Conclusion: whoever figured out how do this is a genius. Thumbs up to you, madam/sir/?.
I reinvented markov chain (created the idea before I discovered later it already existed and had a name called markov chain) it basically went like that.
I was thinking about how to create realistic worlds for games.
This idea came into my mind "Well, its just a matter of using earth as the map".
2 seconds later I said to myself "buf if you do that every map will be the same."
Some minutes after it I came with the idea of spliting the earth map into a grid made of squares. When you decide to generate a map, you first create a decide what the first tile of the map will be by picking an random tile of earth map, based at how likely it is to appear. Then you continue to fill the map filling with a semi random tile based at how likely something is to be bordering this tile, as some example how likely is a themepark tile be to the left of a beach tile and this goes on and on until the entire map is made.
I said to myself, that doing this kind of stuff with earth map would be problably too complex and didnt cared about this specific implementation of the idea.
Then after some amount of time, I saw this idea could be applied to other stuff like names/text, music and etc.....
After talking about it somewhere, someone said my idea looked like markov chain, and I searched about it and discovered it existed.