I think the races can almost be ordered in a scale; elf-human-dwarf-goblin-kobold
Elves: tall, fair, blond, imortal, what does this remind you of? Elves? what abaut Ubermechk? THe elves are basicaly at "the evolutionary level above humans" (I know very well evulution dosnt work that way, but this is fantasy, and it's a comon way for peaple to think), they are physicaly, emotionaly, and moraly "superior". They also have this hivemind thing going; they are the brain of Gaia, the thing many peaple taking abaut the Gaia theory said humans were suposed to be. Elves are more individual than for example bees or 4chaners, but they are still first and formost a part of Gaia not an individual elf. They are extremly rational, atleast thats what they like to think, but in reality they are more prone to "vulcan logic", and fail to fully comprehend the individual-based social structures of other races. There is still deviant elves mind you, and most elves have some grain of selfishness, but their brains are wired withoute any apreciation for comfort or plesure, so selfish acts are usualy abaut things like academic pursuits or art. Also remember elvves are only one part of this organism, the beasts and trees of the forest are also a part, and so are the animal men, and even the earth itself, All these contain fragments of a single being; a nature-spirit.
Elves cut of from their spirit will become disoriented, like an ant that has lost contact wth it's colony, and might end up trying to integrate in the hive mind of a human or goblin civ.
Humans: You have probably meet them IRL, the DF cultures of humans are usualy greedy and individualistic. Great cultural variation. Humans tend to be emotional, but work on long term emotional goals like wealth or love or revenge, rather than immediate gratification.
Basicaly like the first post of this topic described them really.
Goblins: Basicaly the superiority-worshiping, racism-less socit described above. I would also like to ad that goblins tend to think very short term, if they are angry they kill, hungry they eat, if they are sad they cry openly, if they are afraid they run. This acts agains socity in many cases, but also makes it easy to play on their emotions on order to controle them. They live for imediate gratification, and when they are not fighting they f**k.
I see them as sort of cute, but not the infantile way of cutebols really. And they are childlike in a way, but more in a cultural way than individualy.
The kobolds I see as a race just on the brink of sapience: they can use tools, and form social structures, but not talk or really form a culture as such.
Really, kobolds are abaut as intelegent as a chimp on almost all kinds of intelegence, they just have a bit more of a knack for tool use, and a magpie-like way of collecting nice-looking items and mimic the ways their makers used them, including wearing of clothing and using weapons etc. Many might consider my version of kobolds more like animals then sapients, but I'm of the Great Ape Prodject school of thought and consider chimps peaple.