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Author Topic: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles  (Read 26638 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 05:03:44 pm by Goron »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 02:27:55 pm »

Current Residents:
  • (Special) Woge "Sir Woge" Lecbeduqueh (m), Expedition Leader
  • (Special) Sor Kamcapuc (m), Estate Keeper
  • (Special) Ad Desliramul (m), Woodsman (Deceased)
  • (Special) Ina Etelaslem (f), Carpenter
  • (Special) Mete Gethdazcek (f), Guardsman
  • (Special) Udda Kadotir (f), Ranger (Deceased)
  • (Special) Ulum Eripiral (m), Farmer (Deceased)
  • (Claimed) Beksur “Galali” Nganizvicu (m), Archer
  • (Claimed) Thram “Servu” Spishabcero (m), Grunt (Deceased)
  • Mong Alatzemel (f), Married to Iguk, Weaver
  • Iguk Taldeuquur (m), married to Mong, Peasant
  • Lomam Racontaba (m), parent of Labs and Ana, Bonecarver
  • (Claimed) Ado “Jervous” Alocoqui (m), Cook
  • (Claimed) Beksur “Labs” Quihupapos (m), son of Lomam, child
  • Ana Cikoasla (f), daughter of Lomam, child
  • (Claimed) Kost “Barbarossa” Ormaelku (m), Armorer
  • Lelgo Bistkashedin (m),  Fishery Worker
  • Unir Igukpis (f),  Peasant
  • (Claimed) Nushrat “Haspen” Quabuecsha (m),  Mason
  • Istrul Coslaani (m), Archer
  • Doto Dirluebbak (m), Peasant
  • Thomo Hodenifih (f), Miner
  • Nisam Histekhonu (f), cook
  • Mong Mudistoltad (m), woodcutter
  • Behal Dofjol (f), weaver
  • Theni Leguwuspin (f), Archer
  • Kofi Evholirum (f), woodWorker
  • Cosla Marbokescu (f), Mason
  • Thrathdad Thratpinbesti (f), Mason
  • Ontha Pumiker (m), fishery worker
  • (Claimed) Reloth "MasterSqueak" Kilaneni (m), Grunt
  • Zilar Curogulgud (m), Farmer
  • Cosla Ratadbujit (f), woodWorker
  • Pestrat Egadeso (f), peasant (Deceased)
  • Ejas Tamedcosla (f), Grunt (Deceased)
  • Besti Thuslaxtaram (f), peasant
  • (Claimed) Mones “Switchblades” Ihhithruni (f), Champion Grunt
  • Casot Thadkem (f), tanner
  • Imec Zapasgocta (m), Archer
  • Tath Kenomcone (m), stoneworker
  • Tukstis Putiino (f), hunter
  • Uram Tunemquispep (f), butcher
  • Lalgi Boshkucluki (f), leatherworker
  • Suque Onthrun (m), peasant
  • Irka Spishabnongos (m), Miner
  • Samas Hinershace (m), peasant
  • Mela Rogonbudzu (m), trapper
  • Isun Uleanar (f), furnace operator
  • Cobar Umacdolil (m),
  • Lelgo Quabupnal (f), clothier
  • Therset Istrapumik (f), Grunt
  • Mobmu Struslotenem (f), Grunt
  • Usmit Moniradir (f), Grunt
  • Bese Mimapukor (m), Grunt
  • (Claimed) Ino  "Servu Jr" Aspathran (m), Soap maker
  • Sive Ngilshoinu (m), Peasant
  • Udal Aslafanu (f), Fishery Worker
  • Setoc Jasroistro (m), Fish cleaner
  • Rabin Stoltaddema (f), Grunt
  • Dari Galirtolis (f), Grunt
  • Jonic Abeidu (m), Mason
  • Itlud Thelmata (f), Wood Worker
  • Ilum Dukouse (m), Peasant
  • Ted Nitharmori (f), Mason
  • Gamo Adisana (m), Peasant
  • Daslut Thadoko (f), Mason
  • Kadest Pasubarul (f), Peasant
  • Ceslaz Naquuvene (f), Wood Worker
  • Resmi Bestradur (f), Fisherman
  • Nabsiz Erthokaslu (f), Dungeon Master
  • Ofo Anbathomod (m), Farmer
  • Ithru Casserlapa (f), Glassmaker
  • Ustres Lasparjasro (m), Cheese Maker
  • Stasbo Ziltapeme (m), Furnace Operator
  • Mon Pibangdolil (f), Miner
  • Siga Birgite (f), Jeweler
  • Tis Kilaobol (m), Mason
  • Tequil Lapipbemta (f), Peasant
  • Ramkal Caslukenom (f), Fish Cleaner
  • Thil Shibbiadet (f), Lye Maker
  • Kofi Imboebi (m), Peasant
  • Nisam Bekdilnusbi (f), Ranger
  • Ulco Edetnod (m), Peasant
  • Lelgo Nacusumost (f), Stonecrafter
  • Julosm Mumasasir (m), Peasant
  • Kafek Pibostruslot (f), Fishery Worker
  • Accok Furiuki (f), Mason
  • Ofo Gukirakbin (f), Engraver
  • Telsta Edimirding (f), Miler

Claimed Residents:
  • Nushrat "Haspen" Quabuecsha (m),  Mason
  • Ado "Jervous" Alocoqui (m), Cook
  • Thram "Servu" Spishabcero (m), Grunt (Deceased)
  • Kost "Barbarossa" Ormaelku (m), Armorer
  • Mones "Switchblades" Ihhithruni (f), Champion Grunt
  • Beksur "Galali" Nganizvicu (m), Archer
  • Beksur "Labs" Quihupapos (m), son of Lomam, child
  • Reloth "MasterSqueak" Kilaneni (m), Grunt
  • Ino  "Servu Jr" Aspathran (m), Soap maker

Fine Print:
1. I am not very good at DF
2. I am not going to get gamey, sometimes I may actually disadvantage myself for the sake of fun
3. if someone dies... that sucks to be them, see point 2
4. I play without using traps (mostly). They are way too over powered and stupid. See point 2
5. I use Mike Mayday's DFG. A goblin looks a lot more like a goblin than a 'g', in my humble opinion
6. I am going to write based on the game. I will not 'manufacture' game situations with any 3rd party app or anything
7. update frequency is not guaranteed.
8. updating is very time consuming since I use a different computer for playing on, taking screenies, and writing notes than the computer I use for note compilation, editing, extra writing, and screenshot editing. Then I need to go back to the first computer to upload images and actually post the update.  Oh, and did I mention the two computers are not even in the same room, building, part of town? So even a quick update won't be very... quick.   See point 7

« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 05:09:20 pm by Goron »


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2009, 02:28:48 pm »

This is the journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands, Snakesfreckles.

I am Sir Woge Lecbeduqueh. The 'Sir' is nearly a joke, though.
I am my father's 6th youngest son. My father being Sir Delvin Lecbeduqueh, son of Sir Goron "The Mighty" Lecbeduqueh. Oh, and I should take this moment to mention that I am my father's bastard son. Well, one of them, that is.
This all may seem rather unimportant as this writing is to be about me and my adventures in life but it all sets the stage to prepare you, the reader, to understand my current situation and position.

My grandfather, The Mighty Sir Goron established himself as a champion to the King. He was, so I've heard, a legendary swordsman and capable leader. He was initially knighted for his service to the King, and later granted duties and titles and lands after proving himself countless times in war. His estates were vast, expansive, and bountiful.
Then he died.
Primogeniture kicked in and passed the entirety of my grandfather's lands to his son...
his eldest son...
my uncle...
Sal Lecbeduqueh...
Not Delvin Lecbeduqueh, my father...

Sal Lecbeduqueh was duly knighted Sir Sal Lecbeduqueh hastily by the King so as to keep a 'commoner' from controlling such vast estates as those passed from my grandfather. Sal was 14 years of age, my father was 12.
A two year difference granted my uncle vast estates, a 'free' knighthood, and a cushy life with almost no obligations to the crown. My father, on the other hand, was cast on his own at age 16 after a short service as Paige and then squire to his older brother. As my father used to tell me "Your uncle sent me off so I could make my own in life, and not become soft living off the handouts of his estate." By the gods, is that not what my uncle was doing? But I digress...

So... my father left his brother's estate to make his own in life. He was a capable fighter and, following the footsteps of countless younger brothers before him, he joined the military. 
My father served under the banners of three different Baron's over a five year period, before finally retiring to a small plot of land and living as a free sustenance farmer for a number of years. He married and had two of my brothers and my only sister during that time.
Everything was honky dory until one cold winter morning...
The goblins came.

An entire goblin raiding party bypassed two nearby city garrisons and attempted to lay waste to my father's farm.
Delvin Lecbeduqueh would have none of that. He single-handedly protected his farm and family, killing 6 goblins all by his lonesome. When word reached the nearby Baron's keep of my father's deeds and then that Baron discovered my father's relation to The Mighty Sir Goron Lecbeduqueh, my father was promptly drafted. One year later he was knighted for his service (I was born sometime around this period... my father was away from his wife much of the time) and eventually granted lands.

I was raised on my father's estate with all five of my brothers. My mother was never really known to me and my father's wife really didn't seem interested in making me a part of her life. Oh well.
At age seven I left to serve as a Paige in my father's Baron's court. At 14 I was made a squire to the Baron's nephew. He was a knight in title but not in lifestyle. He spent his days in the court, tending to administrative affairs. The life of a courtier did not suite me for long, though. At age 16 I followed the footsteps of countless younger brothers before me; I joined the military.
That was a mistake.

Being the bastard 6th son of the 2nd son of a great war hero, I was a nobody that everyone felt badly for. As respect for my late grandfather, my lord did not want to assign me to grunt duty. Instead he assigned me to mess duty. I was effectively the lieutenant in charge of feeding my lord's army. True, I was the youngest lieutenant in the army, and yes, I did learn some valuable management skills, and indeed, I did get knighted for my service... ... ... but in the end I was just a kitchen manager. I still wonder what would have happened had I remained a squire; if I would have been knighted upon completion of my duties and gone on to become a great war hero. I like to imagine that but realistically it was luck that got me, a bastard 6th son, a position as a squire in the first place, even if I was squire to a fop of a knight... but I digress...

Long back-story longer, I needed to escape the hell I had found myself in. Even being a knight I was bound by duty to the Baron to remain under his charge in the military until released. The problem of course being that my career was going no where. My grandfather and father were not granted lands for being managers, they were granted lands for proving themselves in war. The only war I was being exposed to was the war against hunger. I needed a way out.
After some research I discovered the king was promoting a big religious awakening in the kingdom. I decided to exploit that. I petitioned the King to grant me a charter to open a religious sanctuary devoted to the god Egu. I drafted an initial mission plan, highlighting all of the background that I could use as proof that I was a capable man for the job... and it worked... I guess 'knight of the kitchens, grandson of the war hero' was a good resume point.

The King issued a charter for me to open a mission to provide sanctuary for people in need and to spread the word of Egu... I was willing to look past the fact this sanctuary was to be located in a region known as the Shady Swamps... This was my chance to prove myself.


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« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 02:39:47 pm by Goron »


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 02:41:50 pm »

A fort of dirty humies? I want in!

If there is a choice of profession, then perhaps a maceman or a carpenter, but anything goes really.
(Profile name does nicely)


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2009, 03:10:15 pm »

I just updated 3rd post with claimables.
No carpenters or macers in that list. You can grab another by selection if you'd like, otherwise, I will be needing to draft one (or more) peasants and I can make him/her a macer.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cthuwu
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2009, 03:11:30 pm »

IF you're making underground fort: I claim Thram - make him engraver.

IF aboveground - mason Nushrat.

IF they're males :P
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2009, 03:19:04 pm »

I gave u nushrat. Updated list with genders (luckily had the screenies with me, didn't need to wait).
You want to keep his name, or give your own?


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2009, 03:27:34 pm »

I'll take Ado. Make him a jolly ol' cook.


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2009, 05:04:17 pm »

This is the journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands, Snakesfreckles. Page 2
The Baron permitted me several days in his library, during which I spent most of the time scouring maps and geological surveys of the land I was to travel to. The library contained a wealth of knowledge about the area, and I was able to compile many valuable notes about the Shady Swamps:
In a broad view, the Shady Swamps are located in the South West of the Land of Seas.
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The immediate region is known as the Everseeing Planes. The Shady Swamps are centrally located in the region, just beneath the foothills of a vast mountain range. Make note of the two goblin towers located in the foothills the Shady Swamps rest against.
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The charter clearly mapped out a very large span of land for the mission in the south of the Shady Swamps.
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The land allocated in the charter can best be described as a temperate freshwater swamp. It is a generally warm climate with calm surroundings.   The brook Hogstunts the New Bog runs North to East.
The Shady Swamps appears to consist of three primary biomes. I have parsed the mission's lands on a map to show the approximate flora and geographical traits below.
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The majority of the mission's land (the green shaded area) can best be described as a woodland area with moderate vegetation.  Surveyors have found white sand, clay, gabbro, granite, and diorite in the area.
The Western reaches of the allocated land (the blue shaded area) is similar to the central area on the surface. The geological features are likely to vary though, containing silty clay, silt, limestone, phyllite, and diorite.
Lastly, the South and East of the misson's lands will likely be similar to the central area in geological features, but is much more heavily forested, with thick vegetation.
The topography of the area is well documented.
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Based on the maps and discussion with scholars and travellers, I determined the area to be easily accessible by humans, goblins, elves, and dwarves. The proximity to two goblin towers will surely prove to be trouble and the ongoing war with the elves will need to be taken into account as well...
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As a part of my petition to the King, I requested permission to bring my best friend, Sor Kamcapuc, with me to aid in establishing the sanctuary.  The King's charter granted my request, labeling Sor as the estate keeper for the mission.  Sor was my kitchen ledger master, among other things, and a capable swordsman to boot.

The King's charter assigned five other men and women to accompany us:
A woodsman, a carpenter, a ranger, a farmer, and a soldier. The charter did not specify the circumstance of the assignments. I could only hope they were not all banished exiles or convicted criminals serving some form of punishment... Whatever the circumstance of their involvement, I was assigned the role of expedition leader and I expected them to follow my orders obediently. I was a knight, after all.
The King's charter dubbed our group Monthaguk, The Holy League. We were authorized and endorsed by the crown to establish the mission Roshaicop, Snakesfreckles, in the honor of the glory of Egu, to provide sanctuary, aid, and protection to refugees and worshippers alike. I could only hope the experience proved more rewarding than life in a military kitchen.

I already knew Sor quite well, but our five companions were all unknown to me until shortly before our departure from the capital of the Severe Union. Introductions were quick and to the point, but I managed to compile some notes about each member of the Holy League shortly after meeting them:

Sor Kamcapuc, my best friend and trusted companion. He was under my previous employ as ledge master of the kitchen's stores. He is one of the smartest men I know and he has saved me many a head ache with his administrative skills. There was never a time when the kitchens ran out of stock or were overstocked. Sor managed to keep a steady supply of meats, cheeses, breads, and drink in the stores at all times. I will hold comment on his opinion of being assigned to the Holy League...
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Ad Desliramul, our woodsman. My first impression of him was one of disappointment. His attitude was far from positive. He really came across as a pitiful little man. Ad came across as the type you would normally feel sorry for, but oozed so much overwhelming self pity that it becomes hard to feel anything but contempt towards him. Regardless, his skills with an axe against tree were appreciated.
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Ina Etelaslem. If I had not known any better I'd have thought Ina to be a virulent new recruit in the military. She came across as the perfect soldier; an obedient, dutiful, simple young woman. Her father was the personal carpenter to some Baron or another and apparently she followed in his footsteps and learned the trade of carpentry. While I would certainly would have appreciated her as a soldier, I did not discount her value as a craftswoman.
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Mete Gethdazcek. Guardsman Mete was assigned to the Holy League to serve as our enlisted military man... or... woman. I was quite surprised when I found out her skills and assignment. During our brief introduction it became apparent that she was attempting to prove herself in life, primarily to her father. I actually knew of and had met her father previously. He was a knight and champion for the Baron I served. Apparently Mete was his only child, and somewhere along the line he took to taking his disappointment in not having a strong military son out on her. As such she had been trying to prove herself as a soldier for much of her life. A pity, for she immediately came across a lovely woman who one might expect to find in the court. But her up front beauty would have been the downfall for any man that tried to take advantage of her; Mete's squad leader told me she was deadly with the sword and stronger than most of his squad, possibly even stronger than himself.
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Udda Kadotir, ranger. Udda came across as a 'to the point, no non-sense' woman. I had trouble reading her emotions and could not successfully pry much personal information from her. She was very forward with business related discussion, but had little desire to participate in small talk. She was previously a sanctioned hunter for the Baron. I joked that perhaps my kitchen had served her meats. She did not laugh.
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Ulum Eripiral. As a child I met many 'Ulums' before. It took no more than the sight of him to determine he was a field hand or farm worker of some sort. He carried the classic outdoor field worker's demeanor and attitude and I could hear his paced but determined voice before he even opened his mouth. Ulum was the classic farmer in appearance and attitude. Many of my childhood friends grew into Ulum's.
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Shortly before embarking on our journey, I had Sor file my notes about our expedition members with the other documents I had packed away. Sor read through my notes, chuckling most of the time. He then sat down with a pen and added some notations of his own. It was not until he was nearly done that I approached and read what he wrote. Sor made his own observed notes about me, Woge Lecbeduqueh.
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The King was generous in supplying us with a reliable amount embarkation equipment and supplies. I owned few personal belongings, a side effect of being a military man. The few items I did have to my name, I packed up and sent to my father, along with notification of my new post as leader of the Holy League. I wanted to enter the Shady Swamps as a new man. Technically, the charter released both Sor and I from our military duties. As such, I wanted to start my life anew. Tabula Rasa.
Mete, being a soldier herself owned few personal belongings and as such did not have anything to bring along.  Interestingly, the charter made no mention of her responsibilities as a soldier. Being a knight, I figured I would still maintain military superiority over her, but the conditions seemed very vague. Ad, Ina, Udda, and Ulum all for the most part sold their assets and sent the proceeds to their families. They knew coinage would be of little value on a small fledgling mission and their assignment as being under my charge was based on duty and not pay. Mete, Ina, and Udda all embraced that idea easily. Ulum just didn't seem to care, but Ad immediately proved a little more difficult to control. Sor was Sor... he knew he was bound to me by duty, but we also had a bond of friendship and respect. I knew I could rely on him and I hope he knew I would maintain my respect for him.

  During the journey the ledger containing our initial supplies was lost while forging a stream. As such the only records of our initial supplies is the full listing of what was on hand when we arrived at the Shady Swamps and unloaded our gear.
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The journey proved to be rather simple. We traveled by wagon and boat for differing parts of the journey, making good pace. Perhaps the abundance of military experience amongst the crew made for a better march pace, too. Udda provided for us fresh food during the journey, supplying meat of a variety of different animals encountered along the way. This permitted us to save many of our foodstuffs that we had packed away.  She would have made a great scout or markswoman in the military. Ina and Ad were a great addition to the march as well. Between the two of them they could whip up a wagon or small boats in a matter of hours.  Their skills afforded us a much better range of travel options than just sticking to either land or sea.

During the journey I managed to get to know my travel companions much better. I am quite proud of my character reading skills, for all but Ad are exactly as my first impressions portrayed them. I must admit that Ad is not nearly so pathetic as I initially thought. He is still rather pathetic, though. Udda also managed to open up a little more. I suppose she just lacks some social skills, having been alone in the woods much of her life.
Traveling as an expedition proved to be more pleasant than marching as an army squad. Being able to socialize with Sor passes time when walking nicely.

I can tell that my authority will hold out over this lot. They seem to be obedient but still possess the self-will that can be expected of people free from military obligations. Mete maintains a level of civil obedience towards me, but she has made it clear that I am not her commander, as I am technically not in the military any more. I fear I must accept this situation, for I cannot just go to her squad leader back at the Baron's keep to have the situation clarified.

You are now nearly caught up with my life to this very point. Today it is the 29th Obsidian, 203. The new spring is soon to come and, if my navigation skills prove to hold true, so is the Shady Swamps. I have had much free time to write during the journey, during which I wrote most everything you've read so far. Now you are caught up and I will attempt to give a more presice account of what is going on, on a day to day basis. Hopefully the next time I write, it will be in the Shady Swamps at the future location of Roshaicop. Snakesfreckles, prepare to meet Monthaguk, The Holy League.


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« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 08:55:44 am by Goron »


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2009, 02:55:01 pm »

I just updated 3rd post with claimables.
No carpenters or macers in that list. You can grab another by selection if you'd like, otherwise, I will be needing to draft one (or more) peasants and I can make him/her a macer.

Oh don't worry, I can wait until you get a military going. I would be happy if you just give my name to someone you are going to recruit. (Male preferred)

I suppose there will be a military soon enough, considering all those gobbos and elves.

Heron TSG

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  • The Seal Goddess
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2009, 03:34:24 pm »

Kost Ormaelku (m), Armorer please.

These are dwarves or hoomans?

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2009, 06:00:00 pm »

I would like a swordsman. Name em Switchblades Killingsworth regardless of gender. Good ol' sword and board.
Aren't Rhesus Macaques actually whales?
They're actually a special ore. Instead of being mined, they're hunted from between the trees and instead of producing metal, they produce food: rhesus pieces.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2009, 06:16:22 pm »

I just updated 3rd post with claimables.
No carpenters or macers in that list. You can grab another by selection if you'd like, otherwise, I will be needing to draft one (or more) peasants and I can make him/her a macer.

Oh don't worry, I can wait until you get a military going. I would be happy if you just give my name to someone you are going to recruit. (Male preferred)

I suppose there will be a military soon enough, considering all those gobbos and elves.
Hmm.. well... I have some bad news... I did as you said, and gave u a guy who became a soldier and... well... :-/ a minor training accident resulted in something bad happening... So... well... you'll see...
I am actually like 2 or 3 updates ahead in the game... I just cant update easily during the weekend but I couldnt wait to play:-)

Kost Ormaelku (m), Armorer please.

These are dwarves or hoomans?

I would like a swordsman. Name em Switchblades Killingsworth regardless of gender. Good ol' sword and board.
Got ya...

Update on the next update:
It will be tomorrow.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 06:20:53 pm by Goron »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Omnipimping
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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2009, 06:46:23 pm »

I have a request:
First migrant wave you get, give me the first guy that arrives.
Call him Galali.
Profit for me.

If not a smith of some kind, either make me one or draft me, your choice.
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: The Journal of Sir Woge and his (kind of) lands: Snakesfreckles
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2009, 02:23:03 pm »

Hmm.. well... I have some bad news... I did as you said, and gave u a guy who became a soldier and... well... :-/ a minor training accident resulted in something bad happening... So... well... you'll see...
I am actually like 2 or 3 updates ahead in the game... I just cant update easily during the weekend but I couldnt wait to play:-)
That what I call a fast one :D.

I guess the usual way to deal with these early deaths is a vengeful relative? Perhaps my character's brother/sister/kid arrives to the town and seeks revenge to his 'murderer'? Might make some good storyline.
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