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Author Topic: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)  (Read 4100 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2009, 07:35:26 pm »

Nice.  One thing though, why is there a food shortage?  You should have been able to sustain the entire fort through farming as soon as the farming area was flooded.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 11:54:28 pm by diefortheswarm »


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2009, 11:35:19 pm »

I usually take care of farming before anything else and bring a large supply of seeds, so this situation was quite different. Anyway, the no-cooking-seeds law left us with plenty of aboveground seeds. Grendus could make an aboveground farm and grow the seeds there.


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2009, 11:53:57 pm »

The Dwarf Caravan didn't unload massive quantities of seeds?  I know we already had Plump Helmet spawn when I ended my turn.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 11:56:29 pm by diefortheswarm »


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2009, 02:14:35 pm »

I've picked up the save, starting my turn now.

Edit: Question for ACP, you don't have a dwarf named. Do you want me to name you one retroactively or no?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 04:28:48 pm by Grendus »
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2009, 02:47:05 am »

I just checked the save file, and yes, we have dozens of underground food crop seeds. I should have built more farms.
Grendus: Yeah, name Mebzuth after me. He's the marksdwarf.


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2009, 03:39:24 pm »

Check and make sure the mechanic was actually named after me please.


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2009, 06:18:51 pm »

The mechanic was def named after you Die. I'll name Mebzuth after ACP. Expect an update over the weekend, this week has been crazy.

I found the problem with food supplies as well, you had three low skill farmers to work two medium sized farms but had a lot of extra jobs queued up for them. Once I designated just the most skilled one to work the farms and created a small seed stockpile next to the farms I had one field planted to full inside a dwarf-week.

Edit: ohgod, the goblins showed up and claimed their first casualty... FPS! I turned on FPS count and I'm down to 1-5 fps. Something's wrong, I dunno what's up but 45 goblins and 6 elves shouldn't claim 50 fps.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 11:38:41 am by Grendus »
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2009, 01:57:49 pm »

Grendus scratched a few more numbers into the thin gabbro tablet he used for accounting, adding up the food, booze, and other incomes and outgoes. He shook his head, then started scratching again. It still didn't add up. He would need to have a talk with Mebzuth, he must have an answer. Grendus stood up from his cinnabar throne (hah, throne, that was a laugh. It was a muddy boulder with a tiny hollow in it for his butt, they hadn't even bothered to wash the damn thing), brushed himself off as best he could, and began to climb the winding staircases of Weakwhips.

Halfway up, a loud noise drew him away from the stairwell into an empty storage room. “Where's the food?!” one angry dwarf demanded, brandishing his mining pick. Grendus pushed his way slowly forward, trying to find a path through the mob. It was starting to look ugly. “I don't want to hear about caravans or goblins, where's the damn food!” another dwarf yelled, this time a soldier. Grendus broke through the crowd of hungry dwarves and rubberneckers to find Olon, the new leader sent by the mountainhome, in the middle. “Uhh... calm down, I have some... uhh... I have some measures in place to... uhh... GRENDUS! Here's my man in the finances department now. How's the food supplies, oh manager of the stockpiles?” Olon grabbed Grendus' arm, forcefully dragging him into the middle.  “So... just tell these dwarves how we're going to have more than enough food.” Grendus sighed inwardly. Here it goes again.

“I'd love to boss,” he said, disdain dripping so heavily from his mouth it soaked through his beard and into his giant cave spider silk tunic, “but frankly, they're right, we're on the verge of starvation.” Olon's mouth went slack. “B... but you... remember, you told me we had a genius plan to... to solve this” He sputtered, looking nervously at the assembled fists and weapons. He nudged Grendus hard, as if to motivate him to corroborate his story. “Didn't you say that we have plans to... uhh... to keep the fortress going?” Grendus glared at him. “ACP I forgave for the mistake. What he lacked in farming skill, he made up for in other areas. But you, you're just a moron,” he said, stepping back from the fortresses new leader. “But... I...  how dare you...” he mumbled, trying at once to be intimidating and at the same time to shrink into a small crack in the stones. “Oh no, how dare you,” Grendus said angrily, his fist swinging out in a hard right. The force of the blow knocked Olon backwards into a chunk of andesite, cracking it. He lay on the ground and didn't move.

Grendus turned to the assembled crowd. “As of now, I'm taking over this fortress. Back to your work all of you. We'll butcher the remaining animals for now, that should see us until we can get a harvest of Plump Helmets. Our food stores will not only hold out, I expect that inside of a year the mountainhome will be buying food from US!” There was a general murmur of assent from the crowd, they liked the plan more than starving. “Meanwhile, we'll expand mining. Plump helmets are nice, but we'll want some variety, and to do that we'll need metals and stones to offer the caravans.” The dwarves murmured louder this time, getting into the mood of a campaign speech. “Soon, very soon, we shall be the new mountainhome, and fortresses around the world will be sending their goods to us for trade, at a huge profit!” The a tentative cheer came from the crowd, then a louder one, and soon the whole croud was chanting his name. He smiled and bowed, then gesturing to the crowd he said “Back to your stations dwarves. We'll make a kingdom of this place.” The crowd slowly dispersed.

Grendus gestured to two nearby soldiers. “Take our former leader and dunk his head to wake him up.” He heard one soldier murmur “which should we use, magma or water?” He had half a year before the dwarf  liaison came and discovered that he had usurped power, then another six months before the new leader or orders for reinstating an old one came through, assuming the red tapeworms at the mountainhome hadn't sped up and the dwarves hadn't found a faster route through the mountains. One year to get the fortress going well enough to avoid being executed for treason.

“Armok take it, I'm screwed.”

1st Granite, 253

Grendus looked over the duty roster, reassessing labor. “Take Zuntir and Goden off of farming. Their green thumbs are just mildew, we'll do much better with just one dwarf doing all the planting. And on the subject of planting, that's all he should be doing. No hauling. No cooking, brewing, no milling, no nothing. If he sneezes, he doesn't wipe his nose. All. He. Should. Be. Doing. Is. Farming. Kapiche?” The dwarf in charge of posting the list nodded. “Here's a list of other tasks. Most of the fortress won't see any change, just the ones who's industries are suffering.” He had been particularly thorough on his list of tasks, even including himself.

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In the meantime, he redesignated the animals for slaughter (leaving the dog to use as a warning animal but marking the mule for food) and told the no-longer-farmers to try to gather some of the muddy shrubs when they were done. Combined with processing the few sweet pods they had and cooking those with tallow from the animals, they would survive. He also designated some of the interim levels between the housing and entrance to be mined out, both for storage and in the hopes of finding some metals to work with when the magma works were finished.

9 Granite, 253

“BOSS BOSS!” one of the miners shouted. Grendus hauled himself up and slapped at his butt to wake it up before climbing up to the mine levels. “What,” he said irritably, rubbing at his left cheek. “GOLD!” the miner replied, pointing to a shiny gleam in the corner. Grendus stroked his beard in thought. “Leave it for now,” he said, watching the miners face fall. “We have no way to work the gold now, and trading gold nuggets is terrible practice, I'd sooner melt the gold and drink it straight. Remember this place, I'll let you mine out the vein when we get to it, for now keep searching for iron.”

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He thought for a second, then flipped through the tablets on his clipboard. “Wait,” he yelled, turning back to the mining shaft. The miner ran back and tripped over a spare stone, falling flat on his face. “There's a vein of limonite in the magma access chambers. Go dig it out, then dig some exploratory shafts. There must be more on that level, maybe enough to actually arm the soldiers.”

19 Granite, 253

“We have unwelcome guests, sir,” one of the masons said.

“Elves again?” Grendus asked, already mentally ticking off the items they didn't need. While the hatred of elves was almost reflexive, after drinking water for nearly three weeks to save food for eating he was about ready to seriously consider drinking liquid gold. Elvish liquor would go down well in the interim weeks til the plump helmets came up.

“Well, yes... but the goblins are right behind them,” the mason said, a slight quiver in his voice. “45 of them, three full squads. And they're led by CHAMPIONS!”

“Bah,” Grendus said, reaching for the military activation forms. “Tell the wrestlers sit in wait, and the marksdwarves to wait up top. We have champions of our own, we'll butcher em. In the meantime, load up the trade depot with all that human crap. Humans are about as tall as elves, they may want some of it. And throw in some of the low quality mechanisms, maybe the elves will learn a little from dwarvish technology.”
“Yea right,” the mason chuckled. “But I see your point. Maybe we can get something worth eating and drinking around here for em.” He walked off.

Grendus went back to listing all the forts goods. After the elves and goblins were finished he came up to survey the damage. One dwarf, a brain damaged wrestler who had gotten too far ahead of his comrades, had been killed, but to his credit he had killed and wounded 6 or 7 goblins. Over 30 goblin corpses lined the halls. “Throw in some of the goblin clothing. See if you can buy one of those pack animals off em, I could do with some muskox meat to break the monotony of horse tallow biscuits. And lift the ban on going outside.” Immediately there was a clatter as 30 dwarves dropped everything they were holding and rushed for the surface river. “You do realize there's a river indoors next to the old wagon right?!” Grendus yelled angrily at them. “You bunch of shavedbeards.”

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(crap, now where am I going to put all these corpses...)

“Do you have anything but cloth?!” Diefortheswarm asked, digging through the chaotic piles of cloth dropped by the terrified elves. “Well, we have... uhh... some food you might like, and some wood. Fine gifts of the forest spirit given to the cho...”

“Yea, yea, just give us the lot. We'll use the cloth to clean up the goblin blood or something,” Dfts said, cutting off his lecture. The elvish stuff was a little too sweet for most dwarves, but it would do. “And for payment?” the elf asked, rubbing his hands together greedily. There was nothing like selling an entire caravan to rake in the profits. “Uhh... here,” Dfts said, picking up a small piece of goblin chainmail soaked through with blood. “This should cover it.” The elf looked shocked at the suit of armor. “You monster! You slaughtered that harmless creature and now intend to get rich on it's possessions!” Dfts sighed at the elves naivety. “That goblin forfeited his possessions when he offered violence to our soldiers. Look, you can take the suit of armor or not, fact is those goods you brought now belong to the fortress of Weakwhips. If you want to argue, I suggest you take it up with the complaints department,” he said, gesturing to the wrestlers training in the barracks.

Grendus wandered into the depot, holding another gabbro slate. “I've got an accounting problem. I count 40 goblin corpses, but only 79 goblin arms. Who took a snack?” One of the elvish guards looked up sheepishly and tried to surreptitiously drop the arm into a saddlebag. Grendus took the arm back and tossed it out into the corridor. “Go help saddle the horses, I suspect you'll have one hell of a tale to tell the mothertree, or whatever you elves worship.”

Later posts should be more separated. A lot of things came at the same time is all.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2009, 03:40:11 pm »

Great Story!  Keep It Coming!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2009, 11:45:13 am »

Awesome story.
I'd like to hear more about how the military is doing. Did you extend it beyond the original 10 wrestlers and 10 marksdwarves? Did you get the marksdwarves to actually use the archery ranges? Are the marksdwarves capable of hitting the goblins from their fortified position?
Also, are you melting some of the goblin gear or just selling it to the traders?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2009, 02:29:16 pm »

I haven't expanded the military, though I just got some immigrants. For now, I think I'll leave it at it's current size. These goblins are puny compared to the orcs I've been dealing with in my other fortress, once I can get the remaining troops armed they'll work fine.

The marksdwarves fired about 5 bolts in the siege, which was mostly my fault. I'm going to redesign the ambush area, the dwarves need to be standing right next to the fortifications to shoot through them and they tended to mill around in the middle. The wrestlers pretty much slaughtered the invaders. Admittedly I had to savescum, but that's because for some reason one soldier ran out solo to take on the goblins (took down 9 before he died, which was impressive) and then 8 other dwarves ran to do the entrance dance trying to gather his pig tail socks. The next time I banned soldiers from going outside as well and it worked just fine. I'm hoping to find more iron though, that limonite vein contained about 10 chunks before it went straight into the magma pipe, so I'm digging exploratory shafts in the other dolomite layers. We may end up arming the soldiers with goblinite, unless future leaders want to waste tetrahedrite on armor instead of billon crafts and furniture.

I'm still waiting on the magma to fill the channels. For future reference, a 1 tile magma shaft works better than a 3 tile wide magma corridor, the magma just finally got deep enough to stop evaporating. Once it's done I'll start melting all of the gobbo armor to arm our soldiers. I'm also curious, the only times I've had elves object to me trading anything but wood to them was the last CWAL game and this one. Did you change elvish ethics? Usually I trade them bins of orc skull totems and bloody goblin clothing with pictures of the battle sewn onto them and they walk away happy as a clam. Last time they objected to leather clothing and this time apparently to bloody clothing, I've never known them to be such uptight assholes.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2009, 03:10:40 pm »

Yeah I screwed with their ethics.  I also altered their personalities to make them all assholes.  I thought it would add a lot of storytelling potential.

Did they actually leave, or just complain, when you offered them the bloody armor?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2009, 04:31:45 pm »

They refused to trade, so I seized their goods. No point in letting them get away, my only regret is they didn't have any good caged animals, just cloth, wood, and food. It's possible one of the items had a leather decoration, I forgot I threw in a few pieces of large rope reed clothing to give the elves a little profit. Still, good riddance to the bastards.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2009, 05:55:01 pm »

I hope they refused AFTER you offended them and it was not a bug...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Unofficial CWAL Game Weakwhips (open signups)
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2009, 07:52:20 pm »

14 Felsite, 253

Grendus leaned back in his chair, slipping out of the butt-groove and falling onto his back. He had been enjoying himself after a long day of filing and organizing his gabbro records-slates, but now that his head hurt and he realized his legs were cramped and asleep from his crappy chair his mood was ruined. Standing up, he kicked his chair. This completely failed to give him any vindictive pleasure as he realized he had just broken his toenail. “Aaaugh!” he yelled, hopping up and down on one foot while sticking the other in his mouth (fortunately he was a very limber dwarf). Behind him he heard a slight snicker and then a tentative female voice saying “Sir?” Grendus spun on his heal, lost his balance, tripped over his chair and crashed into the wall, smacking his head again. “Ugh,” he grunted, seeing little elves dancing on the edges of his vision. “Sorry, what?” His vision cleared enough he recognized Zas, one of the marksdwarves.

“Umm, I was told to let you know that a party of immigrants was seen headed towards the main entrance. Something about needing to assign them duties?” she said, obviously holding back her laughter.

Grendus climbed to his feet, trying and mildly succeeding at looking dignified. He stroked his beard thoughtfully. “I'll head there in a moment,” he said, still trying to clear his vision. “You may go.” She turned and left, her laughter echoing through the housing level. Grendus shook his head, then grimaced as he was reminded forcefully of his headache. If the elves hadn't left in such a huff he might have asked them if they had a good poultice for it, but since they had been so bitchy about the bloody chainmail he would have to make do. He gingerly hauled himself out of his room and limped up the stairs. What a great first impression to make.

17 Felsite, 253

Grendus awoke with a grunt, feeling the rough pig tail blanket scratch over his still-tender toe. He rolled over, carefully protecting his toe, and with his cave-adapted eyes spotted a dolomite rock in his doorway. Normally this wouldn't be anything of interest, since there were rocks everywhere in fortress that hadn't been cleaned up yet, but his room was dug in a gabbro layer. He got gingerly to his feet then sat back down. His toe had apparently swelled to the size of a kobold overnight. Standing up again, this time putting almost all of his weight on the other foot, he hopped over to the rock. It was a standard chunk of dolomite, of average size for a skilled miner to produce. At first he thought it might be a joking gift from the masons to replace his current boulder/chair, but turning it over revealed a slight yellow tinge to the back. Limonite.

“Probably a message from the miners, strange friggin dwarves,” he grumbled. “Must be the sound of the mining pick all day, gets em in the old brainbox.”. He began to hop up to the wagon. A good soak should shrink his toe to the size of a gnome, then it was off to the magma access chambers to give the miners further instructions on mining out the vein (because for some reason the instruction “if it's yellow, mine it out” was too vague).

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22 Felsite, 253 (can we get a week without something happening please?!)

“I don't care if the vein goes outside our territory, mine it out,” Grendus yelled angrily at the miner. Apparently the vein of limonite extended beyond the established borders of Weakwhips.

“I ain't diggin' it,” the miner said obstinately. “It ain't in our charter, it ain't our iron. I ain't gonna spend the rest of mah life in a damn quarry because I broke the law.”

“It's three kobold lengths of stone. Nobody will ever find out,” Grendus argued.

“And what if the fortress next door needs it to defend theyselves,” the miner said, his thick drawl echoing through the low cut cavern.

“There is no fortress next door, there will never be a fortress next door because that's too far into the mountain to get a wagon, and even if there was, if they needed to defend themselves they could just borrow a cup of iron from us. Now mine the damn vein,” Grendus said, resisting the sudden urge to douse the miner's beard in alcohol and light it on fire. It would be a waste of perfectly good booze, he reminded himself forcefully, though the mental image of the miner screaming and running in circles cheered him up a bit.

“I ain't doin it, I just aint. If you wanna get that stone, your jus' gonna have to do it yuhself,” the miner said, going on to another portion of the vein inside the fortresses territory. Grendus growled and limped away towards the stairs. He ran into one of the crafters on the stairwell. “Uhh, Mr Grendus sir,” the crafter Grendus recognized as Athel asked.

“What!?” Grendus snapped, his temper short and his mood foul.

“Uhh... one of the recruits, Kubuk, just kicked me out of my craftsdwarf shop, and now she's collecting logs. She's looking weird too, feylike,” the craftsdwarf said, not moving out of Grendus' way. Grendus pushed her aside and continued to go down the stairs.

“It's a common malady, happens sometimes in younger fortresses. Crazy spirits who don't like dwarves taking over the place try to drive them mad. The only way to drive them out is to build something you're familiar with and lock the spirit in it,” Grendus said without turning. “Did she find what she was looking for?”

“Last I saw she was working feverishly,” Athel said.

“Good. Let me know when she's finished, then tell her to get back to sparring. We don't need a legendary woodcrafter, it's a waste of a perfectly good log, a freakin elvish thing to do. Then get back to work.”

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Behind him he heard one of the miners yell “We've struck lignite.” Grendus turned angrily and yelled back up the staircase “Then mine it out, carpbrain!”
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

13 Hematite, 253

“Humans,” the hauler said, knocking on Grendus' door.

“I'm over here, elfbeard,” Grendus said, limping down the stairwell. “And I already heard. Here,” he said, handing the hauler an andesite slate. “That's a list of goods to take to the depot. When you have most of them there, tell Diefortheswarm to get to the depot.”

“Uhh... socks sir?” the hauler said, skimming the list.

“Yes, socks. Every blasted goblin has two of them, usually giant cave spider silk. The humans can put them on their babies or something.”

“Yes sir,” the hauler said reluctantly, walking up the staircase.

Grendus stroked his beard happily. The magma chambers were filling, he had booze in his belly, and his toe had shrunk to the size of a large sweet pod. Hopefully he would soon be able to get a decent throne (maybe one made out of hematite or copper, and more... chairlike).

Diefortheswarm gasped at the dazzling array of goods laid out by the human traders. Hematite, magnetite, limonite, bauxite, lignite, and bituminous coal stones lay in piles. A wagon was uncovered to reveal dozens of caged domestic animals, while nearby four pack horses were weighed down with barrels of meat and alcohol. One of the wagons had broken and a small forest of lumber poured out of it into the depot. “You're a much more welcome guest than the last merchants,” he said, running his hand over one of the logs appreciatively. “I expect we'll take most of what you have, and you can expect heavy compensation.” The caravan leader eyed the stack of giant cave spider silk clothing with disdain, while the less trained traders stared greedily at the pile.

In the end they decided against some of the more expensive items – two over decorated shields, an anvil, and a barrel that menaced with spikes of electrum, but everything else was marked for trade, including a small, half crushed bin of cat leather previously hidden under the wood. “And now for payment,” the trader said, motioning to the goods on Diefortheswarm's side of the depot. The dwarf hastily gathered up several bags of socks and the suit of armor that had so thoroughly offended the elves. “Not much demand for those,” the trader complained. “I know of a noble who might buy the chainmail for his son though, and the socks could be used to patch clothing or something. Still, I couldn't dream of parting with three wagons and four pack animals worth of goods for such a... modest sum. Perhaps if you were to include the robes?” he said, gesturing to a few of the giant cave spider silk robes no longer hidden by the socks. Diefortheswarm took both robes and wrapped up a few more socks in them before tossing them to the caravan leader. The trader shrugged, then nodded. “ It will have to suffice I suppose.”

Standing nearby, Grendus chuckled. He knew as well as Dfts that the traders were leaving with nearly double the value than they brought, but neither of them cared. The socks were worthless to the dwarves, dwarf children were too broad for anything the goblins wore, and the suit of armor was worth far more to the traders than it would be after the dwarves had melted it down and recast it into armor or goblets.

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That about wraps up summer. There were a few less important events, the exploratory shafts revealed some tetrahedrite and copper, we dug out some offices for the leader dwarves, we set up the magma works (though they aren't active quite yet, they're flashing red so they should be up soon) and a jewelers workshop, cleared and set up some stockpiles, etc. In general the fortress is running very smoothly now. Food and booze problems have been solved, partially due to fixing the farming issues but mostly due to the absurd amounts of food and booze the humans brought. That trade alone nearly tripled our food and booze stockpiles. The farms are churning out food at a steady rate, and once the farmer gets his skill up we should be set up until we hit 80 or so dwarves.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325
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