A voracious cave crawler is 900,000 cm3, but it's really long. A dwarf is only 60,000 cm3. Anybody care to help me guess at how big a dwarf would be standing next to this cave crawler?
Well, that's a factor of fifteen, so if you divide the cave-crawler into that many segments, your dwarf would be about the same volume as one of them. Perhaps you can try imagining a freshly cut piece being turned to clay, moulded into the shape of a dwarf, then brought to life; or about 7/8ths a tall as the crawler's head.
If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can get a proper reference or do the environment more convincingly/atmospherically, I'd love to hear it.
Is it supposed to be a storm scene? Or just a calm night? My memories of visiting reefs and ocean cliffs on clear days tell me that although the beaches are calm, once you reach landmasses past the shoals, the waves and rocks are already deadly. So adding a storm to that would send water blasts up over clifftops (assuming the blurred stuff you have near the top are cliffs and trees), along with creating those hills and gullies of water. (Google doesn't give you any reference images of stormy shoals and reefs?)
As for the sailor, it seems like you aught to define what he's supposed to be doing, as it looks like he's sitting on the edge of the boat doing a little dance (what
else do you do when you're out of oars? :] ). Shouldn't his left sleeve have his shadow over it if he's holding onto the boat, whereas his right catches what little light there is?