell anyone not to brew that crap. The situation is being rectified (i.e. the brewers get to have it while they make the rest of us something drinkable).

Sixteenth of Granite, Year 201: It's raining. I hate this swamp. In other news, me and Elaine have started the construction of a pallisaide around the camp to dissuade any orcs from barging in and killing everyone until we start the construction of the brewery proper. Hopefully, we can have it done by summer's beginning.

Twenty-Third of Granite, Year 201: It finally stopped raining. In an amusing turn, I've been too busy doing Elaine's job (making barrels) to do my job (building the wall), and Elaine's too busy doing my job to do her job. Therefore, every time we pass each other by the wood stockpile, she makes comments on the poor quality of the barrels, and gives me pointers on how to improve my work, and I rebut with comments on the poor quality of the wall (which, by the way, is roughly half done at the time of this entry), and give her pointers on how to improve her work.

Common sense would, of course, dictate that we just do our own damn work, but what the hell.

Also, the brewer(s) have learned the error of their ways, and we have BEER now! I LOVE this swamp!

Twenty-Seventh of Granite, Year 201: Our cat seems to have grown attached to me. I've named her Dumed.

With the east wall nearly complete, and Grubbles and Elaine busily defoliating the countryside, things seem to be going well.

Twenty-Eighth of Granite, Year 201: The east wall of the palisade is complete. It's a bit shabby, but it'll work. Since we have as many barrels as we need now, we've begun work on the north wall (though I still send Elaine out to gather wood periodically; nobody wants to try taking her axe away).

Thirteenth of Slate, Year 201: I'm taking a bloody nap, on account of working on the walls for about a month now. Of course, Hex and Astus have already dozed off, despite doing basically nothing the entire time. I may have to give those slackers something to do...

Fourteenth of Slate, Year 201: Back to work! Woke up to Elaine kicking me out of the way, but then she curled up in the spot I'd just vacated and dropped off. Work is only slightly slower now that that scamp Dumed's dropping miscellaneous vermin corpses where I'm trying to build.

Twenty-Second of Slate, Year 201: We've completed the north side of the palisade.

Twenty-Sixth of Slate, Year 201: After a couple day's rest, construction of the west wall begins. I took the opportunity to congratulate everyone on our progress, even though Elaine, Grubbles (whom wasn't present, having fallen asleep in a bush), and myself have been doing all the work.

Still hoping to finish the wall by summer.

Seventh of Felsite, Year 201: The west wall's complete. Went ahead and let Plank and Bomrek resume brewing, since they were getting antsy, and really, who the hell doesn't like booze?

Fifteenth of Felsite, Year 201: Construction of the south (and final) wall begins. It was somewhat delayed since I had to make more barrels, and I apparently forgot to tell Elaine to cut more wood. Really, what the hell else did you think you were supposed to do?

Still, even if we don't get the wall done by summer, we're making decent time; a dwarf's at his finest when he's sloshed, and even with heavy drinking, we've now got over 70 servings of alcohol here. Poor bastards back at the Mountainhomes would be jealous if they knew.

First of Hematite: Thus marks the beginning of summer. The perimeter's almost complete, so we can still shut out the greenskins if they decide to show up.

Hopefully we can start laying groundwork on the brewery soon. Oh, and make a helluva lot of booze, I want extra hands here soon.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2009, 03:37:59 pm »

The only reasonable downfall to this fort is alcohol shortage.
Great story.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2009, 02:17:19 am »

D: am i too late to claim a dorf?

.... well, put me on the waiting list! i wanna play too!

female dorf nicknamed Rosey.
hammerwoman mason.

not the one to socialize much. quiet, but very determined. obedient optimist idealist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2009, 02:31:40 pm »

EDITED: Woops. I got mixed up.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 02:37:58 pm by Jervous »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2009, 03:20:06 pm »

Some More Excerpts from the Journal of Darzh Greyhammer, Dwarf Foreman:

Eighth of Hematite, Year 201: We've completed the last of the wall! Now, on to business.

Also, we have more bleeding wine? Fisher berries this time, it would seem. Time to have another chat with the brewers.

Twelvth of Hematite, Year 201: We've started the construction of a barracks in the north-east corner of the camp, so that people stop falling asleep in the sand outside. Also, Elaine's making some more barrels.

Seventeenth of Hematite, Year 201: Business as usual. We finished the first floor of the barracks today; just have to roof it over now, so we can put beds in.

Twenty-Second of Hematite, Year 201: Elaine really gets into her work. She seems to have completely missed the part where I told her to stop making barrels and go cut wood.

...We're out of wood.

Third of Malachite, Year 201: We're back on track, with the roof well under way. While Elaine's building, I'm making some beds.

Meanwhile, Me, Plank (one of the few other business-minded dwarves here), and Dumed have been discussing the plans for the brewery (well, Dumed didn't contribute much to the conversation except a dead rat).

Tenth of Malachite, Year 201: We've been putting in the beds as we build the roof of the barracks, currently at three of seven. I'm going to go set up some markers to designate sites for the construction of the brewery.

Nineteenth of Malachite, Year 201: I've got the first set of markers in place.

The Brewery Ucatonol is, at present, going to be divided into five sections:

-Building A will be housing for citizens/employees, and will host the Fortress Bar (Plank's idea, but it seems only appropriate). The Bar will be the entrance hall and main dining area, and thus used to impress (intimidate, preferably; we ARE dwarves) guests and migrants. We're also thinking of putting a mosaic of a big ol' tankard of ale in the center, though we haven't worked out the details (which'll be subject to change, depending on what stone we have, and what we can import)).

-Building B will be the Brewery proper, where most of the storage and workshops are housed.

-Building C will be the smallest of the three (Buildings A and B being tied at "pretty damn big"), being the loading dock for import/exporting goods, and will be connecting directly to Building B's storage levels.

-In addition, there will be both surface and (assuming we can import the required seeds) subterranean farms (haven't decided whether we'll put the crypt in the subterranean farms or under Building A; the latter seems more likely).

Oh, and Astus and Hex, our main layabouts, took two of the beds (bastards), while Plank got the third.

Twenty-Fourth of Malachite, Year 201: I've set Elaine and Grubbles to defoliate Site A (instead of the forest around the camp), and am working on re-organizing the camp's stockpiles to accommodate the vegetation.

Fourth of Galena, Year 201: Today we had a complete lack of anything resembling an immigration. I can only assume that the King's keeping word from getting out until we're ready to receive the migrants.

Once we finish with the barracks, plans are to begin fortifiyng the outer wall for when the orcs show up (it's not a question of 'if'; marauding bands of greenskins have ended countless fledgling forts).

Ninth of Galena, Year 201: Already making more barrels; Bomrek and Plank burned (figuratively) through our supply in a couple days.

Astus officially declared his intent to be useless and slack off by going on break. What, you think you have it hard? You and Hex have been doing nothing but hauling wood all year! SOME of us have been building a FORTRESS.

I think I'm starting to see why King Cilob hates soapers.

Twenty-Fourth of Galena, Year 201: Today we tried to get some more brewing done, except Bomrek informed me that he has nothing to brew. I told him I wasn't in the mood for jokes and that we had at least seventy berries sitting in barrels.

He told me that they're all strawberries and prickle berries (Twenty of the former, FIFTY of the latter).

What the hell, Grubbles.

Also, we ran out of wood again. I told Elaine that she needed to go cut some more, and she told me to "Go cut your own damn wood, I'm taking a break." When I reminded her that she has the only axe, she told me that this sounded a whole lot like my problem.

Construction has halted.

Twenty-Seventh of Galena, Year 201: I finally got Elaine to relinquish the axe today so that I could go cut my own damn wood.

First of Limestone, Year 201: Autumn has arrived. Periodic (hindered by barrel and plant shortages) brewing has yielded over 200 pints of alcohol  (primarily Tuber Beer and Longland Beer, with a bit of Swamp Whiskey (which is surprisingly rare, given that we're sitting in a swamp)).

The barracks roof is almost complete; once it's done, we're going to work on fortifying the walls and building a trade depot; we're going to get swamped by alcohol starved dwarves soon, no matter what.

Clearing Site A is steady, if slow, work; I expect it to take about a year's time.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2009, 04:03:06 pm »

Hurp de durp, me likes the prickle berries and strawberries are pretty.. =B


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2009, 05:50:06 pm »

Hey, I'm not lazing around, I'm just not taught in the methods of working wood.  Or, at least give me some bone. :P
They started to collide~


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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2009, 08:08:51 pm »

Hey, I'm not lazing around, I'm just not taught in the methods of working wood.  Or, at least give me some bone. :P

There's nothing to kill.  :(
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

Astus Ater

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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2009, 07:17:16 am »

Will it be possible to see our dwarves' profiles? I noticed you don't take screenshots, so I wasn't sure if you knew how.
Legendary Liar:  "I just stabbed you and you died.  Sorry."
Victim:  "Well, if you say so." *thud*

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2009, 10:49:54 am »

Diary of Bomrek Floyd

A diary. Found one in the kitchen a while ago. I think I was roasting some wine in a rather expert manner when I found it under the chopping board.(Oh, and it was a rather excellent Cacame Sunshine, vintage of 165) Never really used it for anything but jotting down the odd thing until now, actually. Anyway, the fortress has a surplus of rather nasty fisher berry wine again, which I expect I am going to drink anyway, as we haven't really anything else.
I dread the thought of putting this muck in food, but I suppose a great cook can make do.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2009, 10:52:57 am »

Will it be possible to see our dwarves' profiles? I noticed you don't take screenshots, so I wasn't sure if you knew how.

Yeah, I'll probably get around to that soon-ish.

Diary of Bomrek Floyd

A diary. Found one in the kitchen a while ago. I think I was roasting some wine in a rather expert manner when I found it under the chopping board.(Oh, and it was a rather excellent Cacame Sunshine, vintage of 165) Never really used it for anything but jotting down the odd thing until now, actually. Anyway, the fortress has a surplus of rather nasty fisher berry wine again, which I expect I am going to drink anyway, as we haven't really anything else.
I dread the thought of putting this muck in food, but I suppose a great cook can make do.

Actually, to be honest, we don't have a kitchen yet. (never really saw much use in having one, tho I suppose I can get rid of all those seeds)  :-X
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

  • Bay Watcher
  • His Maleficent Magnificence of Nur
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2009, 10:54:14 am »

Will it be possible to see our dwarves' profiles? I noticed you don't take screenshots, so I wasn't sure if you knew how.

Yeah, I'll probably get around to that soon-ish.

Diary of Bomrek Floyd

A diary. Found one in the kitchen a while ago. I think I was roasting some wine in a rather expert manner when I found it under the chopping board.(Oh, and it was a rather excellent Cacame Sunshine, vintage of 165) Never really used it for anything but jotting down the odd thing until now, actually. Anyway, the fortress has a surplus of rather nasty fisher berry wine again, which I expect I am going to drink anyway, as we haven't really anything else.
I dread the thought of putting this muck in food, but I suppose a great cook can make do.

Actually, to be honest, we don't have a kitchen yet. (never really saw much use in having one, tho I suppose I can get rid of all those seeds)  :-X
It was a kitchen long ago.
(Yeah, that'll do.)
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2009, 01:19:27 pm »

Elaine sounds pretty cool, hope she gets her axe back tough ;) ... and doesnt go charging the first orc she sees


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Re: Ucatonol, Dwarven Brewery (Community Fort)
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2009, 05:17:23 pm »

Third of Limestone, Year 201: Between timber runs, me and Bomrek are discussing building an actual kitchen, so that we can start having some honest meals, rather than munching on raw plants; our stocks of jerky are running low.

While we get the wood for that, I've layed down some ground rules on what he and Plank should and shouldn't cook;

Cook: Meat, fish, berries and their seeds, wine (we still have a bit left)

Don't Cook: Booze (excluding wine), plants reserved for brewing (essentially everything other than berries), and their seeds.

Also gonna make something resembling a dining room in the barracks.

Fifth of Limestone, Year 201: Elaine's off break, so I'm gonna go give her back her axe. Cutting wood isn't my thing.

Tenth of Limestone, Year 201: Plank's got the kitchen up and I've told her and Bomrek to start cooking. Hooray hot meals!

Seventeenth of Limestone, Year 201: Prickle berries might make crappy booze, but they make decent stew.

The autumn caravan has arrived! We need to get that depot built soon.

Eighteenth of Limestone, Year 201: Roof's done! Now to work on the trade depot. It's amusing watching our liasion chase Astus about as he's hauling wood.

Twenty-Second of Limestone, Year 201: Depot's done; I've put Plank in charge of trade.

I've also set everyone to lug the booze over to the depot; after that, I'll get to working on the tables and chairs.

Twenty-Fifth of Limestone, Year 201: The merchants are unpacking their goods. The looks on their faces when they saw the barrels we were stacking up was truly priceless.

First of Sandstone, Year 201: Plank decided to go on break just as I told her to go trade with the merchants.

Fifth of Sandstone, Year 201: The last two beds and the tables are going in the barracks (I'm still working on the chairs).

Seventh of Sandstone, Year 201: I'm going on break, it's been a long year. I briefly considered shouting at Plank until she got off her ass to sell the booze, but I can't be bothered; the merchants'll be here for a while.

Fourteenth of Sandstone, Year 201: Plank just went to go haul wood. As soon as she came back to drop it off, shouting occoured. Get your priorities straight, woman!

She's off to the trade depot now. Time for commerce!

Fifteenth of Sandstone, Year 201:


-A donkey in a zinc cage (the merchants couldn't carry the booze otherwise)
-A tower-cap barrel
-Some mule meat
-Some giant cave swallow meat


-Seven barrels of Tuber Beer
-Five barrels of Longland Beer (sad to see it go, but we can always brew more)
-A barrel of Swamp Whiskey

In total, the merchants make a profit of 361 coppers; hopefully enough to lure migrants here.

Twenty-First of Sandstone, Year 201: Back to work. Most of the chairs are in, except that Grubbles was setting them around each other, instead of around the tables. Getting that sorted out now.

The merchants are now on their way back to the mountainhomes, loaded with beer! They better bring wagons next time, 'cause production's going to go through the roof once we finish getting set up here!

Now we just need to work on the camp's battlements; I hope to get some new blood here soon, so we can get crossbows to drive off any orcs that show.

Oh, and both donkeys (had a horse and a donkey drag us here) are male. Can't breed them for meat, but they're still emergency rations.

Twenty-Seventh of Sandstone, Year 201: Astus is finally meeting up with the liasion. There's not much we need from them, but we told them to see if they could scrounge up any subterranean seeds.

First of Timber, Year 201: Migrants have arrived!

It's a party of four; A cook, a soaper, and two peasants. All women, save one of the peasants. Seeing as it's a long road from the Mountainhomes, especially on foot, sober, and in a swamp, we'll give them the easy hauling jobs for the rest of the autumn, to let them get settled in.

Third of Timber, Year 201: Construction of the battlements has begun.

First of Moonstone, Year 201: Timber was mostly uneventful, just building up our camp and letting the migrants get settled in. It's time we sorted them out, too.

It's been a good first year, but everyone's on edge now, keeping an eye out for the first sign of an orc raid.

As for brewing, we've already brought our alcohol stores back up to the level they were before the merchants showed up. Too bad they're not coming back until next autumn!

It's possible we could trade with the humans and elves, though; the elves might actually be useful for bringing us plants for brewing that we might not otherwise be able to aquire.


Yay migrants!

Also, I can't be assed to take screens of profiles, but I'll put text renditions in spoilers in the first post (including skills); it's easier to edit them after each season that way.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.
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