If you don't see how working to live (ie: healthcare) is important then my point is lost on you.
What? No, I don't think that being poor and sick should be a death sentence. Indeed, many people had jobs and insurance before falling ill and finding their insurance didn't cover them due to "underlying illness". They then become destitute and extremely sick. And, although this may shock you, you may not be in perfect health forever. Being conservative does not mean immunity to illness.
(and for the record, I'd hate to live in "Big Brother" Britain... people are meant to be free, not as government tells them.)
Huh? I really have no idea what you're talking about. If the "guvmint" is so good at brainwashing, why are they going to lose the next election? If they excercise so much control over our lives, how come so many of their drives fail? If they have a stranglehold on the media, why do no quality newspapers (important note: Daily Mail is not a quality newspaper) support them?
It's apparently obvious that you have not lived truly free as you state you live in Britain.
I'm not normally pedantic, but I actually have no idea what you're saying here. Why am I "less free"? I mean, we have laws, but I hear you have those over in America too.
Hundreds (thousands?) of years of governmental control over your life is showing as you call those seeking true freedom irrational and crazy people.
Wait, so even when Britain was a loose fiefdom with no central government it was still being controlled by the goverment? What? And what the hell is "true freedom"? If "True freedom" is murdering the poor so you can pay a tiny bit less tax, I'll take my "Big Brother State".
I'm sorry, but I don't want to live for you. Government in the USA is supposed to protect our freedoms...
Yes, and it's done a great job. No invasive anti terror laws or shadowy government organisations at all. I mean, the CIA is totally accountable, isn't it?
(how do you think we came to be, and to be such a super power?)
China is also a super power. What's your point?
not take them away and give them to someone else.
You seem to think that "Freedom" is a measurable, definable unit called "money". It is not.
You apparently don't understand that very well. This is not about social acceptance. It's about your right to make your life as you choose.
Unless you happen to be born in a poor family, I suppose? They don't count, do they?
There are NO boundaries to obtaining work and healthcare unless you are truly a drain to society
What about if it isn't your fault? If you are disabled or stuck with an awful education due to where you were brought up? Should that entail a death sentence?
Saying that... I'm truly done as you will never be able to understand this and will continue to call me stupid, crazy, or otherwise.
Stole the words from my mouth.
This is the way you will be imprisoned by others taking away your rights.
Again, you have equated "Money" with "Rights". How does other people having healthcare impinge upon your "Rights"? Is there not a right to life?
Anyway, there really isn't much point in talking to someone who clearly doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone except himself. I suppose that you therefore do not use any government provided benefits, such as roads.