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Author Topic: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles  (Read 26648 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • OldGenesis since 2012
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2009, 02:35:34 pm »

Fine Print:
1. I am not very good at DF
4. I play without using traps (mostly). They are way too over powered and stupid. See point 2
5. I use Mike Mayday's DFG. A goblin looks a lot more like a goblin than a 'g', in my humble opinion

1. grow food in farm plots, train everybody pretty high in wrestling. Claim and dump foes' arrows from bedresters. Forbid all dead and their items so dorfs won't fetch them too early. Trade for wood and metal bars and charcoal. Chain a donkey foal (or other) next to main gate to detect thieves.
4. yeah too many traps is boring but a few traps to protect your near-well hospital beds is good.
5. I like to see from the colour coding which foes are the archers and which are the puny lashers or wrestlers. Ever tried a whip-wielding adventurer?

Not boring: 64 foes siege your 30 dwarves.
==OldGenesis mod== by Deon & TomiTapio. Five wood classes, four leather classes. Nine enemy civs. So much fine-tuning.
47.05e release:
OldGenesis screenshots:
My Finnish language file:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2009, 02:48:00 pm »

Hmm.. well... I have some bad news... I did as you said, and gave u a guy who became a soldier and... well... :-/ a minor training accident resulted in something bad happening... So... well... you'll see...
I am actually like 2 or 3 updates ahead in the game... I just cant update easily during the weekend but I couldnt wait to play:-)
That what I call a fast one :D.

I guess the usual way to deal with these early deaths is a vengeful relative? Perhaps my character's brother/sister/kid arrives to the town and seeks revenge to his 'murderer'? Might make some good storyline.
Yeah, I will try and get you another guy in quick.
I am trying to ready the next update right now. Sadly I am way far ahead in play than posted updates. So just bear with me... I am trying to catch up the story with the play notes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2009, 04:44:46 pm »

This is the journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands, Snakesfreckles. Page 3

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I will make one main comment about the land:
It is wet.

Further information regarding the lands surrounding us: It is a nicely wooded, hilly terrain. The earth is soft in the valleys but rocks can be seen jutting out of the slopes of some hills.  Ulum immediately declared that farming would be an easy task with such farm friendly terrain. When asked, Udda nodded and said hunting and trapping would likely be plentiful. She went on to point out a hoary marmot on a nearby hill. She has an excellent eye. Ina nearly lost a boot in the mud, prompting Sor to verbally berate me for bringing him to this 'miserable place' (his words).  He seems to have been content working in a kitchen...

1st Granite, 204. Our first morning on site. We arrived late last night and camped by our wagon. Now that the sun has reared its glorious head, we shall move to my selected position for our mission. There is plenty of water scattered around, so I feel the river is not a necessary build point. Instead I have chosen a point which affords a great view of the lands. Unfortunately, our wagon seems to be stuck in the mud... we shall carry our goods by hand.

2 Granite, 204. We are moving all of our supplies into a giant sinkhole for protection. As a short term solution, I have told the workers to just dump everything in the designated space with no regard or worry for organization. Our first priority should be to get our goods in a protected place- then we can worry about organizing them later.  I assured Sor he would not be responsible for cataloging our supplies until they were stored in a more proper manner.
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17 Granite, 204. This work is hard!
At least when managing the kitchens I had plenty of enlisted grunts to execute all the legwork for me; here that is not the case. My two hands consist of a seventh of our possible workforce and as such my immediate help and physical involvement is proving to be necessary.We have moved all of our embarkation supplies into the sinkhole and disassembled the wagon we arrived in.
A few days ago I walked a perimeter with Ina and asked her to take charge of building a wall. Ad and Udda took up our two axes to supply the project with building materials.
Ulum got two small farm plots up and running. He is growing for food and cloth, or so he says. I admittedly do not recognize the identity of seeds by sight or even the crops, so I must take his word for it...
It has rained nearly everyday we have been here and without proper shelter we are all getting quite wet. But, if my time in the army did anything for me, it taught me the importance of security... And how to order cooks around... but I digress. We are at war with the elves after all, and Snakesfreckles is directly on their war path... Despite some minor objections from the workers, we will have a wall before a proper shelter.
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19 Granite, 204. I have been keeping the laborers busy while still maintaining a great workload myself ( a lot needs to get done), but every now and then Sor and I are able to sneak away to drink from the alcohol the King sent along. Mete almost always discovers what we are up to and invites herself to join us... I once tried to tell her to get back to work but she gave me a look that resembled something like 'I will drink if I want to... what will you do about it?' and I was forced to concede to her point. She is surely a better fighter than I.
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22 Granite, 204. Our initial wall is complete. Sor is still working to secure the slopes around our storage sinkhole by turning them into cliffs so that no unwelcome visitors are able to easily sneak into our stores. Ad and Udda have been taking our axes to the nearby trees to supply us with lumber. Today I'll take the axe from Udda so she can start hunting. Some fresh meat may do our morale some good.
I no longer attempt to sneak off with Sor to get drink. Mete's company is actually proving to be quite pleasant. Sor has joked that I sometimes seem to be more pleased to have Mete with us while we relax and drink than when we drink alone.

27 Granite, 204. Work continues. I have ordered the construction of a hall. It will be our first and only permanent shelter for the time being. It has been nearly a month of sleeping on the wet ground under makeshift tents- it is time we sleep on a warm bed under a sturdy roof.
Udda is a very good hunter. She has taken our hunting dog with her during her trips into the wild and has always returned with a dead hoary marmot. Ulum, our resident farmer has taken to be our resident butcher as well. And tanner... He keeps busy dealing with our food.

29 Granite, 204. I was right to send Udda hunting. The fresh meat is proving to be a great addition to our meals and the bones from her kills are going to good use as arrows. I have also become quite the woodsman myself. Working the axes with Ad is keeping me in shape.
Sor discovered that we are pretty much out of alcohol. Ulum cheerfully suggested brewing some more with the crops he is growing. He is no brewer but says he could surely figure it out. I admittedly like to drink but I fear it may be turning into a vice amongst our crew. Our productivity cannot be hindered by alcohol at this time. I have ordered no more to be brewed. We have much too much work to get done.

2 Slate, 204.  Despite the absence of alcohol Mete and I have still been spending a lot of time together while on break. I must confess that sometimes I intentionally neglect to invite Sor along. Ad has been complaining non-stop about the lack of booze, lack of shelter, lack of this and lack of that. I think tomorrow, when I got out to cut trees, I will be sure to work in a different are than Ad.

9 Slate, 204. I write this time not to discuss the progress we have made with our mission... no.. this time I write to profess my love for Mete... Our habit of drinking ourselves to sleep in an effort to forget about the woes of work, weather, and lack of progress planted a seed of love.  Eventually that seed grew and prospered even when the initial context for our reason to rendezvous ceased to continue to be a factor. Snakesfreckles has molded a bond of love between Mete and me. I will now redouble my efforts for this mission to succeed.
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11 Slate, 204.  Construction of our main hall is progressing at a painfully slow pace.  In the meantime I commissioned the construction of a trade depot outside our defensive walls. It was literally built overnight... Why can't these people replicate that behavior with our damned hall!?!? Perhaps they think the depot will draw in caravans laden with alcohol...
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17 Slate, 204.  Ulum came to me this morning for a meeting. He ranted for a solid ten minutes about his workload and the growing number of tasks assigned to him. He had the nerve to call that I show favoritism towards Sor and Mete! I was furious that he would make such accusations and promptly sent him away... But... I fear he may be correct. He has been burdened with all of our farming, our butchery, our cooking, and our tanning... There is a growing pile of corpses for him to butcher... I will have to reassign some tasks...

On a side note, I have ordered several more doors and beds to be made for use once our hall is complete.

22 Slate, 204. As the days go by I have come to know everyone much better. It is now starting to feel more like a community than a work camp. I think I can truthfully call everyone here a friend. Hopefully this feeling of camaraderie will not displace the command structure.

8 Felsite, 204.  I've decided to have Sor start digging for stone. Right now access to building materials is a bottleneck in our construction efforts. Ad and I have been cutting trees as fast as we can but it is not fast enough. Eventually I wish to build some structures with stone. If I can get Sor to mine stone now, then we can use that as a readily available building material when we want or need it. There is some Gabbro visible to the North West of our mission... I will have him begin digging there. Sor is no miner- he readily reminded me of that when I presented the plan to him- but he is the only person I can spare for the job.  Udda is off hunting most of the time, Ad and I are busy deforesting the area, Ulum is overly busy tending to our food supply, and Ina and Mete are working construction.  When Sor suggested I send Mete away to mine while he works construction, citing that she was stronger than he, I reminded him that she is our primary line of protection should the need to fight arise. Her being off in the hills mining would do us no good should the elves come.

10 Felsite, 204.  The walls are finished in our hall. Now we just need to build the roof. Unfortunately, building is continuing to take forever... especially now that Sor is no longer helping. While I admittedly miss his presence as a builder and as a friend, I believe it is better off that he is away mining for now. We do not have a good enough supply of wood for three builders anyways.

15 Felsite, 204. During a morning meeting to discuss the construction effort, Ina offhandedly mentioned hoping we are doing ok with our food supply after I instructed Udda to aid Ina with building. I took her comment in stride but did not respond in detail. I have no clue how much food we have available to us... I will need to get Sor counting our supplies soon...

9 Hematite, 204.  Fantastic news. Udda installed the last section of roofing on the main hall today. It has been long under construction but is finally complete. It should have been done earlier, except for a misunderstanding/miscommunication about building materials. During a discussion about future plans to incorporate stone in our buildings, the Ina mistakenly thought I meant I wanted stone to be used for the last few sections of the great hall's roof. She completed her wooden sections and left the remaining sections she thought I ordered to be made from stone untouched... That resulted in a cessation of work on the roof until I realized the workers were... confused...
Once cleared up, the roof was quickly finished.
Tomorrow I will have the hall populated with furniture.

10 Hematite, 204.  Just as I was going to issue an edict to have the hall furnished, Mete kindly reminded me that the hall could use a finished floor... I fear love has interfered with my logical process and as such I have conceded to her request. The hall is still not furnished. Work on installing a wooden floor is underway, furniture will come later.

On to better news: Ad indicated he saw a caravan procession to the north. I stood atop our hall's roof and have determined the caravan carries the standards of Uthalgil. We are preparing the mission for their arrival as I write.

13 Hematite, 204.  The caravan arrived this morning. I was glad to verify the caravan was indeed from Uthalgil upon their arrival. My experiences as a Paige in my younger years have paid off, heraldry is not a lost art to me. Mete and I met with the caravan first. I was not entirely sure of their intentions and did not want to fall for some bandit trap. Everyone else watched the encounter from the gate, ready to lock it tight in case anything went horribly wrong. After a quick close up inspection it became obvious the caravan was legitimate. I learned that Casot Lumgaval is the diplomat assigned to the caravan. He will get an audience as soon as I have time.
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22 Hematite, 204.  The Uthalgilian caravan has been here nearly ten days. We have hosted them outside our walls exclusively. Until we have a better established defensive plan, I will not host them within our wall's perimeter. We placed some of our limited goods in the depot for the caravan to evaluate a couple of days ago. Later today I shall begin negotiations personally with Casot. Sor is far better at this than me, but currently he is off at the stone mine. I do not know when he will return.

Late night 22 Hematite, 204. We are taking a break from trade negotiations for the night. So far I have made requests for goods in future caravans.  I requested anvils, Iron, picks, axes, and swords. Tomorrow morning Casot will negotiate his requests. These are the first extended interactions I have had with anyone outside of Snakesfreckles in nearly four months.

23 Hematite, 204. Casot is taking advantage of our hospitality. This morning, upon resumption of our negotiations he simply rediscussed our previous agreements (my trade requests) and made some sorry excuses for why his requests are not quite yet ready- something about needing to reexamine his records of guild stocks... I see through his guise and know he is just trying to extort more food and drink out of us from our hosted dining events... This makes me glad I have them sleeping outside.

24 Hematite, 204. That fool Casot has managed to hold out until today before finalizing our future trade agreements. And to make things worse, he just requests foolish goods like spears, war hammers, gems... all things we are in no position to supply... And to think, we have not even started the official negotiations for goods in the depot yet... next time I will be sure to let Sor handle these matters...

27 Hematite, 204. I think Casot has been avoiding me. Every time I am ready to negotiate trade he seems to be off surveying the land or some other pathetic excuse. And then of course he barges in eager to trade while I am busy with important mission tasks. This is becoming a volatile situation.

9 Malachite, 204. I stood Casot up. We had finally arranged to meet yesterday to trade our goods at the depot. I never showed up. He crossed too many lines with his previous antics, delaying and diverting attention so that he and his crew could feast on our limited foodstuffs. As such, I shall not benefit him trade with me...
I carried a large grin as I watched that fool Casot march away empty handed of our goods.

Despite this, I hope Uthalgil sends a caravan with my requested goods next year... we sure could use an anvil.

13 Malachite, 204. Sor is not happy with me. He actually had the nerve to berate me in front of Ulum and Mete this morning. He came back to the mission last night on break from his mining. When he heard I sent Casot off without negotiating any immediate trade, Sor became quite agitated. He was unhappy we did not secure supplies this season from the caravan, but I think he was also disappointed that I did not leave the trading business to him.
I cannot let him and his feelings disrupt our operations, though. The caravan was not going to wait for him to return from the mine regardless, so perhaps it is better I did not execute the trading contracts and risk getting cheated with the numbers.

4 Galena, 204. We have been at Snakesfreckles for many moons now. Five months, I believe.  Except for the Uthalgilian caravan we have seen no one. No visitors to our mission, no refugees, no one. This is a surprise- the King indicated that this charter would draw refugees seeking sanctuary. I overheard Ulum and Ad speaking about the situation last night in hushed whispers.

On a more positive note, our hall is nearly complete. We have populated it with beds, and are constructing tables and chairs. This structure will prove to be an all purpose hall. Perhaps we will have a party to celebrate the completion of the hall- it may also help keep every one's mind off being so very alone out here.
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6 Galena, 204. With the hall essentially complete, I am ordering construction of an office space. I feel like my friendship with Sor has suffered during these last weeks. I am afraid the fallout from that bastard Casot's visit may be drawing Sor and I apart. As such, I will have an office built which he can claim as his own to be used for administrative affairs, including trade negotiations.

1 Limestone, 204.  I awoke this morning to discover three new calves in the mission's yard. I was not even aware our cow was with baby- or calf... or whatever you say.  Mete seems to have found beauty in the birth of new calves and went on talking about love.  I responded talking about fresh beef.  My ribs still hurt from the jab she gave me. 
Construction on Sor's office is progressing quickly. I have decided to build a second floor for his office, to act as his lodging. I may initiate construction of a second floor to the main hall as well. Dormitories above, dining below. We are all becoming much more proficient carpenters, and I have become rather handy with axe on tree, too.

8 Limestone, 204.  Sor approached me today. He professed guilt that I initiated construction of an office and apartment for him while the other laborers and I slept in a dorm that doubled as a dining hall. I assured him it was no matter- his skills required office space and I was surely going to offer it to him. I owed it. I saw him smile for the first time in weeks.

2 Sandstone, 204. Sor's apartment is complete. He 'moved in' today. That affair entitled the lot of us standing around cheering as he entered his room, as we all lack personal belongings to move. I noticed a level of jealousy amongst the other crew so I have promised that eventually each of us would maintain a personal suite.

15 Sandstone, 204.  We have started moving our the goods in storage in the sinkhole up into the main mission area. I have an exotic plan for that sink hole...
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1 Moonstone, 204. Winter. It is upon us... I thank the gods we have proper shelter now. We have started work on a second story dormitory, but for now we have the main hall to sleep in... with the cows and mules, but it shelter at least. I've had Sor working to the north, diverting the river some in an effort to bring better fresh water to our mission. Winter may pause that- we'll see... I do not know how cold the Snakesfreckles winters get. Everyone is jealous of Sor's personal suite.
At least I have Mete to keep share warmth with at night.
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13 Moonstone, 204.  Ina saw a Kobold this morning. She took a long hike in the hills to the north and happened across the kobold. She rushed into the mission out of breath to let us all know. We assured her that one kobold was not a major threat, but she is still frightened. I may need to assign Mete to active guard duty...
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16 Moontstone, 204.  A kobold was spotted in the mission today! Udda was bringing wood into the walls and stumbled directly into the beast while it was sneaking through our gate. Udda's hunting dog sprung into action and chased the creature far north before it managed to escape. I have decided to order train the other dogs into fighting beasts. They shall watch after the mission for us.
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24 Moonstone, 204. That kobold was back today... Some people are getting worried. I fear setting Mete to armed guard duty will cut our productivity back too much, so I will attempt to promote and maintain a better level of vigilance amongst the crew rather than assigning a guard... hopefully no one will not wake with a cut throat...
Our war dogs are not properly stationed but rather spend their time following Mete. While I am both glad she has extra protection with her at all times, I am cursed that she has trained them so well. When I cross her she needs only issue a quick command and the beasts are growling at me.. Mete has been getting her way a lot recently.
Needless to say I have ordered a cloth supply chain to get up and running within our walls so that we can tie those dogs up by the entrances to serve as proper guards.

10 Opal, 204.   Sor approached me this afternoon to indicate food stores were getting low. We have only 15 meals left. I was shocked to hear that low number. Upon further investigation I learned we are practically out of seed, how, I do not know. Ulum said something about planting, harvesting, but not cooking, to which I responded 'then cook!' to which he countered a string of paced obscenities and something about there being only 24 hours in the day. So all the foodstuffs we have are being eaten and not replaced. I've ordered our three cow calves to be slaughtered. They will provide us with meat and leather and bones. Eventually I may need to send Udda out hunting again.

2 Obsidian, 204.  The dormitory is complete. Practically as soon as work was finished people began plopping down into the beds. Now we may start expanding the mission beyond our most basic needs. During the next few days I will meet with Sor, Mete, and Ina to discuss our possibilities for expansion.
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6 Obsidian, 204.  If there is one thing that everyone seems to be able to agree with, it is that space is becoming a precious commodity. It seems that people have been seeking meetings with Sor to discuss their problems with him, so that he may then bring them up with me. Just yesterday Sor was telling me how Udda was complaining about personal space, Ulum was complaining about food storage, and even Mete confided with him - and not me!- about a lack of a proper barracks!
With so many issues arising, I decided to host a meeting between Sor, Ina and me this morning to make a decision on what project to tackle next. I trust Sor's administrative skills to keep us on track resource-wise while I feel Ina's carpentry and building skills will be important in planning feasible constructions.
We are storing our goods in the open air within the mission. It is time we build a warehouse for our supplies. During the meeting I will push an agenda to start work on a warehouse.

8 Obsidian, 204.  Nothing is going as planned.
Ina, Sor, and I agreed to plan the construction of a warehouse to store all our supplies. Ina was tasked with coming up with a build plan. That was all two days ago...
Just today I had Sor and Mete come to me while I was relaxing outside to tell me we needed to build a defensive watchtower. Apparently word of our next project got out before Ina even finished the logistical planning of it and miraculously everyone spontaneously decided that a watchtower was more important.

I have a feeling that Sor let the plan slip to Mete, who probably sweet-talked Ad and Ulum into siding with her that a watchtower was an immediate necessity, even before a proper warehouse. Sor, in an attempt to avoid intra-mission conflict, probably then went and convinced Udda and Ina to go along with the watchtower idea because he knew just how bullheaded both Mete and I were, but also knew that he had a better chance living if he crossed me than if he crossed Mete. I tried to weasel the truth out of Ulum, but he seemed firm in his belief that a watchtower was necessary and that he never would have supported a plan to build a warehouse... I don't know how Mete did it, but she really managed to change their minds.
I did try to approach Mete personally, to ask her what happened, but she just clicked her tongue at the dogs when I asked and that sent me scurrying away in a hurry. That fool woman really has me tied around her finger...

10 Obsidian, 204. Sor and I have been meeting frequently to discuss the logistics of building a watchtower... no member of The Holy League is anywhere near being a qualified mason, but we feel stone is an essential building material for the tower. Sor has unearthed quite a bit of gabbro, along with other stones, which can be used as building material. Ina is a capable builder but all her experience comes from working with wood. Both Sor and I agree that the last thing we want is to build a structure that topples over at the first big storm. So far we have made no reliable decisions.

13 Obsidian, 204. I have ordered the collection of stone outside the mission walls.
During an impromptu mission-wide meeting we all agreed that our watchtower should be built primarily from stone. Everyone was enthusiastic about the project but I made it known that we had one big problem: all the stone was far away in the quarry. Bringing stone to our mission would make construction easier- I could get everyone agree to that point. Only Sor knew that I was planting a seed to set forth a plan to keep everyone busy for a few more days while Sor and I tried to figure out what the heck we were going to do about building the damn tower.
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20 Obsidian, 204. A couple days of stone hauling has turned into a week of stone hauling. Sor and I still have no clue what to do about building the tower. We are now starting to privately discuss alternative projects- and then how we can convince everyone that they are more important than a stone watchtower. I think Ad is just happy to be done chopping trees for a while, while Ina is certainly unhappy to be hauling stone all day, everyday. Sor has had her busy a couple of times in her workshop building some things for him, but otherwise everyone is busy hauling.

1 Granite, 205. Spring is here! And not a minute too late. We are having a small festival to celebrate the coming of spring! It will also distract everyone from the fact that we have made pretty much no real progress on the watchtower at all during the last couple of weeks. Sor has also indicated he has a surprise to show me tomorrow.

2 Granite, 205. Sor's special mining work by the river is nearly done! He has been busy diverting a section of the brook to the North East down towards our old storage sink hole. Ina built some mechanisms and a couple of floodgates which she has hooked up to some levers to control the water flow from the river. We will be able to fill and/or empty the sinkhole at will. I may look into having that sinkhole stocked with fish too... Sor says he only needs to dig out a little more land before the final connection from the brook to the hole is complete. Then all we need to is pull a lever and watch the water flow.
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Granite, 205.  Today we opened the floodgates to allow the sinkhole to fill. It was very impressive to watch the water roar into the large open space like a horde of charging bulls. Some water even splashed up and got Ad wet. Everyone had a great laugh at that, even the stoic Udda!

19 Granite, 205. I stopped by the sinkhole's edge this morning to observe the water rising. This is an exciting time for Snakesfreckles. I think everyone has forgotten the woes of hauling stone and the lack of progress on a tower. Spirits are up, and everyone seems to be relatively content or even happy. Mete even indicated she was very proud of the work I have done. We are all ver- ...


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« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 08:56:35 am by Goron »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2009, 02:26:08 pm »

This is the journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands, Snakesfreckles. Page 4

27 Granite, 205. The battles are over.
Just over a week ago the Elves came.  I was occupied writing in my journal when shouts came from outside the hall. I entered our main yard and saw a mess of commotion. Everyone was pointing and shouting. I ran to the north gate and saw what they were pointing towards. A horde of elves accostedUdda.
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I watched in horror as she was quickly swarmed, her dogs fighting to defend her life. I did not stay by the gate long to watch how the fight played out, though. I hollered for everyone to take up arms and find sanctuary within our walls.Ulum , who was outside the walls to the North, made a mad dash for the gates. Ad stood by the gate, waiting for him to get in and then close up whileSor, Mete, and I retrieved weapons.  When we were armed and returned back to the North gate to see what was going on Ulum, completely out of breath, was trying to shout in horror that Udda was no longer in sight. Ad was frantic, pointing that the elves were moving toward the mission. I tried to calm the situation, suggesting that maybeUdda managed to escape North, or perhaps she managed to hide in the brush while the elves were distracted by her dogs. But we all knew that was unlikely.
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The elves moved south towards our mission cautiously. They knew their element of surprise was lost after the engagement to the north. Knowing thatUdda was probably already lost, I refused requests to open the north gate in a hope that she could make it in. We were relatively safe behind our walls and I wanted to be sure of our enemy's numbers before acting. We maintained watch all hours of the day and night as the elves marched cautiously toward our walls. I was able to get an approximate count of them: 14, in two squads.

Over the next few days, the elves took a wide path east of the mission, before circling around towards our west gate, from the south. I knew we could not hold out during a siege for long, soSor, Mete, and I established a plan to strike the elves before they were able to establish their presence by our wall.
We exited our mission in a fury, meeting the elves in battle.

Much of the fight took place to the west and south of the mission. It was bloody and brutal. I had never previously been involved in mortal combat before. I would frequently spar withSor during our service in the kitchens and I did have basic training with the sword, but I fear that I was never truly prepared for the brutality and savagery of combat. It was exhilarating and frightening and exciting and horrible all at the same time. Shortly after the swords stopped swinging, I stumbled about like a child, sick to the stomach... The field of battle was riddled with bodies and body parts... blood was everywhere. Mete came to me and asked if I was OK- I could barely respond... I had little memory of the battle we just completed. It all just happened so quickly.
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After a moment's pause, and time to gather myself, everything came back to me...
I personally struck down four elves. My memory came back, and I could remember each and every one of them. I could see their faces, I could feel my sword striking them... killing them...
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Ad, who apparently rushed the elves with us, managed an amazing four kills as well. His skill with axe on tree translated well to axe on elf.
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Ulum surprisingly choked the life out of an elf himself, with his bare hands. When we asked why he left the walls he said he wanted to get revenge forUdda...
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Later in the day Mete informed me that Ulum and Udda had apparently developed a lover's relationship.
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We found Udda's body right where she was last seen alive. Near it we found Minaro Lobsterhawks the elf, dead by Udda's hand.
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Udda's hunting dog, Bistkash Kasmkocango, was found dead on her body. The animal defended her to its last breath.

The remaining elves were seen fleeing to the north. Ina assured us that none stayed behind or hid, she watched as the surviving elves took off and says she is sure they did not stop running.
The fighting is over and the immediate threat seems to have subsided but we are all remaining vigilant.
The final tally is ten elves killed, three dogs dead, and one member of the Holy League killed: Udda Kadotir. May she rest in peace.

28 Granite, 205. We have recovered Udda's body and are planning her burial. During a group meeting, Sor suggested we build a mausoleum for Udda. Everyone jumped at the idea and vehemently agreed with it. But during a later discussion with Sor and Ulum we decided to do an underground tomb. A mausoleum would require far too many resources and take much time to build- not to mention the problem that we still don't have a qualified mason.Sor took over the duty of preparing the entombment space, while Ina was put in charge of constructing a confin.

9 Slate, 205. Today we officially buried Udda. The ceremony was short and to the point. I spoke briefly as leader of The Holy League. Ulum said a few words, most too quiet for me to hear. Surprisingly, Ad went up and spoke as well. He is by no means a poet, but today his words really did carry a tune of determination, remorse, duty, and pride.
After the ceremony I had a word with Sor. I asked him to get a feel for the mood and atmosphere amongst the mission. I feared that the loss of Udda might trigger more negative events. Hopefully Sor will be able to gauge the situation and report back to me soon.
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12 Slate, 205. Sor and I took a walk together this morning to discuss the morale of the mission. He spent the last couple of days discretely probing for feelings and emotions that could be a clear and present danger in the near future. Overall, everyone is pretty bummed out, he said. The loss ofUdda was a blow of immense proportions, considering she was one of just seven of us at Snakesfreckles. Except for the Uthalgilian caravan, we have not been in contact with anyone in the last year.
While Ulum seems to have suffered the greatest loss, Sor said he is coping well. Ulum really is a levelheaded farmer, if I ever met one. Sor also said everyone is afraid the elves will come back, especially Ina. She has apparently been talking with the others about the fact that four or so elves managed to escape. She thinks they will go tell their elf druids about us and then the druid will send more elves.Mete's biggest concern is that we have lost all our dogs. The war dogs went out to engage the elves while we held the north gate open forUlum.
I asked Sor if anyone was expressing resentment about the fact that we don't have a watchtower; if anyone thought maybe a watchtower would have prevented this... In response he lowered his head and shook it. He answered my question with the action. Both he and I knew we were responsible for delaying construction of the tower; and we both felt guilt for what happened.

15 Slate, 205. Everyone is keeping busy with the most basic of chores. Right now I think everyone needs work to keep their minds clear of bad thoughts, but at the same time I do not want to force focus that work on any big projects. I will let people cope through their own tasks and duties.

19 slate 205. There is really little to write about. I can still see forlorn faces throughout the mission. It has been exactly one month sinceUdda was ambushed. I suggested possibly holding a memorial to Ulum, but he was not fond of the idea.

4 Felsite, 205. I have started meeting with Sor on an almost daily basis to discuss to the future of Snakesfreckles. We have only the most basic fortifications built: A wooden wall with three main gates covering gaps between bodies of water and cliffs. A large main structure houses our dining room and communal sleeping hall, while a secondary structure housesSor's apartment and office. That is it, really... Our supplies are still exposed to the open air, as are our workshops. We've discussed the possibility of building a watchtower, a warehouse, and more housing space. The elf threat has jostled the importance of defense towards the top of our list of projects by priority, but we are still plagued by the problem that we do not have a qualified mason.

6 Felsite, 205. I spoke privately with Mete yesterday about her thoughts on the watchtower. I knew that the watchtower was something she lobbied for and I wanted to see her opinions on the fact that construction was not even initiated when the elves came. Much to my surprise she actually comforted me, telling me that even if we had the watchtower completed when the elves came, it would have doneUdda no good without having someone up in the tower on watch- something which was very unlikely given our limited numbers. And that's only if the watchtower was even completed by then.
Our talk really made me feel a bit better personally, alleviating some of the guilt I felt for Udda's ambush.

7 Felsite, 205. This morning Sor and I focused our meeting on the issue that we are only six people. The King's charter indicated we should have expected refugees, pilgrims, immigrants, or visitors of some sort early after first settlement ofSnakesfreckles. It has been over a year with no visitors besides Casot's caravan. After some deliberation we came to the conclusion that the lack of religious artifacts or structures may be affecting our status as a religious sanctuary, as per the charter. It is possible that our initially negative relationship withCasot, mixed with the lack of religious focus, may be resulting in poor reports from Casot to the cities.

10 Felsite, 205. Sor and I have decided that a temple devoted to Egu should be our next mission undertaking. We are expecting Casot to return sometime in the summer and with spring nearing an end, we still have some time to initiate construction. Then he may report back to the cities and the King that we are developing a temple, which may, hopefully, bring us refugees which can help establish our mission. Structural integrity is also not nearly as important, which makes bothSor and I much more comfortable about working with stone. We may even plan it as an open air temple. That way there will be no roof to fall on some one's head.

12 Felsite, 205. I will soon unveil plans to build our first temple to Egu. We will incorporate Udda's grave into it as well. Sor has drawn up some initial plans, but we will enlist Ina's help in finalizing the build plan. Sor and I just have a couple more issues to take care of before we host a meeting to make the announcement.

16 Felsite, 205. I presented my plan to build a temple to Egu to the crew. It was not taken kindly. It seems fear of elves has struck everyone very strongly, much more than Sor thought. It may be that with time, the fear grew. Eventually we came to an agreement to build the watchtower. Now Sor and I must act quickly to figure out what to do...

20 Felsite, 205.  Sor, Ina, and Mete have created a building plan for the watchtower. Ina and Mete seem confident that we can create a sturdy structure.Sor was able to convince them that height was not a major priority for the tower at the moment. Keeping it low will hopefully avoid us building too high for our skills, resulting in some horrible accident.

21 Felsite, 205. Ina has taken over as construction leader for the tower. Her first order of business was to order everyone to bring gabbro closer to the work site. We have been getting a lot of rain recently- that should help keep us cool while hauling stone.

26 Felsite, 205. Today Ina gathered all of us together for a quick work meeting. She gave a little presentation to show the difference betweengabbro and olivine. Ad had been hauling some of the wrong stone to the stockpile. I'll admit I didn't know there was much difference between one stone and another... its was all just stone in my mind.

1 Hematite, 205. Summer has come. We have no celebration or party scheduled. Everyone is just staying busy. We have moved quite a lot of stone from the quarry already, but will need much more. Right nowSor is the only one not tasked with moving stone, and that is only because he is digging for more!

13 Hematite, 205. Ina and I met last night to discuss the watchtower progress. She thinks we have gathered enough resources to start building. Today she shared the build plan with everyone. The tower will be built by the flooded sinkhole, within our walls. The structure's frame will be built from stone, but the internals will be of wood. The top will be open to the air with crenelations for fortifications. Tomorrow we start construction.

17 Hematite, 205. Ina spotted a caravan approaching the mission from the south. I stood atop out main hall and recognized the banners immediately.Casot has returned. I will notify Sor as soon as he returns from the mine. In the meantime, I am halting work on the watch tower and preparing some goods for possible trade as well as setting up extra defenses just in case this is an elf trick. We do not have a lot of produced goods available for trade, but there is still a lot of elf loot we can sell off.

18 Hematite, 205. Sor came into the mission today while on break from the stone quarry. He spotted the caravan in the distance on his way and was delighted to see I had started bringing some of our trade supplies together.Sor will finish some duties at the mine then handle meeting with the Uthalgil guild representative.

26 Hematite, 205. Sor has been busy meeting with Casot all day. The rest of us have been organizing and preparing goods for possible trade.

1 Malachite, 205. After a short meeting with our entire crew this morning, Sor left for the depot to trade. During the meeting he tried to gauge our needs as best he could. Much to my surprise, no one really had an pressing needs or requests. Except for booze, that is. Afterwards I toldSor that booze was not a necessity.

Night, 1 Malachite, 205.  Sor is done trading. He met with me privately to go over the deals.
I was disappointed to hear he let Casot walk away with over 1500 in profit, but Sor assures me he did so to build favor and goodwill for the future. Apparently Casot remembers our meetings last year just as well as I do, and was not very happy about stopping at Snakesfreckles again. But, on to better news:
Sor secured us an anvil. He also scored several iron bars along with some other metals. He pointed out that the hills to our north are ripe with magnetite. So ripe, in fact, that the ore can be seen on the slopes of the hill.
Soon we may have an iron works going.

4 Malachite, 205. Sor has completed all meetings with Casot. Sadly, the Uthalgil caravan still only requests trade goods form us that we will likely be unable to easily provide. I also spoke with Ina today about our possible future iron works. She cautioned me that we have no one proficient or even remotely knowledgeable about metalworking in our mission. While she is sure we could learn through experience, she warned that we would likely waste a lot of metal in the process...

5 Malachite, 205.  Mete stumbled right into a kobold this morning. It was trying to sneak into our west gate. It managed to escape before we were able to strike at it.
The kobold has sparked the almost subsided fear of elves again. I needed to spend twenty minutes to explain to Ina that kobolds and elves are not in league against us. Sighting a kobold does not mean elves are around.
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10 Malachite, 205. The kobold was spotted again, this time by Ina. She screamed out in fear so loud that I dropped what I was doing and went for a sword thinking we were under attack. The caravan guards heard Ina's shout and jumped into action as well. Thekobold, probably more frightened by Ina's scream than we were of it, took off to the east. Two caravan guards went off after it.
Mete went to comfort Ina, but not to much avail. Ina is convinced that the kobolds are elven spies, planning for an attack.

12 Malachite, 205. The caravan guards tracked the kobold to the east until they caught up with it and killed it. Good riddance.
I told Ina that even if the kobold was an elf spy, it was dead now and could not report back to the elves. It comforted her a little, but I may have just helped to reinforce the false thought that thekobolds and elves are in league against us.
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15 Malachite, 205. This morning the merchants from Uthalgil embarked on their journey. I thankfully did not have to spend an instant with Casot. Sor took care of all the negotiations and informed me that Casot seems to be willing to give up his grudge against us. Perhaps word of our sanctuary will spread with the caravan and draw refugees.

19 Malachite, 205.  Ina has taken charge as master of construction again. Sometimes it is nice to not be the one giving orders all the time- but that the same time it is no fun taking orders. At least Ina's new charge seems to be keeping her mind offkobolds and elves.

7 Galena, 205. Today we completed the watchtower. Ina's lead has succeeded in building from stone when both Sor and I thought it to be impossible. I must admit that the structure is a lot more sturdy than I expected. Despite that, I do not plan on spending a lot of time in or around it. I still do not trust our masonry skills and refuse to be the one it crashes down atop. We all held a small opening ceremony and celebration atop the tower. It affords a good view of our north and west.
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12 Galena, 205. With the watchtower complete, it is time to focus our attention to the next project. There are still just the six of us, but we have shown that when we work hard with determination, we can achieve great results. I have designated an area for wood to be stored and tasks everyone with bringing it closer to the mission. We will need wood for construction so we might as well have it ready when we need it. I may do same with stone again as well.

27 Galena, 205. We are all busy gathering building supplies for our next project. Sor and I have been tossing around some ideas about what to build next. The temple is still a possibility as well as a warehouse, but recently we have been kicking the idea around of building some sort of personalized housing.

1 Limestone, 205. We are celebrating the coming of autumn with a small feast. We have butchered some of our animals for fresh meat. Food has been rather bland recently withoutUdda to supplement it with her hunting- so this meat should be a great morale booster. Everyone seems to be in good spirits as is, though.  The watchtower is a good comfort to us all, even if it is not going to proper use. Most hours of the day it stand empty. Only every now and then will someone take the time to go atop it and look around.

10 Limestone, 205. I have taken up fishing as a hobby. I spotted a turtle in the flooded sinkhole. Perhaps I can catch some for food. It has been ages since I've had turtle soup.
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21 Limestone, 205. Sor and I have come to a decision on what to build next. We will build individual housing. Tomorrow I will meet with Ina to discuss build plans and location.

22 Limestone, 205. I was on my way to meet with Ina today when I heard Ad shout out from beyond the north gate. As I ran to the gate to investigate, I could hear him yelling obscenities and stomping around. He spotted akobold and became irate over its presence. I talked him down and told him to take the afternoon off. I managed to keep the kobold secret from Ina- knowing that our scheduled meeting may have been forfeit if she became taken by fear.
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24 Limestone, 205. Ina spent most of yesterday planning a housing district. She has designated a large area west of our mission to be walled in. The current west wall and gate will remain standing, but will effectively become an internal wall.Sor will work the slopes to prevent access from the south, like he did by the main hall. I may expand on her plan and have Sor also channel some waterways to work as a moat, too.
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27 Limestone, 205. Today was a terribly hectic day. Sor and Ina were heading to the main hall for a break and happened across a kobold! The creature was either on its way into the hall, or coming out. Ina freaked out like usually while Sor cursed, regretting that he carried a pick and not his sword. Regardless, Sor was able to distract the thing long enough for Mete to close in with sword ready. Mete chased the kobold out of the mission before she broke off.  We really must do something about this problem... All of our guard dogs are dead and we do not have the manpower to post full time guards... I'll need to have a chat with Mete to come up with ideas.
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1 Sandstone, 205. Today our cow gave birth to two calves. Ulum asked if he should slaughter them, like we have the previous calves. I told him to wait on it until he heard otherwise from me. I hadSor check our ledgers to see how we were doing on food and decided to keep the cows as a second breeding pair. Our food stores were sufficient for the time being that slaughtering the animals was not a necessity.

4 Sandstone, 205. Ulum has been preparing some fine meals recently... He is not the best cook I've met, in fact he is very far from it (remember, I worked as a kitchen manager... I'd know), but his stew is far better than straight meat or fish...
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6 Sandstone, 205. Just after noon today Mete raised an alarm in the mission. She was idly taking a look from atop our watch tower and spotted a troupe of men approaching from the north. I joined her on the tower to see for myself. I counted a dozen or so humans approaching. They carry no standards, banners, or flags... They seem to be a day and a half to two days away. Sor has readied our equipment and we have made a plan for defense, should the need arise.
Now: we wait...


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« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 08:57:18 am by Goron »


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2009, 01:58:31 pm »

Great story. Keep up the good work!

Yeah, I will try and get you another guy in quick.
I am trying to ready the next update right now. Sadly I am way far ahead in play than posted updates. So just bear with me... I am trying to catch up the story with the play notes.

Don't worry about me, I can wait.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2009, 09:20:55 pm »

This is the journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands, Snakesfreckles. Page 5

8 Sandstone, 205. The humans turned out to be friendlies! There was no elf trick, no goblin siege, no bandit ambush- just regular humans seeking refuge. Thank the gods!

They arrived at the mission gate this morning.  Sor, Mete, Ad, and I were all standing ready for a possible fight. By that point we were pretty certain that they were non-hostile, but complacency costs lives. The group was lead by one Galali Nganizvicu. I spoke briefly with him outside our walls and once he gained my trust, we opened the gate for the whole group. Everyone met in the main hall and we went through introductions. Apparently this one group of refugees actually consists of three diferent migrant groups that met on the road.

Galali Nganizvicu and Servu Spishabcero were coming from a nearby city as religious pilgrims.  They had heard of this mission, devoted to their god Egu, and decided a change in life was neccessary.  Galali was a lowly village milker and Servu was a nobody peasant. Both are looking for a better life.
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Mong Alatzemel, Iguk Taldeuquur, Lomam Racontaba, Jervous Alocoqui, Beksur son of Lomam, and Ana daughter of Lomam were all of the same village that got attacked by goblins several leagues to the east. Most of their village was killed but these six escaped with their lives. They traveled with whatever they were carrying when the fled the village, doing what they could to survive while looking for a new home. On the way they came across Galali and Servu and decided to follow Galali's lead and head for our mission, Snakefreckles.
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Lastly we have Barbarossa Ormaelku, Lelgo Bistkashedin, Unir Igukpis, and Haspen Quabeucsha. An armoerer, a fishery worker, a peasant, and a mason in that order. They were members of a migration caravan that was ambushed by elves. The four of them encountered Galali's growing party and joined up.
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After getting to know the new arrivals we explained our situation to them. I also indicated that we would need to establish some emergency housing-which was already planned as our next project- and that everyone was expected to help with the work. There were some minor grumblings when I announced that sometimes the work would involve labors outside their profession.  Some of the new arrivals were actually excited to hear that, though. Both of our religious pilgrims, Galali and Servu were looking for change and seemed completely open to new assignments. I noted that Haspen would be a welcome addition to our construction force with his masonry skills and that Barbarossa added the final piece to our set of a capable miner, an anvil, and a reliable source of metal ores. Introductions and explanations took up most of the remainder of the day so not much work got done, much less any new work assignments. Tomorrow morning I will meet briefly with Sor to go over some details, then I will host another mission-wide meeting to organize everyone and start assigning jobs.

9 Sandstone, 205. We had a mission meeting today.We spent nearly the entire day, besides some breaks, organizing ourselves and planning for the future. I went into further details about Snakefreckles' current state, what we have, what we need, what we want. Sor spent some time speaking as well, since he knows the exact numbers and some of the logistics better than I do.
Jervous indicated that he would gladly take over cooking from ulum, once Ulum's stretch of skills and duties was explained. I am pretty sure I heard Ulum release an audible sigh of relief from across the hall. Jervous had no experience but claims he has always had a desire to learn. His duties as a hauler always managed to get in the way though. I officially announced him as the mission cook and gave him the title on the spot. No more peasant life for him!

I was able to assign mete to full time guard duty. She will maintain the title of guardsman as a true representative to the King's army, but she will ultimately be in charge of our standing armed forces. Galali and Servu both volunteered to serve as guards with Mete. Servu as a maceman and Galali as an archer. While I would not have minded keeping Servu working as a hauler, his enthusiasm to train as a maceman meets our need for more armed guards. Galali on the other hand will fit in well as an archer. We have no milk cows for him to work with so his skills as a milker would have gone to waste. Mete spoke out that she would start Servu and Galali with basic training in hand to hand combat, then advance them to their permanent weapon skills.

Lelgo will join with Ulum and Jervous in the food services as a permanent fish worker.
Mong and Lomam bring with them skills that may be of use in the future, but for now I've assigned them to work with Ina as woodworkers.
Haspen was given charge of all masonry work in the mission and Barbarossa was made our resident metalworker. But in the short term Barbarossa will be helping Ina and Haspen.
Our need for new housing has become all the more pressing with our new residents.
Ina explained the construction plans for the new housing district and took everyone on a walk-around of the new perimeter. Construction will begin tomorrow.

I doubt anyone will get much sleep tonight, for the hall is packed beyond capacity with tired people. Perhaps I will sleep under the stars and hope for no rain.

14 Sandstone, 205. Things going very well. The new migrants are helping greatly.
Mete asked permission to move the guard barracks tot he watchtower- given the overcrowding in the main hall. The watchtower is a much smaller space but is surely a better training area given our current situation. I've asked Ina and Haspen to provide me with daily reports of construction progression for the time being. Nothing too extravagant, just a quick update on the work.
Ina has begun work on proper walls to the west to enclose our housing district. Once the perimeter is secured, she will start work on the actual apartments.
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4 Timber, 205.  While taking a walk with mete this morning she informed me she was planning on finishing up her hand to hand combat training with Servu and Galali today. Mete and Servu will train with sword and mace respectively, while Galali will begin training with bow. I will ask someone to set up a target for Galali behind the main hall.

8 Timber, 205. It seems Sor has organized a party to celebrate the current and future successes of Snakefreckles. While I am disappointed he would do so at a time that we would most benefit from having all hands busy working, I must admit I am having a good time partying with him. I just wish Mete would take some time from her training to be with me...

1 Moonstone, 205. Winter is here. The coming of cooler weather has prompted everyone to work harder on the housing blocks. Haspen has volunteered to help with the wood construction since we have no major masonry projects in the works. Sleeping in the crowded hall really is quite unsatisfying so it is important we have as many hands working construction as possible to alleviate the overcrowding.

22 Moonstone, 205. One of our horses grew to a sufficient mating age this week. It complements our other horse, forming a breeding pair. Soon we may feast on horse meat.
Ina has informed me that one housing block is nearly complete.
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1 Opal, 205.  I may need to start micromanaging Ina's work again. Today I've discovered that the first housing block is completely built and awaits furnishing... but we have no beds to furnish it with! Ina has been so busy building that she neglected to spend time crafting the furniture. Now we must wait until beds are made before anyone can move in...

18 Opal, 205. Several people have come to me about Ad. It seems his skill with an axe on tree is beyond the imagination of our residents. Sor says Ad is the best wood cutter he has ever met before, something which I question, as Sor has not been known to hang around woodsmen... but when Ina told me that Ad was the best timber supplier she has ever met I knew we had a skilled worker. Ad truly is a legendary wood cutter. The child Ana prepared a party to celebrate Ad's successes all by herself. I must admit I was impressed.
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20 Opal, 205. These last few days have been filled with joy! We have another reason to celebrate: some housing units are complete and open for residents. Ina tells me there is only a little more work to be done on the second housing block's roof before it can be furnished and opened for residents.
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24 Opal, 205. Today the second housing block was opened for furniture. Barbarossa installed the last section of roofing. It is good to see everyone branching beyond their specialized skills to help in the construction effort. I assured him that we would initiate an iron works supply chain when we had the human resources available.
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25 Opal, 205. I went on top of watch tower to survey the mission this morning. It is growing- much faster than when just the seven... six, of us.
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27 Opal. 205. The second housing block has been furnished and is accepting residents. I gave a small talk to some of the workers today. I was sure to say how proud I was of them and to praise their progress. I congratulated Ina for her leadership skills as head carpenter and thanked Haspen and Barbarossa for branching from their primary proficiencies to help her out. Afterwards Sor came to me and said my speech was very corny; nearly laughable... I thought it was meaningful...

5 Obsidian, 205. Work in our housing district continues.
Also, our small armed forces are getting more proficient according to Mete. I may have the Barbarossa start his own metal works industry soon, to supply better weapons and armor...
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8 Obsidian, 205.  Sor came to me in a nearly frantic haste shortly after lunch today... He has been busy helping build in the housing district and his eyes have not been totally on our stockpile records- it took Galali finding his arrow supply dwindling to approach Sor about it, who then went and checked the numbers and looked over the stores, only to discover we were indeed very low on ammunition. Originally Mete was making arrows out of bone but we don't have much bone available right now, especially after the loss of Udda...
Perhaps I will initiate a new hunting campaign- many mountain goats have been spotted recently. But Galali going through an estimated, according to Sor, 200 arrows may have paid off for he is truly a skilled archer now.
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10 Obsidian, 205.  I've asked Galali to take up hunting for the mission. He had little choice but to agree, since his arrow supply is dependant on a source of bone. Hopefully his skill as a combat archer will translate well into hunting... It would be nice to have some more fresh meat.

11 Obsidian, 205.  (82) I watched Galali go on his hunting expedition form a top the watch tower early this morning. He went right for group of mountain goats. Galali shot one in the leg then proceeded to chase it down and beat it to death in melee... Truly impressive.
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17 Obsidian, 205. I write with a sorrow heart today.  This afternoon Servu suffered a mortal wound while training with Mete. They were practicing weapon play upstairs in the main hall when the fatal blow was delivered. Servu stumbled out of the hall and down the stairs, only making a few more steps before finally bleeding out in front of the main hall's dining area door. It was a grizzly sight to see. Blood was everywhere. The children were ushered away and those with light stomachs looked away in horror.
Ina was tasked with making his coffin while Haspen has agreed to make the tombstone.
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19 Obsidian, 205.  I spoke with Mete privately today... Many of our residents are concerned about her reaction to Servu's death. I must admit she does not seem the least bit remorseful. While that is something one must admire in a soldier, it is a little troubling after an accidental death. It is really kind of creepy.
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23 Obsidian, 205. Servu was buried today. We will hold a formal ceremony for him once his tombstone is up and the grave is properly covered.

27 Obsidian, 205. We held a memorial for Servu today. He was put int he ground almost a week ago, but we waited to hold service until his tombstone was up. Galali spoke, having known Servu the longest. Sor took a moment to say a few words as well. I refrained from saying anything... I'm not really sure what would have been appropriate. I really did not know Servu too well, and my lover Mete was the one that accidentally killed him... It truly would have been an awkward moment for me.
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1 Granite, 206.  Spring has arrived at last. The winter was both productive and tragic. The sweet smells, cool rains, and fresh breezes of spring are a welcome change.
Work in the housing district is progressing well. A third housing block is finished and furnished, and a small fourth block is in the works. The last couple of days Sor was working to complete a mission census and he revealed it to me today.  We are doing well. Hopefully the year 206 will be a year of continued growth and progress.
This morning I stood atop our watchtower to take a look at our growing settlement. I have done well.
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11 Granite, 206. Spirits are at a seemingly all time high. Progress in the housing district has kept our minds away from our recent loss as well as given us all warm beds in private apartments to sleep in. I can tell Sor is visibly relieved now that everyone has a private apartment. He was not fond of being the only one to have a room, before.
I have initiated plans to build our first temple to Egu. Haspen has been placed in charge of most of the construction. The design is being worked on by Galali and me.

12 Granite, 206. Sor has informed me that Jervous is becoming overwhelmed with work. It seems Galali has been very successful with his hunting- burdening Jervous with butchery and cooking tasks. As such I have taken Galali off hunting duty and put him back on active guard duty. This will also keep Galali close to the mission, allowing us to work on the temple design more effectively. We have a basic ground plan established which I have passed on to Haspen- who I have asked to work alone on the temple for the time being. Later down the line I may assign him some help.

15 Granite, 206. The fourth housing block is finished, furnished, and ready for residents. A fifth housing block is under development. Ina is becoming a very good work force leader.
I took a moment yesterday to personally thank Ad for his work with the axe. His wood cutting skills are supplying most of the building materials for our mission and without him we'd be stuck with another bottleneck. I am often too busy with administrative work to be cutting trees myself, so my skills have not progressed very much recently.
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27 Granite, 206. Ambush!!! Elves sprung out just feet from our walls! I do not know how but they managed to sneak up on us while mounted on horses. Our response was swift. Someone was level headed enough to close and lock the north east gate- which probably saved most of our lives - buying us vital time. The order quickly got out to suspend all work that might take people out of the mission. Galali took a position in the watchtower and gave us an estimated count of the enemy- 16 elves.
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Ad Mete and I readied ourselves by the north east gate, ready to rally forth. We waited on Galali's reports of the elven movements from above.
The elves started around towards the western side of our mission, towards the housing district. They may have seen Unir Igukpis who was still outside our walls. He was still a long distance from the gate, but so were the elves. Galali has been shouting a description of the chase from the watchtower. Ad, Mete and I have repositioned to housing district to secure the western gates.
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28 Granite, 206. Unir made it to the mission and safety of walls late last night. Galali is continuing fire on the elves from his perch, but is reporting few hits. Down below within our walls it has been rather uneventful. Ad, Mete, and I have been camped by in a ready state in the housing district. We have considered our options- rallying will lead to a very outnumbered fight, but we are rather confident of our skills. Galali reports they have no archers, so we would be locked in melee.

While writing the first part of this entry Galali began shouting about spotting Iguk Taldeuquur outside the walls! I have no idea what the heck he was doing out there!? All of us rushed to the west gate, shouting for him to get inside. The elves seem to have spotted him too and started towards our western most gate as well. Iguk just made it in moments ago. Mete was sure to seal the gate after him.
As I write, Galali is repositioning himself to the roof of a housing block to better take advantage of the elves new position.
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2 Slate, 206. Galali scored a fatal hit on an elf mount, toppling the elf onto the ground. We have again considered the possibility to rally, but Mete is determined to wait for Galali to weaken their force some more- she does not want to be overly confident of our skills, especially against such overwhelming numbers. .
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8 Slate, 206.  It has been many days, waiting by the gate. The elves seem poorly equipped to properly execute a siege, but I fear if we wait much longer and give them more time they may organize themselves and attempt to breach our walls. I have ordered Sor to take up a sword.
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9 slate, 206. Sor has joined us in the housing district. Sor, Mete, and I all equipped with iron longswords. Ad with a halberd.  Galali is on hand firing arrows like crazy. We spent the last few hours planning. Tomorrow, we rally.
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« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 08:57:58 am by Goron »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2009, 02:52:21 am »

Great update once again. Loved how my character went to bleed all over your courtyard!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2009, 08:05:22 am »

I was modifying the claimables list last night right after I posted the last update when my computer decided to start blue screening me.
It seems I am hitting a well known nvlddmkm.sys problem.
The problem is, although it is well known, the circumstance and 'fix' seems to be different for everyone...  ::)

So far I have not had much luck keeping my computer going for a long enough time to do much of anything... but I can get it run seemingly fine in safe mode.
I'll try fudging around with it again tonight- updating drivers didn't work, so next I'll try rolling em back a bit and maybe jumping back to an older restore point (if I even have any... I may have stupidly ceased using the system restore if that's somehow possible...)
If all that still fails me I might be screwed into trying a new card... gah...
(by the way, anyone with experience with this problem, or is smarter* than me with computer drivers/hardware, can feel free to help me...)

*probably 90% of you...

Good news: I still have a heck of a backlog of play notes and screencaps which I can still get a couple of updates in with while trying to fix my problems.
Bad news: the messed up computer is my play computer.
Good news: I have the region folder backed up on a flash drive.
Bad news: my second (capable) computer has been F'd up for some time now, too.
Good news: all I need is a Windows install cd to fix the second computer (windows is corrupted)

Thats 3 goods to 2 bads so overall I think I'm in good shape.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cthuwu
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2009, 08:30:59 am »

Haspen sez:
"For the sake of my internet connection and my browser's cache - spoiler SCREENSHOTS."

"Journal of Haspen"
-date unknown-
It is good to be safe within the walls.

9th Sandstone.
Meetings. How I hate them. I've been appointed to do much of masonry work, and, hearing that Elves are besieging the mission, I'm sure I will be carving tombstones, sooner or later - I bet the earlier.

14th Sandstone.
Reports. At least verbal, cuz paperwork would surely kill me faster than elves. House-building isn't that bad, but I would prefer helping with fortifications and such. I haven't spend a year learning masonry from that Urist dwarf to build small cozy houses for future dead people.

17th Obsidian.
I was busy building things with Barbarossa (quite decent guy, I must admit), so I haven't got much time to write here. And as I written before, someone died, not to elves though. In the sparring session. I am making a tombstone for Servu.

12th Granite, year 2.
Well! At last something for a guy like me! I will be makin' a temple. I don't know, for which of the gods (propably for the one that Woge worships), but still temple is a temple. And Sir Woge must surely recognise my skills, because he haven't appointed any other.

27th Granite, year 2.
Oh joy. Elves.

28th Granite, year 2.
I heard someone was outside when elves attacked. Seems that he or she made it safely within or not-so-safe outpost.

9th Slate, year 2.
I admire Galali. He is a fearsome soldier, shooting elves till they die. Not like Woge, who is just covering behind the gate. Duh! I heard rumors that he and some other people will fight elves tomorrow or something. I don't need any more requests for tombstones or coffins. What we need is a moat, long retractable bridge, a horde of war dogs and crossbowmen. I will have a small talk with Sir Woge after he returns - if he returns.

[continued in later posts]
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2009, 08:53:30 am »

Haspen sez:
"For the sake of my internet connection and my browser's cache - spoiler SCREENSHOTS."

right... I'll get on that.

aaaaaand done.

I may label the spoilers with captions or whatnot later too
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 08:58:35 am by Goron »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2009, 05:03:45 pm »

Jervous' Journal, 8 Sandstone, 205.
I have arrived. My companions and I arrived in Snakesfreckles today. Hope they don't talk about it. When I joined them while they were on the road here, I told them to say I was in their village. They said I was strange but agreed. Soon enough, it will all come together...-

I met with 'Sir' Woge. I told him I'd be a cook. It'll keep me away from the battles. He believed me. Was actually a thief. Apparently he can't read me. Good.

After butchering a goat I remembered the cats again. I'll probably never forget.-

Jervous' Journal, 17 Obsidian, 205.
A dabbling comedian died today.

While training he was struck fatally. It was grisly. Reminded me again of the cats. I didn't know him well.-

Jervous' Journal, 12 Granite, 206.
Hunter is dumping corpses on me. Too many. I should've chose a better job. I still act jolly otherwise. They still can't tell. The swamp has been getting to me. My throat is getting groggly and my voice is getting raspy.

Jervous' Journal, 15 Granite, 206.
The paths are extended swamps and the swamps are filled with muck. When the floodgates finally scab over, all the vermin will be stuck...

The accumulated filth stuck on me from sleeping in the swamps has

Oh. The housing is finished.-

Jervous' Journal, 27 Granite, 206.
The town's reaction time to the elven ambush was terrible. They snuck up on us while mounted. I am not to blame, I was cooking at the time. We must be more prepared if we are to survive out here.-

Jervous' Journal, 9 Slate, 206.
The defenders of the village have rallied. Hopefully they won't get killed so fast.-


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2009, 04:23:20 pm »

I was modifying the claimables list last night right after I posted the last update when my computer decided to start blue screening me.
It seems I am hitting a well known nvlddmkm.sys problem.
The problem is, although it is well known, the circumstance and 'fix' seems to be different for everyone...  ::)

So far I have not had much luck keeping my computer going for a long enough time to do much of anything... but I can get it run seemingly fine in safe mode.
I'll try fudging around with it again tonight- updating drivers didn't work, so next I'll try rolling em back a bit and maybe jumping back to an older restore point (if I even have any... I may have stupidly ceased using the system restore if that's somehow possible...)
If all that still fails me I might be screwed into trying a new card... gah...
(by the way, anyone with experience with this problem, or is smarter* than me with computer drivers/hardware, can feel free to help me...)

*probably 90% of you...
Well... I've cleaned my internals... played with drivers and software... exhausted my idea bank of what to do software-wise...
So I switched my two GPUs to see what would happen... and so far so good...
Assuming things stay happy for a while, I'll go on to assume my one GPU is F'd... :-(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2009, 12:41:57 pm »

This is the journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands, Snakesfreckles. Page 6

10 slate, 206.  Success! The fighting is over! We have driven the elves off while only sustaining two non-fatal casualties. Ad took a light wound to his lower left leg- nothing to worry over- and Sor took a blow to the stomach which knocked him out for a few minutes. He assures me he is fine, though. Our plan was executed with near flawless precision. Sor, Mete, and I exited the housing district's north gate to engage the elves in melee. Ad remained just within the gate to intercept any elves that tried to slip through during the fighting. Galali was tasked with providing supporting fire during the engagement.
The battle was fierce but played out very well for us. Galali failed to recognize a crossbow elf in the group- but it did not matter. The elf never managed to fire a shot. We must have rallied while they were not at the ready. We truly were very lucky- had the elf opened fire on us while engaged in melee we likely would have taken severe losses. It is no matter now, though... for we are all alive and relatively well.

Mete reports one elf killed, Sor managed three kills, and Ad felled one elf. Add in the one elf I dropped and we totaled six elves killed. Galali reports seeing most of the other elves flee to the north.
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The Holy League Rallies

12 Slate, 206. Sor has healed up very quickly. Just two days after sustaining his injury and he is completely without a scratch or ache.
Sor, Ad, and I have returned to our civil duties while Mete and Galali remain active but are getting a nice break. The mission is buzzing with enthusiasm over our success against the elves- it is surely a better result than our first encounter. Sor and I have decided it would be wise to bring in all of the elf equipment. Most of the mission is busy collecting gear and cleaning up after the battle. I suspect it will take a few days to fully recover all of the gear- then we will be able to continue work as though the elves never came.

13 Slate, 206. Even three days after the fight the water is still red with blood. At least it is flowing away from our well and towards the brook.
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late night 13 Slate, 206  The elves are back! Ad spotted them to south while depositing elf chunks in our refuse pile. They acted very quickly after their movements were discovered and started firing up the cliff at anyone that got within sight. I was unaware of what was happening until I heard Haspen scream out in pain after getting shot in the leg.
It was absolute chaos for the first few minutes. No one knew what was going on and panic took hold. Several of our livestock were shot, many killed during the commotion.
I quickly had all gates closed and locked and could only hope no one was trapped outside.
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15 Slate, 206. Everyone is accounted for inside the walls. We are now waiting to see what action the elves take. They have maintained position by the south east cliffs. There are too many of them for us to engage. This time we are sure of their use of crossbows. Some residents have exclaimed that we should engage them with arrows, like we did last time- but I can tell Galali is not very fond of the idea. He would need to expose himself to their fire, as we have no proper fortifications built up to cover our southern flank. The cliff face prevents access, but does not protect from ranged fire. We may need to stay shut in...
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16 Slate, 206. Ulum is dead. He got shot in the heart... I feel at fault for this loss. I should have had the hall's south doors locked and sealed. Ulum left the hall through those doors and was immediately shot, right in the heart. He managed to stumble all the way to the temple's construction site before dying from blood loss. After Haspen got shot I should have acted better to prevent people from getting in the line of fire.

17 Slate, 206. The elves continue to camp by our south east flank. I have made sure to inform everyone to stay away from the cliffs, but I still see people wandering in that area. Mete, Sor, and I have been discussing possible combat actions we could take- but it seems our choices are limited to one: sit and wait. The crossbow elves are too deadly and effective with their fire. To attempt and engage them in melee would be suicide- and we cannot engage them effectively with arrows due to poor terrain. Any line of sight on them is an equally open line of sight on us.

20 Slate, 206.  The elves are still camped to the south. Everything has gotten rather peaceful within our walls lately. We have become accustomed to the situation and people are actually starting to relax a bit. These elves do not seem organized to execute a proper siege- as such Mete has suggested we may be able to out last them when it comes to supplies. They are not getting any resupply shipments that we've noticed, so they are likely surviving off of packed supplies and foraging. Sor says we are doing fine with our own supplies, and if need be we can slaughter animals to last out longer. Our water supply is nearly unlimited. Even if the elves were to cut off the water flow from the brook, the sinkhole has enough water in it to last years, and the ponds that form a border to our housing district refill with the constant rains. Poison is a serious threat, but having seen the blood in the sinkhole flow away from our well, I feel confident that poisoning our water supply would be extremely difficult.

I visited Haspen today. He is still bedridden but healing- albiet very slowly. I tried to have some good words to him to keep his spirits up.

Ina cannot continue any work at all, as we have no wood supply within our walls. As such most everyone is without work... and work is just what we need at a time like this, to keep peoples minds busy.

25 Slate, 206. The elves are still out there... The inactivity within our walls is close to driving some people mad. Sor has taken to updating our stockpile records constantly, while I am stuck wandering around trying to comfort those that are losing hope.
Realizing we could wait no longer to finalize a resting spot for Ulum, we dug a grave behind a housing block. A memorial will be held later this afternoon.

7 Felsite, 206. We had a terrible surprise today. Galali spotted a number of humans to the north. Seventeen- on their way towards the mission.  By the looks of them I'd like to hope they are friendly immigrants- but we cannot discount that they may be part of some elven or bandit ploy. Regardless, Galali and some of the peasants have been trying to signal them from atop the watchtower to warn them of the elven threat.

9 Felsite, 206. A whole slew of events passed today... I will try to relate them in detail, based on the accounts of those involved.
The first of the incoming humans made it to the north housing district gate safely. Galali and Mete opened the gate for them, searching each of them as they came in. Other residents directed them to the main hall. But just as the 4th to last was about to enter the gate, Mete spotted an elf trying to sneak in as well! Her and Galali's initial reaction was that the incoming migrants were a part of the ploy- but when they saw more elves popping out of hiding to the west they realized the elves were just trying to take advantage of the vulnerable situation. Galali shouted for the closest migrant to get in the gate but instead she turned and ran away! Mete shoved the gates closed and locked them while Galali ran shouting for the north east gate to be manned, in case some of the four could escape to it. 
Taking advantage of the distracting commotion to the north west, the original elves that were camped to the south east moved closer to the east wall. At some point a crossbow bolt struck Ad as he was walking near the main hall's entrance. According to those in the area, he fell to the ground unconscious with multiple wounds. Jervous says that people tried to get to his unconscious body, to pull him to safety, but the elven fire was far too concentrated. Jervous and the others were forced to watch as he was shot to death. I arrived on the scene shortly after and ordered no one to attempt to recover his body. The elves seemed to be using it as a death trap... Watching Ad lay there for hours, dead in the sun was one of the most horrific sights I've ever been forced to behold. Except for maybe Mete, I had spent a majority of my time with Ad while working in the woods cutting down trees... to see him dead and discarded, knowing his body lies there now as I write.. ... ... the horror.... the horror...
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11 Felsite, 206. Mete reported that the last of the migrants made it in the walls last night. After dodging, fleeing and sneaking by the elves they made it through the north east gate.
Sor is attempting to get a proper count or people in the mission. but from his initial numbers he thinks there are 30 people in the walls. If that's the case something is amiss, for one of the newcomers confirmed our initial count of 17 of them... including those already in the mission, that would put us to 33 strong. No... 32 strong- without Ad. The mass commotion, confusion, and panic within our walls is preventing any legitimate attempt to establish order, making Sor's count very difficult. I find myself too busy trying to organize our defensive situation to bother with meeting the newcomers or help with the count.

12 Felsite, 206. It seems Sor's initial count was more correct than not. After meeting with one of the migrants, Istrul Coslaani, we have been able to confirm that two of their numbers are not in the walls. Sor and I were able to track down each of the accounted for newcomers with Istrul's help. They are all members of the same village some leagues to the north west. Word of our mission reached them early this year. Facing the constant threat of goblins in their area they decided to leave home and seek sanctuary with us. Many of them left family and friends behind, who were either too attached to the area or too stubborn to move.
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13 Felsite, 206. Very early this morning Galali spotted one of the missing newcomers! He was making a mad dash for the north east gate. Galali frantically shouted for someone to unlock and open the gate for him. The shouting woke me from my sleep. By the time I got over to the north east gate, Doto Dirluebbak had made it in the gate. Galali reported he braved a host of enemy fire to get inside.
Having gotten a very early start to the day, I found Thrathdad, who also woke to the commotion, to seek his input on a possible extra defense measure. After concluding our meeting, I appointed him as temporary lead mason while Haspen is recovering. Today Thrathdad will begin disassembling the work so far completed on the temple in order to provide a supply of building materials. He will then start working on a defensive wall on our east flank to cover some of the vulnerable spots open to elven fire.
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17 Felsite, 206.  I climbed the watchtower this morning to survey the situation beyond our walls. The second elven ambush is camped in front of our housing district's north gate. The first set of elves are located just past our east wall. I spoke with Galali, who was in the tower at the time, and he indicated he's noticed a gradual movement from the elves over the last few days. He is not sure what their intentions are, but they are moving north ever so slowly during the day.
If the elves to the east stay in the same general position throughout the day I will order Ad's body recovered tonight under the cover of darkness.
If things continue as there are for many more days I will have Ina start taking down the unfinished housing block so that the wood may be used in bows and arrows... we cannot last forever locked in these walls.
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1 Hematite, 206. Today is the first day of summer. Normally this would be a day of jubilant celebration... but we are not in a normal situation right now. Everyone seems resigned to the fact that we are under siege... The elves are still to our east and north west. In an attempt to try and occupy everyone I have ordered the unfinished housing block to be torn down for wood. Our new bowyer, Kofu, is making some wooden bows as well. We have come to the realization and acceptance of the fact that we will need to rally soon. We may not be able to wait the elves out.

2 Hematite, 206. Galali claims he may have spotted a human form far to the north, by the brook. He only got a momentary look at it, but he thinks it may be Nisam Histekhonu, the last migrant. This was great news to everyone. We can only hope Nisam, if that was even her, is able to remain hidden and survive.

10 Hematite, 206.  Ejas came to me in an excited hurry this morning. Galali noticed a lot of movement by the elves and sent someone to find me. I went to Galali in the tower, and saw what prompted him to get me. The elves seem to be going away... I stood and watched them with him for a few hours. Sor joined us and we all stood quietly, watching for the remainder of the day. Come nightfall, I left to go discuss the possibilities with Mete. Sor will report back to me with any new news.

11 Hematite, 206.  The elves really do appear to be leaving. News has spread throughout the mission and I swear you can almost feel the relief in the air. Some of the peasants have already started celebrating. But, we must not let ourselves become too lax... it may be a trap. Galali is watching the elves intently, checking all their actions to see if their exodus is genuine or if something they do may betray their true intent.


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« Last Edit: September 20, 2009, 12:47:44 pm by Goron »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cthuwu
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2009, 01:29:41 pm »

*one page is missing*

15 Slate, year 2.
It's goddamn butcher's bay, not a keep or 'mission'! I got shot in my leg by those shitty ear-pointed malicious tree-huggers!

21 Slate, year 2.
Woge visited me yesterday. He wished me fast recovery. I wanted to punch him in the face to remind him... nah.

9th Felsite, year 2.
The screams of panic and many unknown faces announced arrival of migrants - in the middle of the siege. Miracuosly, none of them got killed.

14th Felsite, year 2.
My precious temple is being torn apart! Whyy, first elves, then Woge, my leg, and now my work is being destroyed!
Why me?

1st Hematite, year 2.
Summer is here! Where is my bitter celebration cookie!?

11th Hematite, year 2.
Heard that elves are leaving. Good. I can begin the planning. I will give Woge a special letter with designs. Some castle-ish defensive designs, he he.
I scribbled a copy of them below:
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« Last Edit: September 20, 2009, 01:49:59 pm by Haspen »
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2009, 09:53:35 am »

This is the journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands, Snakesfreckles. Page 7

14 Hematite, 206. The elves are gone... the elves are really gone. Mete made the official report to me today.
We will open our gates and scout before sending the workers out in force, though..
I have also already planned a meeting with Mete, Sor, and Galali to establish a better security plan.  We cannot let something like this happen again. I also took a moment to check in with Haspen.
During my visit he gave me a note with some design plans on them. It seems he has been busy planning some defensive fortifications. I will pass the note on to Mete andSor for review. Once he is fully healed I will give him charge of the masons again.
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16 Hematite, 206. Thigns are going very well. Everyone has returned to work and we are finally back to getting things done. The main hall is no longer packed with people sitting idle and even those without immediate tasks can help hauling elf loot into our walls.Galali spotted the Uthalgil caravan as he was coming off duty from his watch. Sor wants all the elf goods ready to be traded away. Thank goodness I have Sor to deal with Casot.

20 Hematite, 206.  The merchants have arrived at the trade depot. Their armed guards are a welcome sight.
Snakesfreckles surely is a different sight for them since the last time they were here...

24 Hemaytite, 206. Thrathdad encountered a kobold inside our housing district today. It probably snuck in with that bastard Casot. Mete and Galali chased after it until they got too far from our walls. They know not to separate themselves too far from the mission, in case of a trap.
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25 Hematite, 206. A kobold thief happened to bump into Mete as she was returning to the barracks... She made quick work of it... We will leave the corpse as a deterrent for future thieves.
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27 Hematite, 206. Now that things have calmed down considerably, I have asked Thrathdad to make gravestones for Ad and Ulum's graves. With masonry on my mind I also stopped by Haspen's bedside to see how he was doing. His right upper leg was still broken. On the way I realized I had forgotten to pass his note on to Mete andSor. Our encounter was very short, as I did my best to avoid discussing his plans for the fortification.

4 Malachite, 206. I have largely been ignoring Casot and his caravan. Sor is taking care the negotiations but he did swing by to tell me he was going to initiate trading today. He asked if there was anything special we needed. We discussed our plans and he went on to trade.

late night 4 Malachite, 206.  Sor concluded trading with Casot. He traded away all of our elf loot, manufactured cloth, and some other old things in exchange for metal ingots, some weapons, iron armor, meats, animals (dogs!), and a barrel of strawberry wine as a treat.
I asked if he was satisfied with how the trading went; he responded that he'd like to have gotten more iron arrows and weapons but we did not have the goods available to trade for them. He is a little unhappy he needed to trade all our cloth but he is not too worried about it.Sor looked very tired form a full day of negotiations so I chose to wait to present Haspen's plan to him.

6 Malchite, 206. We have a blessing of life, Mong Alatzemel gave birth to a baby boy today. She named him Thon Nolocthruni. I am afraid this may give Mete some ideas.
In other news; Sor began negotiations with Casot for future trading agreements today. I made the mistake of entering Sor's office during their meeting and was forced to acknowledge Casot's presence. The swine...
With Sor busy negotiating, I have been without clerical help and it is starting to show. During a quick worker's meeting I designated some forest to the west to be harvested, but neglected to remember Ad was no longer with us... Later in the day Ina came to me to indicate my error. I'll need to assign a replacement woodcutter. I plan on hosting a mission meeting soon to organizer ourselves and make sure our jobs are all properly set.

11 Malachite, 206. Sor is nearly finished with his series of meetings with Casot. It seems we may actually be able to supply some requested trade goods next year.
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12 Malachite, 206.  Something is wrong with Zilar...He is behaving very strangely and has kicked Lomam out of the craftworkshop. Lomam tried to stop him but Zilar persisted. I am not entirely sure what to do about this situation.

14 Malachite, 206.  Zilar is continuing to act strangely. He has stolen some of our supplies and is working on crafting something... As our population grows I may need to enact some sort of law here... perhaps I will assign a sheriff soon.

17 Malachite, 206. The Uthagil merchants have packed up and are departing. I am glad to see Casot go. I am also glad to have Sor back in my service.

18 Malachite, 206. After working for nearly four days straight, Zilar finally gave up the workshop... he created a flute... I am without words. Galali suggested that maybe Zilar experienced a religious takeover of spirit. I'm a little more skeptical.
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1 Galena, 206. Another kobold was spotted outside the walls... this time by Theni. I've asked Mete to find someone to train our newly acquired dogs. Also, thinking about dogs reminded me about Haspen's defensive design plans which in turn reminded me to meet with Sor to discuss them. I'll try and track him down tomorrow.

2 Galena, 206. Mong Mudistoltad saw a baby snatcher today. It was east of the mission- but with a baby present in our walls, I am very uncomfortable to hear about it.Galali chased the creature far to the north before finally turning back. Once our dogs get trained I will have them posted to sniff out thieves. During the commotion of the day I did not find time to meet withSor at all.

3 Galena, 206. I finally met with Sor to discuss Haspen's defensive plans. The meeting did not go nearly as I expected. Apparently Thrathdad (the temporary mason in charge) presented plans for a similar defensive structure to Sor a couple of days ago. Mete and Thrathdad drafted plans for a tower to be built over the bridge crossing to the north. The tower would control most of the east/west travel north of the mission. It would also provide an arc of fire for ranged weapons capable of covering any northern approach and the path to the stone quarry. SinceThrathdad had Mete's approval and was not bedridden, I felt an obligation to grant the OK for the plans. Sor will take the order to Thrathdad tomorrow. Thrathdad will be the acting mason in charge of the project with Cosla Marbokescu as aid. Once the project gets further underway, I may assign temporary stone workers to help int he construction.

7 Galena, 206.  When I awoke this morning there was a mighty buzz circulating throughout the mission. Apparently someone spotted some migrants en route very early this morning. Oh dear, we have barely even gotten enough housing up for our current residents... We are nearly overwhelmed!

8 Galena, 206.  The migrants have arrived. I was busy with other administrative affairs and could not meet them upon their arrival, I believeSor took care of that.

10 Galena, 206. Sor and I had a long meeting this morning during which he presented me a list of the new residents. Of note was a woman named Switcheblades Ihhithruni. Sor says she was quite the character... Apparently we also have a 'Casot' among us now. When Sor first mentioned her name my eyes went wide- thinking perhaps that the guild representative wanted to torture me with his presence permanently... butSor quickly assured me it was a different person.
We went down the list assigning jobs to them. Into the mission guard went Switchblades and Imec- the rest took professions based on their skills. Sor will inform the new residents of their assigned jobs tomorrow.
Writing this entry now- I realize I never learned the new arrivals story; where they came from, why they came... Perhaps I will need to ask one of them next time I see them.
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26 Galena, 206. I have hardly had time to write. We have been so busy recently. The carpenters, under Ina's charge, have been building more housing blocks while the masons have been working on the river guard tower to the north.Thrathdad informed me that the foundation wall is complete and the bridges are being built now. I can see the work well from the watchtower.
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1 Limestone, 206. Autumn is here! The mission is bursting with activity. A lot of work is getting done in the housing district and elsewhere. I've allowed myself some more free-time- which is a relief. I do enjoy being able to spend time withSor as a friend, and Mete and a companion. We have enough workers that my immediate help is not absolutely necessary. No longer am I one seventh our workforce.

6 Limestone, 206. Sor is still providing most of the stone used in our masonry projects. This is starting to get in the way of his clerical duties. I may have to assign him some help, or perhaps even a replacement.

15 Limestone, 206.  The temple to Egu is being rebuilt. Thrathdad is unable to continue work with the river guard tower until the carpenters do their part with the interior flooring. But all the carpenters are busy in the housing district. As such, I have passed the initial plans for the temple on toThrathdad. They will work on the temple until the carpenters are free to finish their part in the guard tower.

20 Limestone, 206. Things are getting very chaotic inside the mission walls. You can hardly take a step in any direction without either bumping into someone or stepping on a storage bin. We need to expand our walls again. I will meet withSor to discuss out options. While trying to come up with ideas myself I went up the watchtower to get a look around- leaving the tower I sawHaspen up and walking about. He seems to have healed well. I avoided him. I need to figure out how to tell him he lost both the defensive structure project and the temple toThrathdad. Maybe I'll have Sor tell him.
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21 Limestone, 206. I met with Haspen today. Although it was quite obvious that Thrathdad was working on the river tower and the temple, I decided to tell Haspen myself anyways and explain the reasons. I granted Haspen charge of the temple construction, but left Thrathdad in charge of the river tower. The river tower was Thrathdad (and Mete's design) so it would be best to leave him as lead mason for it. I assured Haspen that his gate plans would not be forgotten, though. We will need fortified main entrances to the actual mission itself- his design will go into consideration for the southern gate.

28 Limestone, 206.  The moat for the river tower is almost ready to be connected to the river. The mechanics are finishing up connecting floodgates to levers. The floodgates will allow us to control the flow of water into the flooded sinkhole. Although we have not had a reason to drain it yet, we still may want to in the future and these floodgates will make that possible. I am having Barbarossa start burning some wood for charcoal...Sor mentioned he has been grumbling about not having an iron works up and running.
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19 Sandstone, 206.  Mete really is quite the fighter. She and some of the other guards gave a show to the mission today, to display their skills.Mete's unarmed melee skills amazed everyone.
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23 Sandstone, 206. I went to the river tower to watch the opening of the moat. Sor did a lot of work digging the moat out and the masons did a great job building the tower base and bridges. Work is continuing on the second level.
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25 Sandstone, 206. Sor and I did a walkabout review of the mission today. Afterwards we had a sit-down meeting to discuss progress and the future. It seems that currently we have 27 individual apartments in seven housing blocks in the housing district.Sor's latest census recorded 39 residents... Even accounting for a couple that lives in a single apartment, Sor having his own place outside of the district, and our seven guards living in the barracks we are still short housing units- three to be exact.Sor and I are thinking that whatever our next expansion entails, new housing should probably be a part of it.
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27 Sandstone, 206.  I checked in on the temple today. Haspen gave me a quick tour of the work. It seems to be progressing well. I am very fond of the build plan Galali and I came up with.  (162)
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5 Timber, 206.  Mete may have some competition for best wrestler in the mission. I peeked in on one of their sparing sessions and saw Switchblades giving her a very tough time. It seems we have two very dangerous women in our guard... excellent.
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6 Timber, 206. Sor and I presented plans for a new district to Ina today. For now she is just tasked with walling it off- later we will start building administrative buildings. It is time I have an office myself. I also plan on appointing a long needed law figure. He or she will be housed in the administrative district as well. Then, depending on how things goes, I may provide housing and office space to our lead builders.


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