Sites and pops overdrive!
Normally sites and pops travesties are just of the last block of creature numbers, because the site names are throwing everything into disarray.
Thanks to the magic of Notepad++ and regular expression search&replace, the names of sites were removed from the source text, allowing to include the occupants of the world sites (and the occasional "Owner:" and "Parent:" lines) into the fun.
Parent lion of Culmous Confederacies, human
2 salting, dwarves
Owner: The Conqueroup, humans
lorderace, human
Owner: The Eviligned Realms, goblins
5 alpacasts
10 giant grizzly beasels
7 gilalrushmasked Pring of The Spiredness, humans
lady: Doomy Balrhyming, dwarves
2 water buffy watersapedstangeons
Owner: The Pregrizzly bears
24 jack bearspident ayers
lord: Mother, human
150 ratto Buds of Word: Mode Heat horses
5 gabbits
Owner: The Peekisses, goblins
9 forehogs
10 chick rattlesquirrels
3 sharkobolds
72 jump, humans
6273 beak Birthful Virginals
4995 fox squids
88 dwarvehatred, goblins
1 wilded Hatchpaint Triflingmoths
8683 wolf mandrilus men
3 cyclopean sunfishers
247677 nake men
Owner: Kissbuttone, human
103811 grizzly beetle man outcastlefish men
500 giance of Immoralizard, crones
4420 polarly Delight-Sheels
168328 frillarmadillos
66 dwarved Sacrifistlolins
66280 elephantoms of Quills
555 spiny Leaping magma crabs
46 waterbrunches
8288390 purringchanter brutes,
41707 fluffy wambridledequalition men
190 horseshoe cronesponges,
66 goat masked muskoxen
472874 hamstrancemonstrussels
And finally:
152 cockadingoes