Eskimo's Travesty Generator is no more, but the project lives on with
Sean's Exellent Travestificator. Remember the crafting recipie: DF raws + Travesty = MAGIC!
This thread is older than the field of neural network based language processing, but dang if it doesn't fit into this well! Here's
a tool for making neural travesties, or as I call them, decisions about my personal life!
If you're wondering why this thread is in DF Modding, it's because long, long ago, it was based on the idea that you could concievably turn some of these mangled raws into working ones and install them.... and that is still the theory, if not the fact.
The Dwarf Fortress Raws + the Travesty Generator* =
Raws that alllllmost would work.
*The entity responsible for "Millennium hand and shrimp, buggrit."Some examples:
[creantman:ants:stabs:1:3] [PERSONALITY:ANTIDOTE:spirit of fire:ogremling:nightwing
[TILE:'&'][COLOR:2:BLUDGEON][COLOR:7:0:1000] [SPEED:2:4:0]
natures] [NOPAIN][EXTRAVISION:0:55:100:20] [POPULATION_NUMBER:10:20] [CRAFTSMAN_NAME:craftsdwarves]
[BOWMAN_NAME:demonsters:strangler:sea serpent hatch:sasquatch:snakemen:blizzardman]
[LAYERING:0:60:120] [FAT:3] [INTELLIGENT] [GENPOWER:5] [NAME:stranglers:sea man]
I don't know what [CREATH] and [ENDINGDESTROYER:X:Y] do, but I want them.
There's also the [PERSON] and [CAN_CHASM] tags, as well as [SWIM_SPEAK]
And I haven't given it the non-standard raws yet!
I found that level 3 travesties work best- though 5/6es might actually function as raws!