I've also had these things as long as I can remember. Barely ever see them anymore though.
I have one memory of a stroller ride when I was very, very young. I thought they were just a bunch of bubbles flying around in the air. So, naturally, I pointed them out to my parents.
Confused the hey out of 'em. But then again, they were used to that from me.
I've also had a couple experiences with slow blood, back when I was using a different (and very low-set) chair for my PC antics. I have this chin-up bar installed in my doorway, you see, and I've made a sort of habit of swinging in and out of my room instead of resorting to the infinitely less exciting "walking" alternative.
So one time I decide to curtail my gaming extravaganza for a quick pit stop. I leap out of my chair, and immediately fling myself onto the chin-up bar.
On the swing out, I noticed my vision fading and my head going cool.
When I woke up, I was staring up at the ceiling. I had flung my unconscious body into the hallway, where I landed on my back (apparently with enough force to shake the light fixtures downstairs. Scared my parents somethin' fierce). My neck was a little stiff, but other than that I was fine. Was a bit odd to think that I'd just fainted midair though.