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Author Topic: Wizard Duel: Duel 5 - Game over! All Hail JanusTwoFace  (Read 39522 times)


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #195 on: September 23, 2009, 02:45:35 pm »

Oh boy, looks like the vote falls to me.  As I see it, I don't think that Webadict is scum.  It just doesn't feel right that scum would call that much attention to themselves by practically begging to be in a duel.  However, if he were scum, then the other scum would probably boost him nearly together with Web's element, to give him the largest combat advantage possible.  Web was boosted 6 known times.

3 were fire:
Jim Groovester

2 were earth:

1 was water:

Now, the one out of these who is most curious is Pandarsenic.  Why did you use fire for a speed boost instead of an attack boost?  Web consistently won the initiative rolls, which are based off of speed.  It's possible that Web is a fire-affiliated cabal member, and 2 of the 3 who boosted him with fire are his scummates.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more web being scum makes sense to me.  My gut is saying no, but my mind is saying yes.  Vote Webadict.

All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #196 on: September 23, 2009, 03:22:17 pm »

You also have a point there. I don't agree with your opinions on Pandarsenic, but with Webadict, yes.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #197 on: September 23, 2009, 03:24:04 pm »

The Glowing Tally Board
Frelock: Neruz
Jetsquirrel: Neruz
Kashyyk: JanusTwoface
Mr.Person: Mr.Person, webadict
Neruz: JanusTwoface, SniHjen
Pandarsenic: Frelock, SniHjen, webadict
SniHjen: Pandarsenic
webadict: Frelock, Kashyyk, Mr.Person, Pandarsenic

Reminder: Voting phase will end in ~3.5 hours (5pm Pacific today)
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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #198 on: September 23, 2009, 03:32:27 pm »

Since Neruz is at least throwing something out there and since it looks like Kasyyk isn't likely to dual (today at least), I'll back down and I'll unvote both (for now).

Also, reading back through the OP:
- Each person has an affinity, that will not change.
- When you assist someone you give +1 to a stat.
- If your assist element aligns with the attack, you get an additional +1.
- If your assist element aligns with the assisted wizards affinity, you double your effect (to +2 or +4, depending on affinity)
- If it opposes, you only get half the boost.
- Does this look correct?

Basically, I think that this means that Frelock has a good point. Pandarsenic, why would you boost speed with fire? It's either an honest mistake or you already knew web's element. With my earlier suspicions, I'll vote Pandarsenic. I'm still not sure about webadict and it looks like he's going to fight again  today already, so vote webadict as well.

Oh, and Meph: Does a mage's health reset between duals or does damage accumulate the more you fight?
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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #199 on: September 23, 2009, 03:56:39 pm »

A mage's health is reset after each duel. (The Healers patch him up quickly)
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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #200 on: September 23, 2009, 06:21:28 pm »

Frelock has an excellent point i hadn't considered, Pandarsenic doesn't seem to have a logical reason to speed boost with fire, unless he happened to know that webadict was fire aligned.

With that in mind, i'll devote Frelock and Jetsquirrel and vote Pandarsenic and webadict in his place.

Good catch there Frelock. The webadict thing is confusing. It seems kind of silly for a scum to draw so much attention to himself, yet the reason for voting Pandarsenic in relies on both of them being scum.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #201 on: September 23, 2009, 07:04:42 pm »

The Glowing Tally Board
Mr.Person: Mr.Person, webadict
Neruz: SniHjen
Pandarsenic: Frelock, JanusTwoface, Neruz, SniHjen, webadict
SniHjen: Pandarsenic
webadict: Frelock, JanusTwoface, Kashyyk, Mr.Person, Neruz, Pandarsenic

The Announcer's voice booms throughout the Arena!

"Fellow Wizards, we have Duelists for the next round! Returning for another match is Webadict, who's challenger is Pandarsenic!!"

Ok, Votes are now closed and we begin the Set-up phase. This phase will go until ~5pmPacific Friday or until I have all Assists and Side-actions.

Duelists, please remember to PM me the Element you choose to attack with. If you have any questions about the rules, don't hesitate to ask.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Set-up phase
« Reply #202 on: September 23, 2009, 07:08:18 pm »

At this point, I feel that we either have 2 cabal members or 2 towerites in the ring.  If that is the case, then there is really nothing much to do, other than let them fight it out.

Before I decide to vote or not and whom to vote for though, I'd still like to hear Pandarsenic's rational behind his Fire Speed.  He's already been put into a dual to the death / incapacitation for it, but I'd still like to know why.
You may think I'm crazy / And I think you may be right
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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Set-up phase
« Reply #203 on: September 23, 2009, 07:34:30 pm »

We have 2 townies in there, watch! The entire wagon on Pandarsenic formed and drove home before anybody could say it's stupid. Thus, I'll assist Pandarsenic with fire healing. Am I suspicious now?
Youtube video of the year, all years.
Hmm...I've never been a big fan of CCGs - I mean, I did and still do collect Pokemon cards, but I never got heavily into the battling and trading thing.

By definition that makes you a fan since you still buy them.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Set-up phase
« Reply #204 on: September 23, 2009, 07:43:51 pm »

But... why?  It's half as effective as using the associated element unless you know what their affinity is.  It just seems really strange to me.

And if you wanted to say that the wagon was stupid then you should have come over and said it.  As it is, I think and will continue to think that it has some merit until Pandarsenic comes on and explains his choice.  Overall, there's been far too much lurking this game already which has put us a full three wizards down after only one night!

It seems especially strange now that you are committed to your action...
You may think I'm crazy / And I think you may be right
But life is ever so much more fun / If you are the crazy one

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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Vote phase
« Reply #205 on: September 23, 2009, 08:09:06 pm »

Oh boy, looks like the vote falls to me.  As I see it, I don't think that Webadict is scum.  It just doesn't feel right that scum would call that much attention to themselves by practically begging to be in a duel.  However, if he were scum, then the other scum would probably boost him nearly together with Web's element, to give him the largest combat advantage possible.  Web was boosted 6 known times.

3 were fire:
Jim Groovester

2 were earth:

1 was water:

Now, the one out of these who is most curious is Pandarsenic.  Why did you use fire for a speed boost instead of an attack boost?  Web consistently won the initiative rolls, which are based off of speed.  It's possible that Web is a fire-affiliated cabal member, and 2 of the 3 who boosted him with fire are his scummates.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more web being scum makes sense to me.  My gut is saying no, but my mind is saying yes.  Vote Webadict.

Let me tell you why this is potentially the stupidest comment I've ever seen. This ONLY makes sense if Pandarsenic is a Time Mage, in which case I'd get a double boost for a Fire Affinity, for a total of 4. If Pandarsenic is anything else, I get the same boost from an Air Speed boost as from a Fire, because Fire isn't the weakness to Air.

Air Speed 3
Fire Speed 2

Not Time
Air Speed 2
Fire Speed 1

So, stop being a moron and do math. Like I have a clue as to why he did Fire, just as I have no idea what:

We have 2 townies in there, watch! The entire wagon on Pandarsenic formed and drove home before anybody could say it's stupid. Thus, I'll assist Pandarsenic with fire healing. Am I suspicious now?
This is.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Set-up phase
« Reply #206 on: September 23, 2009, 08:37:28 pm »

We have 2 townies in there, watch! The entire wagon on Pandarsenic formed and drove home before anybody could say it's stupid. Thus, I'll assist Pandarsenic with fire healing. Am I suspicious now?

That is either the most suspicious thing i've ever seen, or you just being incredibly stupid. Seriously "Look how suspicious i am!" is, in fact, really suspicious. Surprising that.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Set-up phase
« Reply #207 on: September 24, 2009, 01:27:39 am »

Web, I did the math, I just didn't mention the possibility of Panda being a time mage in my post.  You're absolutely right; if you're fire-affiliated, and Panda is not a time mage, then obviously it would be the same whether he enhanced you with air or with fire. 

But how would he (Panda) know that?  If he had no idea what your alignment was, he would have just given up a chance to give you an extra +1 to speed.  Hence why I consider it extremely suspicious.  Plus, there's the fact that you did win both initiative rolls, which may have been luck, or might have been a good +4 speed boost.

In any case, I too am disturbed by how many people were so quick to agree with me.  It could be because I'm right, or it could be because we've got 2 townies whom scum want dead.  Time (and this battle) will tell.  For now, however, I will abstain from assisting until Panda gets in here.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Set-up phase
« Reply #208 on: September 24, 2009, 02:46:49 am »

Now, the one out of these who is most curious is Pandarsenic.
Vote Webadict.

vote Pandarsenic
vote webadict
Pandarsenic and webadict

Good catch there Frelock. The webadict thing is confusing. It seems kind of silly for a scum to draw so much attention to himself, yet the reason for voting Pandarsenic in relies on both of them being scum.

That bandwagon went way to fast.

Notice how neruz...

I was apparently wrong about web and pandar.

Lets say goodmorning to our new scumteam.
That [Magma] is a bit deep down there, don't you think?
You really aren't thinking like a dwarf.

If you think it is down too far, you move it up until it reaches an acceptable elevation.


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Re: Wizard Duel: Duel 2 - Set-up phase
« Reply #209 on: September 24, 2009, 03:24:36 am »

Notice how i switched my vote from two people with pretty damn shaky evidence against them at best to two people who actually did something strange?

I suppose i could have left my vote on Squirrel, since by the time of my voting it was already pretty certain Pandar and web would go and my vote wasn't going to change anything.

Also, apparently we're not allowed agree with other people's logic, i guess we have to come up with our own crazy justifications. Go team.


Here's an idea; how about we wait for Pandar to tell us why he boosted speed with fire before we all start running around throwing accusations at each other and end up with more dead tower?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 03:27:18 am by Neruz »
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