Thanks, Urist!
Yes, I'm planning to flesh it out in these days, as I continue to draw some more stuff, like the models I've been posting in this thread. I envision it as a pitched clash between two fairly distinct and balanced forces (although one side has the huge, trampling lizard), some of them are these bloodlusty "noble barbarians" with feathered helmets and huge two handed axes; the other ones are reminiscent of the Empire from Warhammer Fantasy, with all the bascinets, shields and spears I've drawn or suggested so far. Obviously, it's just a template right now, their general appearance could be anything from here, but I would like to shape some sort of design before getting into the huge enterprise without leaving with a huge mess of styles and general dissapointment.
I made the initial planning back in a time when I didn't consider relationships between bodies as something relevant, 2 months ago in my calendar, so there is not actually too much happening down there, save for a few corrections I made afterwards. There's still some time and empty space to work with that.
From sunday onwards I'll have some sort of detailed WIP, hopefuly zipped inside a few posts. Further criticism and suggestions (especially for the background) are gladly received.