Let's see what a (slightly-modded) entity_standard can produce.
-- Some forts certainly feel this way. :P
-- Export any ships? And fifty of them?
-- But no more than two?
-- "And we were all unted by our expedition to cull the wall."
-- I have no idea what a Schon is, why it likes cable shields, or why said cable shields don't detake any maces, but I'd mod it in.
-- Clearly this is messed up. Usually dwarves have Persevery:Sock.
-- You need two reactive socks in order to be a wealty. Sounds legit.
-- But cavery doesn't seem to require -any- reactive socks!
-- Wait, this sounds familiar. Has someone else done this?
-- So it's common to make helmets out of NES-shaped scrolls.
-- And it's permitted to make cut gem shoes the color of Shion's quest bolts. Good to know.
-- I have nothing to add to that one.
-- I mean, since dying is required, it makes sense...
-- Wait, is no one allowed to work in the milk office, or is no one allowed to milk the office?
-- Dammit, now I want an Iji mod.
-- Some days I feel like this. :(
-- Sounds very uncommony to me.
-- Marvel is really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
-- I, uh... I don't think I want any musical workscrew products.
-- "Naah, man, I had nothing to do with eviling that dome! That was all you, man!"
-- Goes well with the INDOOR_RUM.
Well, level 4 was boring. Let's see what level 5 does.
--Doesn't care about being forced to eat, but loves to exile fish.
-- Hates skill, doesn't value sacrifice, but can make a damn fine slicingspike.
-- Can only do 30 reactions, but can have ten thousand bedrooms?
-- Oh, and he uses a menacing spike to go dig.
-- "And there goes Urist, using his baguette controllers in melee again..."
-- Which explains the war against the elves.
-- Some things never change.
-- So -that's- where the socks come from.
-- Being wood is okay, but not being an animal. Got it.
-- Ahh, that's why he uses his baguette controller in melee, his quiver is full of pants bucklers.
-- I mean, it did take a while for fruit oils to show up, so that's like progress...
-- I'm covered in bees!
-- I'm not sure if he's punching people with his bee-gloves, or playing a bee-drum or what, but it sounds awesome.
-- Okay, so he can be allowed to make a menacing pewter spike.
-- "Before you can take the throne, you must glaze this large clay statue of me."
And finally....